20 Years of FarsiNet
Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians
20 Years of FarsiNet
Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians

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Web Server Statistics for FarsiNet Inc. - October 2000

Analysed requests from Sun-01-Oct-2000 00:00 to Tue-31-Oct-2000 23:59 (31.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 861,057
Average successful requests per day: 27,776
Successful requests for pages: 200,208
Average successful requests for pages per day: 6,458
Failed requests: 30,752
Redirected requests: 8,677
Distinct files requested: 4,487
Distinct hosts served: 33,987
Corrupt logfile lines: 4
Data transferred: 7,058 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 233,178 kbytes

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.:  #reqs: pages: 
---------: ------: -----: 
 1/Oct/00: 194573: 42888: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Oct/00: 184417: 41641: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Oct/00: 194317: 42961: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22/Oct/00: 201107: 50254: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29/Oct/00:  86643: 22464: +++++++++++++++
Busiest week: week beginning 22/Oct/00 (50,254 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 250 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
 1/Oct/00: 21545:  4960: ++++++++++++++++++++
 2/Oct/00: 31564:  7055: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Oct/00: 30639:  7167: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4/Oct/00: 31062:  6756: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5/Oct/00: 29840:  6160: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6/Oct/00: 27014:  5622: +++++++++++++++++++++++
 7/Oct/00: 22909:  5168: +++++++++++++++++++++

 8/Oct/00: 22275:  5152: +++++++++++++++++++++
 9/Oct/00: 30005:  6027: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Oct/00: 28868:  7024: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11/Oct/00: 28096:  6171: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
12/Oct/00: 28669:  6435: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Oct/00: 25302:  5996: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
14/Oct/00: 21202:  4836: ++++++++++++++++++++

15/Oct/00: 24788:  5378: ++++++++++++++++++++++
16/Oct/00: 30391:  6172: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
17/Oct/00: 27480:  5471: ++++++++++++++++++++++
18/Oct/00: 29418:  6556: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19/Oct/00: 28505:  6582: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Oct/00: 26709:  5762: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
21/Oct/00: 27026:  7040: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

22/Oct/00: 25695:  7370: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23/Oct/00: 29272:  6147: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
24/Oct/00: 34830:  8242: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
25/Oct/00: 31716:  7527: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
26/Oct/00: 29995:  7827: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Oct/00: 26241:  6893: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
28/Oct/00: 23358:  6248: +++++++++++++++++++++++++

29/Oct/00: 26067:  7002: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
30/Oct/00: 30845:  7246: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
31/Oct/00: 29731:  8216: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest day: 24/Oct/00 (8,242 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day:  #reqs: pages: 
---: ------: -----: 
Sun: 120370: 29862: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 152077: 32647: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 151548: 36120: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 120292: 27010: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 117009: 27004: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 105266: 24273: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  94495: 23292: ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 300 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0: 28175:  6937: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1: 25921:  6299: +++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 24719:  5545: +++++++++++++++++++
 3: 24539:  6071: +++++++++++++++++++++
 4: 28019:  7515: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5: 30609:  7449: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6: 31937:  7346: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7: 34198:  7896: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8: 36874:  8250: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 40459:  9037: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 41721:  8932: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 48294: 11884: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 44236:  9875: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 46415: 10090: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 47987: 10377: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 47192: 10158: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 43192:  9525: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 40017:  9419: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 37871:  9220: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 34972:  8622: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 31588:  8116: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 32038:  7870: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 31732:  7264: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 28352:  6511: ++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
208497: 29.20%: .com (Commercial)
249510: 27.52%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
188477: 21.36%: .net (Network)
 35052:  3.61%: .edu (USA Educational)
 19409:  1.98%: .ca (Canada)
 16178:  1.65%: .se (Sweden)
 13744:  1.57%: .uk (United Kingdom)
 16506:  1.26%: .de (Germany)
 11936:  1.23%: .nl (Netherlands)
 11412:  1.22%: .us (United States)
 11185:  1.21%: .au (Australia)
  6852:  0.67%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  5025:  0.52%: .no (Norway)
  4945:  0.51%: .fr (France)
  5882:  0.50%: .dk (Denmark)
  4677:  0.46%: .jp (Japan)
  4441:  0.44%: .at (Austria)
  3262:  0.42%: .mil (USA Military)
  3169:  0.35%: .nz (New Zealand)
  2226:  0.31%: .ir (Iran)
  2824:  0.28%: .ch (Switzerland)
  3108:  0.28%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
  2513:  0.27%: .be (Belgium)
  2236:  0.23%: .gov (USA Government)
  2023:  0.23%: .fi (Finland)
  2024:  0.20%: .sg (Singapore)
  1965:  0.19%: .it (Italy)
   942:  0.17%: .pl (Poland)
  1338:  0.16%: .gr (Greece)
  1420:  0.16%: .my (Malaysia)
  1459:  0.15%: .il (Israel)
  1677:  0.15%: .es (Spain)
  1079:  0.12%: .hu (Hungary)
  1043:  0.10%: .mx (Mexico)
   660:  0.08%: .za (South Africa)
   870:  0.08%: .ro (Romania)
   625:  0.08%: .ru (Russia)
   810:  0.07%: .br (Brazil)
   648:  0.07%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
   602:  0.07%: .cz (Czech Republic)
   562:  0.07%: .pt (Portugal)
   528:  0.06%: .in (India)
   395:  0.05%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   489:  0.04%: .id (Indonesia)
   396:  0.04%: .ar (Argentina)
   317:  0.03%: .pk (Pakistan)
   378:  0.03%: .tr (Turkey)
   248:  0.03%: .int (International)
   410:  0.03%: .ee (Estonia)
   298:  0.03%: .pe (Peru)
   447:  0.03%: .lv (Latvia)
   259:  0.03%: .hr (Croatia)
   175:  0.03%: .cy (Cyprus)
   245:  0.02%: .ie (Ireland)
   191:  0.02%: .ua (Ukraine)
   256:  0.02%: .co (Colombia)
    99:  0.02%: .yu (Yugoslavia)
   221:  0.02%: .bg (Bulgaria)
   214:  0.02%: .eg (Egypt)
   123:  0.02%: .cl (Chile)
   134:  0.02%: .th (Thailand)
   170:  0.02%: .ph (Philippines)
   155:  0.01%: .lb (Lebanon)
   119:  0.01%: .ge (Georgia)
    78:  0.01%: .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
   121:  0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   133:  0.01%: .is (Iceland)
    77:  0.01%: .si (Slovenia)
   174:  0.01%: .tw (Taiwan)
   169:  0.01%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
    58:  0.01%: .bm (Bermuda)
    72:  0.01%: .su (Former USSR)
    80:  0.01%: .kr (South Korea)
   116:  0.01%: .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    83:  0.01%: .mk (Macedonia)
    47:  0.01%: .uz (Uzbekistan)
    82:  0.01%: [unknown domains]
    52:       : .ve (Venezuela)
    15:       : .kw (Kuwait)
    38:       : .zm (Zambia)
    30:       : .gi (Gibraltar)
    32:       : .lk (Sri Lanka)
    23:       : .ye (Yemen)
    30:       : .kz (Kazakhstan)
    40:       : .tz (Tanzania)
    36:       : .np (Nepal)
    25:       : .lt (Lithuania)
    12:       : .cu (Cuba)
    35:       : [domain not given]
    10:       : .az (Azerbaidjan)
    23:       : .lu (Luxembourg)
    30:       : .ec (Ecuador)
    15:       : .sm (San Marino)
    11:       : .to (Tonga)
    18:       : .kg (Kyrgyzstan)
    23:       : .nu (Niue)
    47:       : .jo (Jordan)
     4:       : .cn (China)
    16:       : .mu (Mauritius)
    14:       : .gh (Ghana)
    13:       : .bt (Bhutan)
     7:       : .jm (Jamaica)
     5:       : .tg (Togo)
     8:       : .na (Namibia)
     8:       : .ng (Nigeria)
     5:       : .gt (Guatemala)
     6:       : .ae (United Arab Emirates)
     9:       : .as (American Samoa)
    12:       : .aw (Aruba)
     5:       : .am (Armenia)
    13:       : .fj (Fiji)
    13:       : .uy (Uruguay)
     4:       : .zw (Zimbabwe)

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs: %bytes: extension
------: ------: ---------
120792: 38.04%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
 79414: 24.70%: [directories]
134512: 19.52%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
502091: 16.76%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
  5918:  0.57%: .mid  [MIDI sound files]
 10992:  0.15%: .css
  3495:  0.12%: .class [Java class files]
  3843:  0.15%: [not listed: 29 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

       size:  #reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: ------: ------: 
          0: 119878:       : 
   1b-  10b:     51:       : 
  11b- 100b:   5447:  0.01%: 
 101b-  1kb: 129032:  0.68%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 357866: 15.21%: 
 10kb-100kb: 247572: 82.20%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   1211:  1.90%: 

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 #reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
------: ------: ---------------: ----
 13800:  6.35%: 31/Oct/00 23:45: /
  5022:  1.36%: 31/Oct/00 23:55: /poetry/
  3530:  1.98%: 31/Oct/00 23:21: /farsi.html
  3306:  0.81%: 31/Oct/00 23:19: /gorbeh/
  3203:  2.04%: 31/Oct/00 23:02: /news/
  2225:  1.08%: 31/Oct/00 23:59: /gorbeh/catjokes.html
  2052:  0.42%: 31/Oct/00 23:45: /amirimports/
  1824:  0.44%: 31/Oct/00 23:55: /gorbeh/catgallery.html
  1802:  0.46%: 31/Oct/00 23:49: /red_skelton/
  1654:  0.97%: 31/Oct/00 22:51: /jafang/
  1469:  0.38%: 31/Oct/00 23:55: /gorbeh/catnames.html
  1464:  0.75%: 31/Oct/00 22:34: /music.html
  1452:  0.33%: 31/Oct/00 23:23: /farsi/alefba/
  1358:  0.37%: 31/Oct/00 22:48: /persianrug/designs.html
  1249:  0.28%: 31/Oct/00 23:28: /mashhad/
  1215:  0.30%: 31/Oct/00 23:54: /tehran/
  1136:  0.38%: 31/Oct/00 22:54: /farsi/
  1115:  0.56%: 31/Oct/00 22:18: /art.html
  1100:  0.26%: 31/Oct/00 23:25: /jamal/
  1058:  0.24%: 31/Oct/00 22:45: /shoharkhaleh/
  1045:  0.27%: 31/Oct/00 23:46: /ici/
  1016:  0.34%: 31/Oct/00 23:36: /norooz/
   994:  0.24%: 31/Oct/00 22:46: /hottea/
   988:  0.30%: 31/Oct/00 22:55: /iranbibl/
   966:  0.49%: 31/Oct/00 23:03: /audio.html
   953:  0.22%: 31/Oct/00 23:22: /farsi/alefba/page1.html
   928:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 22:43: /cgi-bin/AT-farsinetsearch.cgi
   904:  0.20%: 31/Oct/00 23:11: /zarbomasal/
   902:  0.48%: 31/Oct/00 23:37: /religion.html
   895:  0.46%: 31/Oct/00 22:54: /culture.html
   885:  0.44%: 31/Oct/00 23:18: /video.html
   878:  0.18%: 31/Oct/00 21:39: /1001nights/
   860:  0.21%: 31/Oct/00 22:37: /zanamu/
   834:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 22:59: /amirimports/gallery1.html
   788:  0.17%: 31/Oct/00 20:39: /red_skelton/gallery.html
   773:  0.16%: 31/Oct/00 23:29: /aids/
   751:  0.23%: 31/Oct/00 22:30: /icc/
   744:  0.32%: 31/Oct/00 19:08: /travel2iran/
   737:  0.17%: 31/Oct/00 23:22: /farsi/alefba/page2.html
   734:  0.37%: 31/Oct/00 22:13: /history.html
   731:  0.18%: 31/Oct/00 23:45: /gorbeh/links.html
   720:  0.42%: 31/Oct/00 23:01: /amirimports/faq.html
   681:  0.16%: 31/Oct/00 23:36: /poeticart/
   676:  0.21%: 31/Oct/00 23:59: /ChristInPersianPoetry/
   674:  0.18%: 31/Oct/00 23:01: /mashhad/gallery.html
   674:  0.15%: 31/Oct/00 12:25: /ghesseh/
   673:  0.34%: 31/Oct/00 23:42: /poetry.html
   650:  0.15%: 31/Oct/00 23:16: /gorbeh/bicolor.html
   638:  0.17%: 31/Oct/00 23:17: /toman/
   628:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 22:13: /amirimports/gallery2.html
   627:  0.38%: 31/Oct/00 23:39: /truth/faq.html
   610:  0.14%: 31/Oct/00 22:39: /yadedoost/
   607:  0.14%: 31/Oct/00 21:27: /gorbeh/black.html
   598:  0.32%: 31/Oct/00 22:07: /opinion.html
   590:  0.28%: 31/Oct/00 21:47: /truth/index2.html
   585:  0.13%: 31/Oct/00 21:44: /persianrug/
   581:  0.13%: 31/Oct/00 21:28: /gorbeh/gray.html
   580:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 19:30: /truth/
   571:  0.18%: 31/Oct/00 16:31: /iccsd/
   569:  0.14%: 31/Oct/00 20:20: /recipes/
   564:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 23:37: /alice/
   553:  0.28%: 31/Oct/00 23:11: /literature.html
   551:  0.13%: 31/Oct/00 22:40: /jamal/index1.html
   546:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 22:03: /yadedoost/page288.html
   544:  0.16%: 31/Oct/00 21:41: /eivan/
   540:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 23:02: /marzeshab/
   534:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 21:10: /farsi/alefba/page3.html
   531:  0.28%: 31/Oct/00 21:53: /business.html
   523:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 23:20: /konacafe/
   516:  0.27%: 31/Oct/00 22:32: /jafang/indexy.html
   516:  0.26%: 31/Oct/00 17:47: /entertain.html
   515:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 22:51: /gorbeh/catbreeder.html
   514:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 17:48: /bible/
   505:  0.13%: 31/Oct/00 23:07: /mashhad/saffron.html
   500:  0.25%: 31/Oct/00 22:53: /directories.html
   499:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 21:07: /farsieats/recipes/
   496:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 21:41: /gorbeh/basket.html
   487:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 22:57: /zarbomasal/page9.html
   487:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 20:10: /iranbibl/historyof/
   485:  0.24%: 31/Oct/00 22:13: /city.html
   483:  0.14%: 31/Oct/00 22:47: /toman/exchange.html
   480:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 21:39: /1001nights/samples.html
   480:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 22:57: /gorbeh/smoke.html
   464:  0.05%: 31/Oct/00 19:42: /amirimports/yahudi.html
   456:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 16:18: /hamadan/
   455:  0.22%: 31/Oct/00 22:11: /services.html
   451:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 21:47: /gorbeh/hammock.html
   446:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 20:37: /arak/
   443:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 19:35: /tabriz/
   442:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 21:46: /jesusinislam/
   440:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 23:24: /aids/page2.html
   439:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 23:12: /apostle_love/
   430:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 23:55: /gorbeh/tabby.html
   427:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 22:14: /iranbibl/chronolg.html
   424:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 23:01: /tambr/
   422:  0.21%: 31/Oct/00 22:11: /family.html
   422:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 23:14: /caviar/
   412:  0.19%: 31/Oct/00 19:01: /zanamu/issues.html
   411:  0.16%: 31/Oct/00 21:12: /mashhad/haram.html
   408:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 16:32: /epolls/
   402:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 22:20: /jamal/comedian.html
   400:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 23:56: /gorbeh/white.html
   397:  0.01%: 31/Oct/00 22:34: /music.html/
   395:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 22:57: /zarbomasal/page1.html
   393:  0.11%: 31/Oct/00 16:03: /mashhad/nader_shah.html
   391:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 22:48: /persianrug/saghi.html
   384:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 22:50: /pwo/people.html
   383:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 19:30: /iranbibl/links.html
   374:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 23:16: /gorbeh/zanogorbeh.html
   373:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 15:12: /salaam/
   369:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 21:20: /iranbibl/iranbible.html
   368:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 14:13: /shabahang/
   364:  0.12%: 31/Oct/00 16:03: /mashhad/neyshabur.html
   353:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 20:28: /jamal/lostcat.html
   349:  0.17%: 31/Oct/00 18:08: /orgs.html
   348:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 19:10: /gorbeh/otherlinks.html
   347:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 16:00: /artent/
   345:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 19:25: /petra/
   344:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 22:28: /iranbibl/kings.html
   342:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 23:01: /parvizian/
   342:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 23:03: /mashhad/ferdowsi.html
   340:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 17:03: /jamal/cd/
   339:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 12:32: /dr.jalali/
   338:  0.10%: 31/Oct/00 13:49: /barani/
   338:  0.16%: 31/Oct/00 19:30: /truth/index3.html
   338:  0.19%: 31/Oct/00 22:45: /amirimports/faq2.html
   334:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 23:25: /aids/page3.html
   333:  0.06%: 31/Oct/00 18:44: /injil/
   332:  0.09%: 31/Oct/00 15:07: /ajib/
   332:  0.49%: 31/Oct/00 23:51: /news/sports_o.html
   331:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 22:57: /assadipour/
   331:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 20:31: /jamal/index2.html
   327:  0.14%: 31/Oct/00 21:30: /poetry/farsi_hymns/
   324:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 23:07: /mashhad/mashhad.html
   322:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 23:56: /gorbeh/white2.html
   321:  0.13%: 31/Oct/00 22:36: /farsi_hymns/
   319:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 18:29: /red_skelton/gallery2.html
   307:  0.15%: 31/Oct/00 16:03: /news/sports.html
   303:  0.07%: 31/Oct/00 21:11: /farsi/alefba/page4.html
   301:  0.08%: 31/Oct/00 16:01: /bible/childpicbible/
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Days: Year 2572 Countdown - Iranian New Year 1392 ... NowRuz - Persian New
// end script --> } setTimeout("countdown()",500); cl.days.value=count; count=Math.floor(count/24); cl.hours.value=convt2st(count%24); count=Math.floor(count/60); cl.mins.value=convt2st(count%60); count=Math.floor(count/60); cl.secs.value=convt2st(count%60); } return; cl.secs.value="--"; cl.mins.value="--"; cl.hours.value="--"; {cl.days.value ="----"; if(count<=0) count=Math.floor((eventdate.getTime()-d.getTime())/1000); d=new Date(); {cl=document.noruz_countdown; function countdown() } return s+n.toString(); if(n<10) s+="0" {s="" function convt2st(n)var eventdate = new Date("March 20, 2013 01:14:00 PM EST ");// Wednesday March 20 2013, 07:02:00 AM EST New York Eastern Time// Wednesday Farvardin 1 2572 (1392, 2013) 08:14:00 AM Tehran Local Time
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