Masters of Persian Music 2005 North American Tour - February - March 2005, Shajarian 2005 Tour

Worldwide Directory of Iranian/Persian Christian Churches
كليساى ايرانيان در دنيا

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Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Churches

Church  California .. Southern California .. Orange County .. Los Angeles Area .. Central California .. Northern California/Bay Area

Iranian Christian Church of San Diego - El Cajon & Escondido - كليساى ايرانيان در ساندياگو, كاليفرنيا  Iranian Christian Church of San Diego California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

Mission Valley Chapel
6964 Mission Gorge Road, San Diego, CA 92120      (Yaho Map, Google Map)
Tel: (619) 583-8295 Fax: (619) 583-8285

جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sunday at 3:00 PM Farsi Christian Worship Service in San Diego for Iranians and Farsi Speaking People Each Sunday
جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۳ بعدازظهر
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 7:30 PM
Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30 PM (Fridays during Summer)

Persian/Iranian Christian Churches in Orange County

Persian Church Love Assembly

( meets at the Covenant Presbyterian Church )
1855 Orange-Olive Road
Orange, California 92865

Worship Service: Sundays at 6:00 PM
Call for other group meeting times

Mailing Address: P.o.Box 7313 Orange, CA 92863
Tel # of Persian Church of Love Assembly (714) 777-1212

Payame Aramesh / Iranian Christian Message of Peace

P.O. Box 3239
Tustin, CA 92781 - USA
Iranian Christian Message of Peace Phone Number in Tustin california (949) 707-0200 Iranian Christian Message of Peace Fax Number in Tustin California (949) 707-0210 Iranian Christian Message of Peace Email

Good News Persian Church - كليساى مژده مسيح ارواين كاليفرنيا  Good News Persian Church of California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

17101 Armstrong
Irvine, CA 92614
Worship Service: Sundays 4:00 PM
Bible Study and Prayer: Fridays 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Good News Persian Church of Irvine California Phone Number: Good News Persian Church of Irvine California Fax Number: 949-768-3181

Sermons by Pastor Afshin

 The Center at Irvine - Persian Ministries - كليساى جماعت ربانى مركز  Iranian Church of Los Angeles California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

Rev. Jonathan J. Nazanin - Senior Pastor

Main Service: Sundays 6:00pm
Bible Study: Fridays 7:30 pm

Sunday Address:
15 Orange Tree
Irvine CA 92618

Thursday Address:
24521 Moulton Parkway
Aliso Viejo CA 92637
The Center at Granada Hills - Persian Ministries of Irvine California Tel #: (949) 831-1020

Persian Ministry of Calvary Chapel

3800 S. Fairview Rd.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Tel: (714) 436-1400

Persian Ministry of Calvary Chapel

3000 West Mac Arter
Costa Mesa, CA 92704
Sunday Service: 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Tel: (714) 436-1400 Email:

Philadelphia Persian Church

3000 W. MacArthur, Suite 150
Santa Ana, California 92704, USA
phone Number of the Philadelphia Persian Church of Santa Ana California Fax Number of the Philadelphia Persian Church of Santa Ana California (949) 955-1777

VISION: To take the gospel locally and globally to all Farsi speaking individuals
Worship Service:Sundays at 4:00 pm
Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:00 pm
TV Ministry on Jame-Jam International: Sundays at 8:00 pm and Mondays at 6:00 am Los Angeles Time. , Cox Local TV Station every Sunday on channel 31 at 10:00 am

Iranian Christian Churches in Los Angeles Area

Ambassadors of Christ Church (  Iran For Christ Ministries - Ambassadors of Christ Church in California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

Iran for Christ Ministry - Ambassadors of Christ Church
Worship Service - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
19408 Londelius St., Northridge, CA 91324

Prayer & Bible study (for more information call)

Pastors: Elnathan & Nazanin Baghestani
Phone number of The Persian Ambassadors Church of Reseda in California (818) 522-1525 Iranian Church Email

Christ Armenian Church  Christ Armenian Church in La Crescenta Los Angeles California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements New Farsi Church Service at the Iranian Armenian Christian Church in La Crescenta California Pastored by Saro Khachikian now listed at FarsiNet Worldwide Directory of Iranian Churches, Christ Armenian Church in Los Angeles Area

4441 La Crescenta Avenue,
La Crescenta, CA 91214

Worship Services: Sundays at 2:00 PM
Translation into English and Farsi are available.
Children's and Youth ministry are also available at 2:00 PM service.

Farsi Worship Services: Sundays at 4:00 PM

Pastor: Saro Khachikian
Christ Armenian Church of La Crescenta Los Angeles California Telephone Number(818) 957-2727 ... Church Website:

Emmanuel Persian Christian Church of West Hills

7115 Shoup Ave.
West Hills, CA 91307
Sundays:    09:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. ... Sunday School, Rooms 205 & 209 - 2nd Floor
   10:30 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. ... Worship Service in Persian (Translated into English)
Wednesdays:    07:00 - 10:00 P.M. ... Home Prayer and Fellowship
Fridays:    06:00 - 08:00 P.M. ... Bible study at Church

Persian Christian Church of West Hills California Telephone Number(818) 888-5612 Persian Christian Church of West Hills California Fax Number(818) 348-1054

Iranian Church of Los Angeles  Iranian Church of Los Angeles California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

19414 Ventura Boulevard
Tarzana, California 91356
Services: Sundays at 5:00 P.M.
Iranian Christian Church of Los Angeles Telephone Number (818) 882-0586 or (818)642-7517
Iranian Christian Church of Los Angeles

Iranian Church on the Way (Nousazan)

14344 Sherman Way (1/2 block east of Van Nuys Blvd)
Van Nuys, California, 91405
Worship Service: Sundays 1:00PM
Iranian Church on The Way in California telephone Number (818)785-5259

Persian Worshipers of Christ ChurchNew Persian Worshipers Of Christ Church in West Hills California

7475 Fallbrook Ave.
West Hills, Ca. 91307      (Map & Direction)

Worship Services: Sundays @ 1:00 PM - Childcare provided
Bible Study Class: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Visit Our Pastor: Fridays (Call 818-716-0000 for appointment)

Persian Worshipers Of Christ Church in West Hills California telephone Number 818-716-0000 Persian Worshipers Of Christ Church in West Hills California

The Center at Granada Hills - Persian Ministries - كليساى جماعت رباني مركز - كاليفرنيا

Rev. Jonathan J. Nazanin - Senior Pastor

Main Service: Sundays 2:00 pm
Bible Study: Thursdays 7:00 pm
Fellowship: Last Monday of every month 7:00 pm

10452 Louise Avenue
Granada Hills CA 91344
Phone Number for Assembly of God Persian Church of Granada Hills, CA 818-771-9191

The Living Hope Church of Mission Viejo - کلیسای امید زنده میشن ویهو کالیفورنیا Updated Living Hope  Persian Church Listing in Mission Viejo California

27192 Jeronimo Road, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Pastors: Sourik and Elham Davidian
Worship Service: Sundays at 11:00 AM - جلسه عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۱۱:۰۰ صبح
Worship service in Farsi with English Translation)
Bible Study & Prayers: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM - جلسه دعا و مطالعه کتاب مقدس هر چهار شنبه ساعت ۷:۰۰ بعد از ظهر
Ladies Meeting: The last Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 pm

برای دعا و اطلاعات بیشتر با ما تماس حاصل فرمایید
Phone Number for the Living Hope Church of Mission Viejo, CA 949-215-7550 The Living Hope Church Iranian Church in Mission Viejo California

The Living Hope Church of San Diego - کلیسای امید زنده ساندياگو کالیفورنیا Updated Living Hope  Persian Church Listing in San Diego California

10330 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA 92129

Pastors: Sourik and Elham Davidian
Worship Service: Sundays @ 6:00 PM - جلسه عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۶:۰۰ بعد از ظهر
Bible Study and Prayer: Sundays @ 5:00 pm - جلسه دعا و مطالعه کتاب مقدس هر یکشنبه ساعت ۵:۰۰ بعد از ظهر
Ladies Meeting: The last Thursday of each month @ 7:00 pm

برای دعا و اطلاعات بیشتر با ما تماس حاصل فرمایید
Phone Number for the Living Hope Church of Mission Viejo, CA 949-215-7550 The Living Hope Church Iranian Church in Mission Viejo California

The Persian Church of Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo

24821 Chrisanta Dr.
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sundays at 10:30 - 12:00 Noon
Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Prayer Meeting: Mondays (bi-Weekly) 7:00 - 9:00 PM
All Iranians and Farsi Speaking People are Welcome

Phone number of The Persian Church of Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo in California (949) 433-7718 Iranian Church Email

Valley Iranian Church  Iranian Valley Church of California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

10210 Canoga Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311

Worship Service: Sundays at 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Bible Study: Sundays 12:30 PM
Youth Meeting: Saturdays 7:30 PM
Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:30 PM
Worship, Bible study and Fellowship Service is open to all Farsi speaking people regardless of their religion

Phone number of Valley Iranian Church in Chatsworth, California Phone number of Valley Iranian Church in Chatsworth, California 818) 832-0943 - Valley Iranian Church of Chatsworth California

Valley Iranian Church of Chatsworth California

Iranian Christian Churches in Central California


Fresno Persian Christian Church  Fresno Persian Christian Church of California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

7172 North Cedar Street
Fresno, CA 93720

Worship Service: Sunday at 11:00 AM
Bible Study and Prayer: Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Women's Ministry: Every other Friday at 7:00 PM

Pastor: Banipal Natneil
We are serving Iranians in the Central Valley and our major ministry is in Farsi language, but translation is available by the wireless earphones system during our services. Come and enjoy the presence of God with us.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 27525
Fresno, CA, 93729-7525

Telephone number of Persian Christian Church of Fresno (559) 221-1488 Email of Persian Church of Fresno,

Iranian Christian Churches in Northern California, San Jose/San Francisco/Bay area


Iranian Christian Church, Sunnyvale - كليساى ايرانيان در سانى ول, كاليفرنيا  Iranian Christian Church of Sunnyvale California USA is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

740 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Worship Service: Sundays at 10:00 AM - یکشنبه ها ساعت ۱۰ صبح به زبان فارسی و انگلیسی
English Worship Service: Sundays at 10:00 Noon
Youth Service: Sundays at 10:00 AM
Classes: Sundays at 12:00 Noon
The entire adult Church service is conducted in Farsi and translated in English simultaneously.
All youth services are conducted in English.

Pastors: Kamil Navai, Nadereh Navai

Executive Director: Shadi Khalili
Administrator Assistant: Nasrin Mortensen

Iranian Christian Church in Sunnyvale California Phone NUmber (408) 732-7070 Iranian Christian Church in Sunnyvale California Fax NUmber (408) 732-7575 - Website:

Iranian Christian Church of Sacramento

Worship Service: Sundays 11:00 - 12:30 PM

Adventure Christian Church
6401 Stanford Ranch Rd, Roseville, CA 95678
Iranian Christian Church of Sacramento California Phone Number (916) 600-4910 Iranian Christian Church of Sacramento California Email
Pastor Nasser Varani -

Iranian Christian Church of Walnut Creek Iranian Christian Church of Walnut Creek California Location, Phone Number and time of Farsi Worship Service is updated

2303 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Worship Service: Sundays at 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The entire adult Church service is conducted in Farsi but translation earphones are available for non-Farsi speakers.
Phone number for Iranian Chruch in Walnut Creek,  California (925) 817-7374

Bay area Persian Baptist Church of Santa Clara

3137 Forbs Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Worship Service: Sundays 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Bible Strudy: Every Thursday, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Fellowship & Volleyball: Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month
Phone number for Iranian Chruch in California (408) 261-0800

Iranian Assembly of God Church

790 Coe Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 53777
San Jose, CA 95153

Sundays: Bible Study 2:30 - 3:20 PM, Sunday Service: 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Tuesdays: 7:30 - 9:30 PM - Prayer Service

If you have any prayer request or questions please E-mail or call us.
Telephone number for the Iranian Assembly of God Church San Jose, California USA Fax Number for the Iranian Assembly of God Church San Jose, California USA (408)979-1777 Iranian Assembly of God Church in San Jose Email

Iranian Christian Fellowship at Calvary Chapel Marin

5470 Nave Drive
Novato, CA 94949
Fridays :   7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Phone Number for Iranian Christian Fellowship in Navato, California (415) 382-2069

San Mateo Persian Church

At Western Hills Church
3399 CSM Dr.
San Mateo, CA 94403
Sunday Service: 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Christian Education: Sundays at 4:30 PM
Prayer and Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Tel: Fax: (650)349-9616

The Way of the Cross, Iranian Church of Sacramento, CA New Iranian Church Listing for Sacramento, California

Sunday Service : 6:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study : 7:00pm

Iranian Church Phone Number in Sacramento California (916) 257-5179 Iranian Church Email in Sacramento California

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