A Commentary on Hafiz Persian Poetry and its Christian Root in Farsi by Bozorg-mehr Vaziri, A Farsi Christian Analysis of Persian Poet Hafiz, Was Hafiz a Christian? Aya hafez Masihi Bud?
God  IS  Love ... خداوند محبّت است

Iranian, Persian Professional and Cultural Organizations (IPCO) - انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Professionnel iraniens et persans et culturels organismes (IPCO)
Iranischer, persischer Fachmann und kulturelle Organisationen (IPCO)

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انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Iranian, Persian Professional and Cultural Organizations

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انجمنهاى دانشجويان ايرانى
Worldwide Directory of Iranian Persian Student Organizations


Canadian Society of Iranian Engineers and Architects (Mohandes)
Canadian Society of Iranian Engineers and Architects so called "Mohandes" is a non-political and non-profit organization, which serves Iranian Engineers and Architects in Canada. Mohandes was founded by a group of Iranian Engineers in early 1988.

Mohandes strive to represent thousands of Iranian engineers and architects in Canada, promote their contributions to the success of Canadian economy, establish relationship with other technical and professional organizations, and provide other services for our members.

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Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
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Mashhad - Iran Holy City - Imam Reza, Nader Shah, Ferdowsi

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