Nowruz, The Eternal Persian Perople Identity and Unity, Iranian New year of 2566
Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California

[ Neda Najibi | The Ground I Walk On (Poetry Book) | Poetry Book Press Release, June 1999 | Poetry Recital | Poetry -> BECAUSE OF ME | FIRE, FIRE, HERE I AM | HAPPY BIRTHDAY - NOW PUT ME TO REST! | I AM SAFE | IT'S A PITY YOU FORGOT HER ]



All day you work without a sigh, you labor in this little town, while at night you read with blood shot eyes and happily dream for that dream to be found. Your routine was to live, to love, for after all, it is your life, your town, your home. You are with family and friends who you adore but don't forget the girl you married. Days turned into months and months turned into years, her life consisted of nothing more than time. Her heart only filled with your every thought. Her soul that flashed with your anger tone. Now she sleeps all alone. You've towered even though you were doubted. You've become what you knew not. Her goal was for you to love and to believe in yourself and this was achieved, bless her soul. To love and to serve the man who she adored, whom she married - this too was her accomplished goal. She stood behind you when she herself needed to lean. She gave up her home more than once, twice, too many times to number - All so you'd achieve. She forgot herself, hoping you'd remember. It's a pity you forgot her.

[ Neda Najibi | The Ground I Walk On (Poetry Book) | Poetry Book Press Release, June 1999 | Poetry Recital | Poetry -> BECAUSE OF ME | FIRE, FIRE, HERE I AM | HAPPY BIRTHDAY - NOW PUT ME TO REST! | I AM SAFE | IT'S A PITY YOU FORGOT HER ]

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