26th Iranian Christians Conference in Dallas Oct 23-26, 2014 - Biblical teachings in Farsi on Godly Ministry by The Iranian pastors Sohrab Ramtin, Tat Stewart and Jahangir Daadras
NoRooz Persian New Year the Ever lasting Tradition and Celebration Poetry by Bozorg-Mehr vaziri from Houston, NoRuz is an Everlasting Ancient Persian Tradition, Persian Poetry on Significance & Longivity of NoRuz Persian New Year by Vaziri

Doaa Rabbani - Lord's Prayer in Farsi

Matthew 6:9-13
Jesus said: This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallow be your name,
Your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.'
Read or Print the entire Gospel of Matthew in Persian Gospel of Matthew in Persian (Farsi) or (English)

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God's Grace & Blessing be with you
Searching for Significance, A biblical understanding of selfworth - A Persian Christian Book
Mojdeh Eisa be Donya Aamad, Tabrik Eide Milad, Send FREE Persian Christmas Greeting, Farsi Christmas eCards, Iranian Christian eCards from FarsiNet

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