Iranian Christians' Pakistan Quake, Hurricane Katrina, Asia Tsunami Relief Effort Please pray for victims of Pakistan/India Quake, Hurricanes Katrina/Rita & Asia Tsunami & Support the Relief Effort:
US Katerina Storm Aid - Red Cross Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Operation Blessing, America's Second Harvest, more ...
Christ is Born Tonight Christmas Persian Poetry by Vaziri at FarsiNet, Masih Tavallod Yaft Farsi Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri on the Birth of Jesus, Iranian Christian Poetry
Iranian Christians of Central U.S., Inc.

Iranian Christians of Central U.S., Inc.
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Look at the tomb - Its empty, Jesus has raisen!
Death did not have a hold on Jesus, He has raisen!
In fact Jesus raised from among the Dead!
In fact Jesus raised from among the Dead! In fact Jesus raised from among the Dead!

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Da Vinci Code Movie for Iranians
What is NowRuz? How can one fully understand NowRooz? What is the True Meaning of NoRuz? A Persian Essay by Dr. Bozrog-Mehr Vaziri, Free Farsi Book on history of NowRuz and Persian New year in Iran
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