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He will be missed
I found out too late!

Found out too late!
From: Lindsay
To: rugs&
Subject: Found too Late

Hi. I am a seventeen year old girl that discovered the magic of Red Skelton too late.

But I feel I should tell you about it. It was a Sunday afternoon, sometime in May I think, and I was flipping around on the television stations when I came across a very cute red head on TCM. I thought he was absolutely adorable with his dimples and twinkling eyes that I had to stop and watch the movie, which was "Bathing Beauty". I fell in love with him; I wanted to meet him. Since I am nly seventeen I knew that I had to wait one or two years before I could go and find him. My great-grand uncle said that he lived in Florida so I was hoping my family would go to florida on vacation. But we didn't, we went to North Carolina. Anyway, I kept checking TCM and AMC looking for his movies and two days before he died I got to watch "Du Barry was a Lady" and I knew I had to go and tell him how much he gave me. Two days later my mom was watching the five o'clock and she called out to me that Red Skelton had died. I didn't believe her but I ran into the room and watched as the newscaster broke the sad news. I burst out into tears. I couldn't believe he had died.

I never did get to meet him. Yet it felt that I had. He gave me a reason to laugh. He gave me a reason to love redheads. He gave me happiness. I wish I could have given him the same thing.

Dear Lindsay,

Your letter to us is very reminiscent of our first encounter with Red. We were having lunch next door from our Persian rug store when he came in for lunch. My father couldn't resist the opportunity to introduce himself and tell Red that he helped him to learn English when he was a student here in the U.S. Red always did wonderful miming sketches as part of his regular T.V. show and it helped my dad in learning English.

Red asked my father what he did for a living and dad said he was a Persian Rug dealer. Red said "Oh I love Persian Rugs, where is your store?" Red became my father's favorite customer for the next 20 years. That was 1977. We became dealers in his fine art in September of 1995 and have enjoyed our brief but exciting business relationship. However, our personal relationship is what we will always treasure. Please remain a lover of his work because probably his heirs will finally allow the release of more movies and 20 years of television shows to his fans.

Sincerely, Kaveh

He will be missed
From: Rosa Lopez
Subject: He will be missed.

Just to say that the world has lost the best of clowns.I was sad when I heard that he had passed away.I least I saw him in 2 live shows here in Ottawa Ontario Canada.I will always think of him when I get sad,There is always something that makes me laugh when I think of him.He seems that he knew how to make me laugh.He will be missed.

God Bless - Rosa Lopez

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