Haji Firuz a symbol of Persian new Year NowRuz which is the first day of Spring, NowRuz Piruz Iranians celebrate Persian new Year NowRuz on the first day of Spring, NowRuz Farkhondeh First day of Spring is Persian new Year NowRuz, NowRuz Khojasteh baad Haji Firuzeh, Saalee Yek Ruzeh Haji Firuz is a sign of Persian new Year coming on the first day of Spring Haji Firuz dances for NowRuz Haji Firuz celebrates first day of Spring NowRuz is celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Turks and many other people group around Iran Haji Firuz announce sthe coming of Spring, NowRuz - Persian New year Dance to the music of NowRuz with Haji Firuz
Persian Christian Soft Rock & Roll from Nejat Band - A new Generation of Iranian Beleivers Praising Christ with Their Music - Blessing of Love CD, Soft Rock & Roll for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan, Europe, Asia & US

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Web Server Statistics for FarsiNet Inc.

Analysed requests from Tue-01-May-2001 00:00 to Thu-31-May-2001 23:59 (31.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 944,414
Average successful requests per day: 30,465
Successful requests for pages: 199,203
Average successful requests for pages per day: 6,426
Failed requests: 21,512
Redirected requests: 8,390
Distinct files requested: 5,479
Distinct hosts served: 36,371
Corrupt logfile lines: 2
Data transferred: 8.095 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 267.425 Mbytes

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 6,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:   reqs:  pages: 
--------: ------: ------: 
May 2001: 944414: 199203: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: May 2001 (199,203 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

day:   reqs: pages: 
---: ------: -----: 
Sun: 100388: 21600: ++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 128657: 27099: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 180876: 37957: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 156535: 31292: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 165213: 35001: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 114636: 24378: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  98109: 21876: ++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 250 requests for pages or part thereof.

hr:  reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0: 30227:  6971: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1: 29978:  6874: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 30850:  6950: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3: 30209:  6855: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4: 32230:  7215: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5: 33557:  7379: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6: 34500:  7614: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7: 39086:  8224: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8: 43068:  8723: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 43289:  8283: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 47035:  9163: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 46275:  8771: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 49284:  9816: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 53292: 11180: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 54321: 10611: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 49769:  9820: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 48702:  9826: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 39259:  7844: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 36245:  8020: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 34812:  8087: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 34859:  7999: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 38008:  7742: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 33944:  7982: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 31615:  7254: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

  reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
944414:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: organisation
------: ------: ------------
944414:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

       size:   reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: ------: ------: 
          0: 132261:       : 
   1b-  10b:     51:       : 
  11b- 100b:   5477:  0.01%: 
 101b-  1kb: 130999:  0.62%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 397987: 15.66%: 
 10kb-100kb: 276650: 82.37%: 
100kb-  1Mb:    989:  1.35%: 

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

  reqs: %bytes: directory
------: ------: ---------
 43476: 16.27%: [root directory]
 34078:  7.25%: /mashhad/
 33122:  6.21%: /gorbeh/
291719:  5.31%: /images/
 24357:  4.27%: /farsi/
 18462:  3.68%: /poetry/
 13152:  3.05%: /amirimports/
  9760:  2.81%: /persianrug/
 33432:  2.65%: /norooz/
 18035:  2.61%: /jamal/
  4606:  2.56%: /news/
  5210:  2.23%: /jafang/
 19299:  1.82%: /zarbomasal/
  5701:  1.60%: /red_skelton/
  9194:  1.52%: /toman/
  7170:  1.47%: /iranbibl/
 11290:  1.41%: /icc/
  8013:  1.41%: /assadipour/
  4649:  1.40%: /ici/
  5499:  1.40%: /iranchurches/
 22412:  1.40%: /yadedoost/
 36395:  1.33%: /injil/
 14500:  1.18%: /aids/
  6100:  0.97%: /shajarian/
 18804:  0.97%: /bible/
  8362:  0.96%: /tambr/
  4289:  0.80%: /hottea/
  3543:  0.77%: /zanamu/
  8291:  0.76%: /christmas/
  1299:  0.67%: /statistics/
 10565:  0.67%: /icon/
  4031:  0.65%: /wisemen/
  2884:  0.64%: /tehran/
  8036:  0.64%: /ChristInPersianPoetry/
  8453:  0.62%: /truth/
 12779:  0.59%: /ajib/
 16977:  0.55%: /apostle_love/
  7655:  0.54%: /farsi_hymns/
 12097:  0.52%: /elam/
  2160:  0.52%: /shoharkhaleh/
  2336:  0.51%: /1001nights/
  2732:  0.50%: /poeticart/
  2844:  0.46%: /ghesseh/
  7134:  0.46%: /jesusinislam/
 15160:  0.46%: /caviar/
  2059:  0.43%: /pwo/
  2358:  0.38%: /hamadan/
  6117:  0.37%: /hovsepian/
  1446:  0.36%: /farsieats/
  1079:  0.36%: /travel2iran/
  5588:  0.35%: /audio/
  2269:  0.33%: /iccsd/
 10548:  0.32%: /images2/
  7217:  0.30%: /dibaj/
  1837:  0.29%: /iccus/
   813:  0.27%: /arak/
  1021:  0.26%: /recipes/
   946:  0.25%: /falsafeh/
   878:  0.25%: /barani/
  1356:  0.21%: /ut_isaco/
  1406:  0.20%: /konacafe/
   724:  0.20%: /eivan/
   289:  0.20%: /top10month/
  4771:  0.20%: /hsm/
   778:  0.20%: /tasbih/
  1015:  0.18%: /artent/
   895:  0.17%: /icchouston/
   926:  0.17%: /alice/
  1047:  0.16%: /dr.jalali/
   990:  0.16%: /shabahang/
   587:  0.15%: /baghghali/
  5020:  0.14%: /mosharraf/
 11105:  0.13%: /styles/
   650:  0.12%: /neda/
   461:  0.12%: /persian_market/
   423:  0.11%: /isao/
   448:  0.11%: /icf_raleigh/
   537:  0.10%: /talim/
   466:  0.10%: /salaam/
   688:  0.10%: /vida/
  2249:  0.10%: /iccseattle2/
   467:  0.10%: /tabriz/
   490:  0.10%: /saf/
  3075:  0.10%: /java/
   375:  0.09%: /alibaba/
   186:  0.09%: /powerpc/
    53:  0.09%: /docs/
   333:  0.09%: /iranforchrist/
   464:  0.09%: /azariah/
   506:  0.09%: /chinaexchange/
   276:  0.08%: /ipco/
   206:  0.08%: /icctulsa/
   343:  0.08%: /parvizian/
  4892:  0.08%: /banners/
   296:  0.08%: /pccatlanta/
   322:  0.07%: /azharali/
   249:  0.07%: /iccaustin/
   509:  0.07%: /webpub/
   278:  0.07%: /verooyer/
   228:  0.06%: /pentecostals/
   238:  0.06%: /epolls/
   220:  0.06%: /pmcc/
   402:  0.06%: /soraya/
   296:  0.06%: /iccdenver/
   555:  0.06%: /petra/
   278:  0.06%: /bijan/
   345:  0.05%: /nejat/
   253:  0.05%: /bazaar/
   430:  0.05%: /chair/
   130:  0.05%: /iccdc/
   297:  0.05%: /shaheen/
   163:  0.05%: /prayer_request/
   198:  0.05%: /azeri/
   203:  0.05%: /kazempour/
   253:  0.04%: /ibs/
   557:  0.04%: /marzeshab/
   400:  0.04%: /peyvand/
   131:  0.03%: /ibcdallas/
   194:  0.03%: /ifiric/
   245:  0.03%: /skyline_realty/
   115:  0.03%: /sohrab_books/
   115:  0.03%: /iactoronto/
   202:  0.03%: /aipa/
   200:  0.03%: /anna/
   169:  0.03%: /dr.khorrami/
    82:  0.03%: /goodnews/
   155:  0.03%: /icca/
   164:  0.03%: /phoenicia/
    64:  0.03%: /top10year/
   127:  0.02%: /calendar/
   112:  0.02%: /iafa/
   103:  0.02%: /iwsf/
    50:  0.02%: /myhoo/
   128:  0.02%: /ramin/
   131:  0.02%: /arjang/
    99:  0.02%: /matt/
    85:  0.02%: /mehri_tazeh/
    61:  0.02%: /cybervertise/
    73:  0.01%: /cgi-bin/
    61:  0.01%: /dr.cpu/
    49:  0.01%: /iccseattle1/
    54:  0.01%: /clients/
   107:  0.01%: /woodbury/
   296:  0.01%: /html/
    59:  0.01%: /icic/
  1148:  0.03%: [not listed: 29 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
46506:  0.12%: 31/May/01 23:59: /images/farsi.gif
19162:  0.20%: 31/May/01 23:59: /images/mailbox.gif
18012:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:57: /images/home.gif
16072:  6.32%: 31/May/01 23:59: /
14235:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:41: /images/new.gif
13311:  0.56%: 31/May/01 23:55: /images/welcome.gif
12326:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:53: /images/soundon.gif
12196:  0.12%: 31/May/01 23:59: /images/realaudio.gif
11105:  0.13%: 31/May/01 23:59: /styles/main1.css
10543:  0.67%: 31/May/01 23:59: /icon/globe_logo_m.gif
10205:  0.12%: 31/May/01 23:59: /ajib/images/bannerfs.gif
10096:  0.10%: 31/May/01 23:59: /apostle_love/images/bannerss.gif
10004:  0.13%: 31/May/01 23:59: /zarbomasal/images/bannerfs.gif
 9928:  0.10%: 31/May/01 23:59: /yadedoost/images/bannerfs.gif
 9901:  0.13%: 31/May/01 23:59: /aids/images/bannerss.gif
 9759:  0.10%: 31/May/01 23:59: /caviar/images/bannerss.jpg
 9085:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:59: /images/farsiw.gif
 7242:  0.08%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/phone.gif
 6462:  1.67%: 31/May/01 23:35: /poetry/
 6407:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/update.gif
 6155:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:58: /images/arrow_r.gif
 6057:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:58: /images/arrow_l.gif
 5814:  0.31%: 31/May/01 23:58: /norooz/images/banner2.jpg
 5594:  0.14%: 31/May/01 23:35: /images/links.gif
 5341:  0.37%: 31/May/01 23:53: /norooz/images/bnr_norooz1.jpg
 5316:  0.08%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/balla.gif
 5291:  0.36%: 31/May/01 23:50: /jamal/cd/images/banner.jpg
 5250:  0.14%: 31/May/01 23:57: /gorbeh/images/cateyea.gif
 5206:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:36: /dibaj/images/bannerfs.gif
 5159:  0.11%: 31/May/01 23:35: /images/bg_whiteslk.jpg
 5097:  0.46%: 31/May/01 23:35: /yadedoost/images/page291b.gif
 4951:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:36: /bible/childpicbible/images/bannerfs.gif
 4877:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/fax.gif
 4873:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:36: /elam/addict/images/bannerfs.gif
 4856:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:36: /icc/images/lovebtn.gif
 4849:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:36: /jesusinislam/images/bannerfs.gif
 4828:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:36: /injil/john/bannerfs.gif
 4806:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:50: /images/link2.gif
 4786:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /banners/iranmasseehfs.gif
 4642:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:36: /apostle_love/images/banners.gif
 4615:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:10: /images/barcat2.gif
 4566:  0.30%: 31/May/01 23:57: /norooz/images/banner3.jpg
 4552:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:51: /mosharraf/images/bannerfs.gif
 4538:  0.28%: 31/May/01 23:52: /norooz/images/banner1.jpg
 4526:  0.19%: 31/May/01 23:29: /images/wellcome.gif
 4502:  2.34%: 31/May/01 23:36: /farsi.html
 4498:  0.47%: 31/May/01 23:56: /shajarian/images/banner.jpg
 4441:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:51: /farsi_hymns/images/bannerfs.gif
 4158:  0.06%: 31/May/01 23:36: /ChristInPersianPoetry/images/bannerfs.gif
 4108:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/new4a.gif
 3946:  0.49%: 31/May/01 23:51: /christmas/images/banner1.gif
 3945:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:36: /truth/images/bannerfs.gif
 3907:  0.08%: 31/May/01 23:36: /caviar/images/banners.jpg
 3880:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /hsm/images/bannerfs.gif
 3834:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:36: /images/farsi2.gif
 3825:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:36: /farsi/images/farsi_dict.gif
 3775:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /elam/godlove/images/bannerfs.gif
 3770:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /injil/images/bannerfs.gif
 3709:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:54: /robots.txt
 3504:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:36: /poetry/images/bannerfs.gif
 3454:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /bible/matthew/bannerfs.gif
 3439:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /injil/mark/bannerfs.gif
 3425:  0.05%: 31/May/01 23:36: /injil/luke/bannerfs.gif
 3356:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:36: /hovsepian/marzeshab/images/bannerfs.gif
 3207:  0.76%: 31/May/01 23:57: /gorbeh/
 3146:  0.46%: 31/May/01 06:57: /assadipour/images/4.jpg
 3060:       : 31/May/01 22:40: /gorbeh/images/catpaw.gif
 2816:  0.48%: 31/May/01 23:10: /images/zanamu_bnr.jpg
 2780:  0.16%: 31/May/01 23:57: /images/bg_blue_col.jpg
 2651:  0.28%: 31/May/01 23:57: /gorbeh/images/zanogorbeh_m.jpg
 2517:  0.24%: 31/May/01 23:59: /images/zanogorbeh_m.jpg
 2508:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/faiz1.gif
 2466:  0.11%: 31/May/01 23:37: /injil/images/new_testament.gif
 2440:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:25: /images/music.gif
 2432:  0.15%: 31/May/01 23:37: /christmas/images/banners.gif
 2391:  0.18%: 31/May/01 23:53: /mashhad/images/banner.jpg
 2374:  0.24%: 31/May/01 23:53: /mashhad/images/mashadmp.gif
 2206:  0.99%: 31/May/01 23:57: /gorbeh/catjokes.html
 2170:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:37: /injil/images/farsibbl.gif
 2154:  0.58%: 31/May/01 23:59: /mashhad/mashhad.html/images/mashhad_m.gif
 2151:  1.12%: 31/May/01 23:58: /news/
 2147:  0.58%: 31/May/01 23:59: /mashhad/mashhad.html/images/mashad1.gif
 2119:  1.33%: 31/May/01 23:12: /jafang/
 2084:  0.46%: 31/May/01 23:54: /mashhad/
 1975:  0.62%: 31/May/01 23:41: /farsi/
 1955:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:51: /images/barflwr2.gif
 1953:  0.09%: 31/May/01 23:56: /wisemen/images/palms.gif
 1948:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:08: /images/smiley.gif
 1928:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:52: /iccseattle2/images/logo.gif
 1914:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:12: /images/smile1a.gif
 1898:  0.03%: 31/May/01 22:50: /images/bg_notebkcol.jpg
 1882:  0.12%: 31/May/01 23:52: /christmas/images/jesusborn.jpg
 1865:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:50: /images/bg_green_col.gif
 1773:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:56: /images/barred.gif
 1751:  0.14%: 31/May/01 23:55: /amirimports/images/banner.jpg
 1677:       : 31/May/01 22:49: /images/glasses.gif
 1672:  0.80%: 31/May/01 23:24: /music.html
 1631:  0.38%: 31/May/01 22:40: /gorbeh/catgallery.html
 1620:  0.30%: 31/May/01 23:33: /amirimports/
 1582:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:55: /images/speaker.gif
 1560:  0.04%: 31/May/01 22:16: /images/barcross.gif
 1553:  0.35%: 31/May/01 23:58: /farsi/alefba/
 1515:  0.37%: 31/May/01 23:03: /tehran/
 1514:  0.04%: 31/May/01 23:25: /images/link.gif
 1514:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:37: /yadedoost/images/banners.gif
 1504:       : 31/May/01 23:25: /truth/images/truth.gif
 1486:  0.46%: 31/May/01 22:19: /norooz/
 1485:       : 31/May/01 23:25: /images/cross1.gif
 1477:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:25: /bible/images/bannerfs.gif
 1435:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:56: /images/zanamuf.jpg
 1422:  0.36%: 31/May/01 22:24: /gorbeh/catnames.html
 1409:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:56: /images/welcoma2.gif
 1407:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:51: /persianrug/images/saghi_vs.jpg
 1390:  0.16%: 31/May/01 23:33: /persianrug/images/rugmarket.jpg
 1373:  0.02%: 31/May/01 23:35: /images/arrow_pr.gif
 1366:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:56: /images/welcomps.gif
 1363:  0.20%: 31/May/01 23:12: /jamal/images/comedian_m.jpg
 1349:  0.01%: 31/May/01 23:35: /images/arrow_ne.gif
 1334:  0.07%: 31/May/01 23:12: /jafang/images/jafang_m.jpg
 1316:  0.09%: 31/May/01 22:40: /gorbeh/images/himalayan_persian.jpg
 1267:  0.02%: 31/May/01 21:01: /poetry/images/molavinorz.gif
 1245:       : 31/May/01 23:33: /images/phonered.gif
 1220:  0.59%: 31/May/01 23:33: /amirimports/images/7.jpg
 1214:  0.28%: 31/May/01 23:35: /jamal/
 1210:  0.26%: 31/May/01 23:09: /zarbomasal/
 1185:  0.11%: 31/May/01 23:29: /iranbibl/images/banner.gif
 1182:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:10: /images/cateyea.gif
 1167:  0.22%: 31/May/01 22:57: /tehran/images/azadi2.jpg
 1161:  0.03%: 31/May/01 21:01: /norooz/images/bg_norooz_mobarak.jpg
 1151:  0.26%: 31/May/01 23:54: /farsi/alefba/page1.html
 1136:  0.26%: 31/May/01 23:58: /farsi/alefba/images/coverb.jpg
 1136:  0.22%: 31/May/01 23:58: /farsi/alefba/images/covera.jpg
 1129:  0.26%: 31/May/01 22:20: /ici/
 1114:  0.03%: 31/May/01 23:52: /images/salam2.gif
 1111:  0.22%: 31/May/01 23:58: /farsi/alefba/images/coverc.jpg
 1100:  0.26%: 31/May/01 22:49: /hottea/
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