Introduction to Tea
Tea History
Green, Black or Herbal?
Medical Benefits
Boosts the Body's Defense
Tea Quotes
Perfect Hot Tea
Tea Recipe
Tannic Acid in Tea
Tea in Cooking
Tea Ceremonies
Persian Coffeehouse
Public Opinion
Tea Vendors
Tea Links
Tea Web Sites

- Green tea extract
- Health information about green tea.
- Tea mini-FAQ, part 1 and part 2.
- A mini-FAQ from the newsgroup Not to be confused with the MiniFAQ
mentioned above...
- Chinese Tea Ceremony
- A article in Urban Desires.
- A Nice Cup of Tea by George Orwell
- George Orwell explains his ideas of how to make a cup of tea.
- Miss Manners on the subject Commerce, Suited to Tea
- Miss Manners explains her ideas of how to make a cup of tea. Are
they really incompatible with Orwells?
- Dieter's tea
- Doesn't sell tea, but contains some information about the effects
of dieting on tea.
- Teapot Shop !!!
- Fine China Teapots, Steel Kettles, Teapot Accessories, Designer Teapots, and much more.
- Tips for Breaking the Caffeine
- This page doesn't apply to those of you who likes drinking tea or
coffee of course!
- Coffee and Ceffeine's
Frequently Asked Questions
- "This FAQ is dedicated to all beverages and products that contain
caffeine; including tea, coffee, chocolate, mate, caffeinated soft
drinks, caffeinated pills, coffee beans, etc."
- Tea
- "So, you want to be a ceremonial tea master..."
- Tea, ISO standard cup of
- Standards are good. Everyone should have one.
- TEA - A Magazine
- A new, bimonthly magazine all about tea, both as a drink and for its cultural significance in art, music, literature, history, and
- The art of tea drinking
- An article on chinese teaculture.