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Travelling, Travel Agents and Tour Guides to Iran

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Travelling, Travel Agents and Tour Guides to Iran

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Travel Agents in Iran

Discount Air travel to Iran, Europe and the Middle East

  • Ace Vacations LTD - Discount Air Fares to Iran from US Great Deals on Air Fair to Iran
    Cheap Air fares to Iran Phone Number1-800-830-9212, (310)860-4712, (in tehran)880-65-117
  • Fly To Iran Best Fares to Iran Great Deals on Air Fair to Iran Great Deals on Air Fair to Iran
    FlyToIran offers great spacial Air Fairs from any US city to Iran. You can also fly from Canada and most major cities in Europe.
  • Lida Travel Inc. - Best deals to Iran
    Cheap Air fares to Iran Phone Number1-888-719-9191, (703) 719-5432 (Alexandria, Virginia)

Air Lines:

  • Iran Air
  • The following Airlines offer connecting flights between LA, New York, Chicago, D.C.,... and Tehran
    • Alitalia (via Rome)
    • British Airways (via London)
    • KLM (via Amsterdam)
    • Lufthansa (via Frankfurt)

Tour operators with experience in Iran:

Distant Horizons, 350 Elm Ave., Long Beach, CA 90802; telephone (800) 333-1240, fax (562) 983-8833. Tours are 18 days (which means 16 nights in Iran), along with a tour leader and a Persian scholar. The 1998 price is $4,940 per person, double occupancy, excluding air fare to and from New York.

Geographic Expeditions, 2627 Lombard St., San Francisco, CA 94123; tel. (800) 777-8183, fax (415) 346-5535. It offers 24-day itineraries, with a tour leader and local Iranian guides. The 1998 price is $4,090 per person, double occupancy, excluding flights to and from Tehran, but the figures drops by $400 if 10 travelers sign on. The 1999 base price is expected to be $4,790.

Travcoa World Tours, 2350 S.E. Bristol St., Newport Beach, CA 92660; tel. (800) 992-2003, fax (949) 476-2538. Tour combines Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey on a 20-day itinerary, with half that time spent in Iran. Tours are joined by a U.S.-based tour manager and local guides. This year's brochure price is $7,595 per person, double occupancy, excluding transatlantic air fare.

Cyrus Travel, 9454 Wilshire Blvd., Suite M-20, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; tel. (310) 888-8810, fax (310) 888-8812. It typically offers 16-day itineraries, with bilingual locally based guides. This year's brochure prices are $2,850 to $3,050 per person, double occupancy, excluding air fare to and from Tehran.

Other companies with Iran trips in the works include Alpine Ascents International, 121 Mercer St., Seattle, WA 98109; tel. (206) 378-1927, fax (206) 378-1937 (a late August climb of the 18,000-foot Mt. Damavand is planned); and Silk Road Tours, 300-1497 Marine Drive, West Vancouver BC V7T 1B8, Canada; tel. (604) 925-3831, fax (604) 925-6269.

U.S. policy: There are ongoing government concerns about the safety of Americans traveling in the Middle East. For a recent advisory, see page L22. Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories. You will not be charged to look for stories, only to retrieve one.

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