Iranian Christians International Inc.
P.O. Box 25607
Colorado Springs,
80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
Fax: (719) 574-1141
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Iranian Christians International
P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO
80936, U.S.A.
(719) 596-0010 (719) 574-1141
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam
(Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39
ICI Annual Report Summary
ICI 1999 Report Summary
· Your gifts and prayers enabled ICI to help/support about 100 Iranian and Afghan refugee
families around the world during 1999. Some of these families have already been accepted to the
U.S., Canada and other countries.
· During 1999 we also continued our ministries of holding discipleship conferences, publishing
Mojdeh magazine, publishing and distributing Christian literature, assisting Iranian/Afghan
refugees and continued other ministries.
· We estimate that the Iranian church worldwide grew from 52,000 to 55,000 believers during
1999. Half of these believers live outside of Iran. Of the 55,000 believers, about 50-55% are
Muslim convert Christians. We praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit and the faithful
ministry of His servants in saving these lives.
ICI 1998 Report Summary
Your gifts and prayers enabled ICI to help/support about 100 Iranian and Afghan refugee
families around the world during 1998. Some of these families have already been accepted
to the U.S., Canada and Australia.
During 1998 we also continued our counseling, conferences, Mojdeh magazine, Christian
literature, and other ministries in vigor.
We estimate that the Iranian church worldwide grew from 48,000 to 52,000 believers
during 1998. Half of these believers live outside of Iran. Of the 52,000 believers, about
50-55% are Muslim convert Christians. We praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit
and the faithful ministry of His servants in saving these lives.