Man is The Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural order of the universe.
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Are you a Christian? Is your Iranian Wife or Girlfriend a Moslem? Has the religion been an issue in your relationship? Have you considered converting to Islam? Has she converted to Christianity? How do you think different religions impact your family and Children? Share your experience.

Our family and relationship is based on Jesus
Name = Rien van der Toorn
Years Married = 0
Number of Children = 0
Country & City = Netherlands, Harderwijk

Nice visiting your website. My girlfriend is Iranian, we hope to be marrying this year. We met each other because she was searching to find out more about Jesus, and I'm working for a church organisation. Our faith has proven to be very strong binder. Of course we are just on our way, so I hope to learn more from shohar-khaleh. - Rien

We met each other because she was searching Jesus
Name = Bill S. Foster
Years Married = 5
Number of Children = 1
Country & City = USA, New York

I am so glad I found this website. It is great to see others with similar situations and we can share. I have been married to Shirin for five years now and we have a beautiful boy. Shirin and I spent the first two years of our marriage studying all world religions and kept an eye open. She was raised in Iran but she had been brought up in an open minded family and Islam was not forced on her. She had practiced it for a while and knew about its basic principles. After over two years of self study and attending various mosques and synogogs and churches and temples, we could not resist the prince of LOVE, Jesus. We decided to base our family and our marriage on the LOVE God has extended to us thru Jesus. We are not very religious people and don't attend Church every week but enjoy reading Bible and have learned to approach our problems with prayer.

Shirin has been a sweet addition to my life and my family adores her. - koda hafiz, Bill

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