The Search for Messiah, A Persian Book on the Concept of Jewish Messiah, The signs of its coming, the events leading to the first coming and the second coming of the Messiah
A New Farsi Worship CD by Georgette, Persian Gospel Music CD Beloved by Georgette, Iranian Christian Praise and Worship CD by Georgette, Mahboob - Beloved

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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
Iranian Christians International

P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO 80936, U.S.A.
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"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

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P=Persian; E=English; Pu=Pushtu, D=Dari


The Persian Bible (P)
1904 Translation.
Vinyl cover. 1809p



The Persian Bible (P)
1904 Translation.
Hard cover. 1809p.



New Testament (P)
Today's Persian version. Good evangelistic and Bible study tool. Paperback. 707p. N/A.



The Gospel of John (P)
Today's Persian version. Good evangelistic tool for Muslims. Emphasizes Jesus' deity. Narrates what Jesus said more than what he did. 69p.



The Gospel of Luke (P)
Today's Persian version. Emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, representing Jesus as the Son of God. Features his kindness toward the weak, suffering, and outcast. 97p.



The Gospel of Matthew (P)
Today's Persian version. Good evangelistic tool, but emphasizes "the coming of the Jewish Messiah," which can be a stumbling block to Muslims. 94p.



Eternal Psalms (P)
Is a selection from Living Psalms in modern Persian. Iranians, like other Muslims, believe that the Psalms of David (Zabour) is a book from God and they read it with respect. A good pre-evangelistic book. A 1990 ICI reprint. 112p.



New Testament (P)
The old (1904) translation. Useful mostly for those with a strong background in Persian. While supplies last. 461p.



New Testament (P)
Hardcover. The old (1904) translation. Useful mostly for those with a strong background in Persian. While supplies last. 421p.



Selected Proverbs (P)
Selected Proverbs in Modern Persian. (Photocopy quality). 96p



Diatesseron (P)
Combines the four Gospels. It also offers explanatory footnotes and full color pictures.543p.



Adam & Eve (Gen. 1-3) (P)
Today's Persian version. 9p.



Noah's Flood (Gen. 6:9-9:2) (P)
Today's Persian version. 7p.



Abraham (Gen. 12-25) (P)
Today's Persian version. 19p.



Joseph (Gen. 37-47) (P)
Today's Persian version. 39p.



Proverbs of Solomon (P)
Today's Persian version. 23p.



Way of Life (Matt. 5-7) (P)
Today's Persian version. 13p.



Teaching & Miracles of Christ (P)
Today's Persian version. 13p.



Resurrection of Christ (John 18-21) (P)
Today's Persian version. 17p.



Method of Living (James) (P)
Today's Persian version. 12p.



The Great News (The New Testament) (E)
The New International Version translation with illustrations. Paperback. 213p.



God's Word (The Bible) (E)
The New International Version translation. Paperback. 751p.



Gospel of Jesus the Messiah-According to John (E)
Today's English version with notes-for Muslims. 92p.



Gospel of John (E)
The New American Standard translation. 80p.



Persian New Testament (Pocket) (P)
Today's Persian version. Good evangelistic and Bible study tool. Vinyl cover. 707p.



The Psalms (Modern Persian)
S. Khachiki.



Miracles of Jesus (P)

Describes all the "Miracles of Jesus" as reported in the Gospels. 22p.



Life of Power (Mark) (P/E)

Gospel of Mark in magazine format. Bilingual format. 42p.



The Prophet Series (E)
Set of 7
The accounts about these prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon) are from the Bible which consists of both Old Testament (Tawrat) and the New Testament (Injil). Also sold separately at $0.55 each.



Bible, New Translation (P)
A paraphrased translation. Published by International Bible Society 1996. 1247p.



Jesus Christ (P)

A full color illustration of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. 60p.



Persian Bible (96 Ed.)
1904 translation with new typeset and helpful notes. Published in 1996. 1455p.



My Little Bible (P)
An illustrated Children's story book.



New Testament with Psalms (P)
New paraphrased translation. Pocket size. Supply is limited. 428p.



New Life (P)
A collection of 9 tracts in an attractive packet each with New Testament passages with full color pictures.



New Testament (Pu)

New Testament in Pushtu. Published in 1996. 617p.



Sermon on the Mount (Pu)
"Sermon on the Mount" in Pushtu. Published by Pakistani Bible Society in 1981. While supplies last. 56p.



Leather Cover Bible (P)
1904 translation with new typeset and helpful notes. Published in 1996. Hardcover 1110047



The Psalms (P)

Persian Psalms. Revised Version. United Bible Societies. 2000 Edition. 197p.



New Testament (P/E)

Published by Voice of the Martyrs in 1999. Hard cover.



The Gospel of Matthew (P)

Published by Elam in 2001. 79p.



The Epistle to the Hebrews (P)

Published by Elam in 2001. 31 p.



New Testament (P)

Paraphrased Translation (Pocket)



New Testament (P)

Hazareh Nov Translation by Elam. Paper Back.



New Testament (P)

Hazareh Nov Translation by Elam. Hard Back.



The Kurdish New Testament (Sorani)

Published by the International Bible Society in 1998. Hard cover.


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