Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe Love & Valentine eCards Happy Valentines كارتهاى عشق و عاشقى و ولنتاين Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe
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Welcome to Hot Tea Cyber Tea House MashTea Gholee Cyber Tea House - Hot Tea
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Comments, Suggestion and Opinions of

HotTea - MashTea Gholee CyberTeaHouse Visitors

From: Mark Wilkins
Subject: Please add more recipes

I am glad I came across your site. I enjoyed it very much. I used to be a very heavy coffee drinker till about two years ago that I was introduced to hot tea by my Iranian girl friend. I have been stuck on it since. It calms me and I even think it makes me more productive at my job. I am an engineer and I need to be able to sit still and think for hours at a time.

Anyway, i really enjoyed the history of tea, as well as the persian tea house. Would you please add more tea recipes. Thanks and keep up the good work.

From: Glen Houster
Subject: Great site, HOT TEA is the real TEA!!

I found your site by looking for tea and hot tea. I love hot tea and it is great to see there is a site out there. Lots of good info and very good links.

Please add more tea recipes and more tea variety vendors.
Thanks, Glen

From: Ann Marie McCarty
Subject: placing link to your site

You have a great site! This week I will be placing a link to your site from my site. If you have a place for a reciprocal link I would appreciate it very much.

My site, "Abundance Across America," is one of the most comprehensive sites on the web featuring food festivals and food-related events throughout the USA. In the near future I will be adding other features to the site. My URL is:

Best regards and Happy New Year! - Ann Marie

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Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe Love & Valentine eCards Happy Valentines كارتهاى عشق و عاشقى و ولنتاين Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe
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