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Tasbih & Erfan or Sufism

Erfan, Mysticism, Gnosticism and Sufism are associated with simple living, free spirit and a Godly daily life. A number of Persian Poets were followers of this school of thought and Tasbih was used as a symbol of Erfan in their poetry.


It is well known that the Rosary has played an important part in many outstanding events of history; for example, in the great naval battle at Lepanto in the 16th century, which saved all Europe from being conquered by the Mohammedan Turks, then at the peak of their naval power in the Mediterranean. In his extremity, Pope St. Pius V formed a league against them. The Christian fleet, furnished by Venice, Genoa and Spain, was commanded by Don Juan of Austria.

As early as September 17, 1569, Pope Pius V enjoined the worldwide recitation of the Rosary. On this fateful October 7th he himself spent the entire night in prayer.

Iranian Rosary and Poetry for Meditation and Prayeres
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