Welcome to Iranian Christians International

Iranian Christians International Inc.

P.O. Box 25607
Colorado Springs,
CO 80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
Fax: (719) 574-1141


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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
Iranian Christians International

P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO 80936, U.S.A.
Tel:(719) 596-0010 Fax(719) 574-1141

"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord."
Jeremiah 49:39

*ICI Annual Report Summary

ICI 1999 Report Summary

· Your gifts and prayers enabled ICI to help/support about 100 Iranian and Afghan refugee families around the world during 1999. Some of these families have already been accepted to the U.S., Canada and other countries.

· During 1999 we also continued our ministries of holding discipleship conferences, publishing Mojdeh magazine, publishing and distributing Christian literature, assisting Iranian/Afghan refugees and continued other ministries.

· We estimate that the Iranian church worldwide grew from 52,000 to 55,000 believers during 1999. Half of these believers live outside of Iran. Of the 55,000 believers, about 50-55% are Muslim convert Christians. We praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of His servants in saving these lives.

ICI 1998 Report Summary

  • Your gifts and prayers enabled ICI to help/support about 100 Iranian and Afghan refugee families around the world during 1998. Some of these families have already been accepted to the U.S., Canada and Australia.
  • During 1998 we also continued our counseling, conferences, Mojdeh magazine, Christian literature, and other ministries in vigor.
  • We estimate that the Iranian church worldwide grew from 48,000 to 52,000 believers during 1998. Half of these believers live outside of Iran. Of the 52,000 believers, about 50-55% are Muslim convert Christians. We praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of His servants in saving these lives.
  • *The Persian Diaspora Report

    Please send your comments, suggestion, prayer requests and news to info@iranchristians.org.
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