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Persian Poetry and Poetic Art

Baba Tahir Oryan of Hamadan
Baba Tahir Oryan's mysticism, philosophy, and sentiments are captured in quatrains of simple and uniform metre. Oryan, born in Hamadan, Iran, in the early eleventh century, was considered by his contemporaries as one of the most eminent, erudite mystics and sentimentalists of his time, a reputation he has held in the affection of his countrymen to the present day. Little is known of the circumstances of Oryan's birth and death, and only his verses allowed his contemporaries and today's readers to appreciate this thoughts and sentiments.
Baba Tahir Oryan of Hamadan - Ze Dast-e Deedeh o Dell

Beneath the tyranny of eyes and heart I cry,
For, all that the eyes see, the heart stores up,
I'll fashion me a pointed sword of steel,
put out mine eyes, and so set free my heart.
From The Quatrains of Baba Tahir Oryan of Hamadan (Persian Mystic):
I am that ocean now in foam and tide;
I am that sun, but now in rays abide.
I move and burn, and then reverse my course;
I shine and glow and then grow low and hide.

I am that sea now gathered in a tear.
I am that universe now centered here.
I am that book of destiny which seems
To form a lonely dot of hope and fear.

I am a rose that grows on hills of love
I am a soul that learns the drills of love.
I am a heart in agony and joy.
From fire and chills and woes and thrills of love.

What if a sword should rob me of my sight,
What if a wind? should send my soul to flight,
What if a nail were driven through my hands,
I still would feel thy presence and thy light.

If I am trapped in flesh and lust - I'm thine
And though I doubt your ways, or trust - I'm thine.
Whether to Christ I cling or Mazda's Wing*
Behind these veils of dreams and dust - I'm thine.

Whether I cling, whether I part- you know.
Whether I break or keep my heart - you know.
Whether I crown my head or drown my eyes,
You know my goal from end to start - you know.

I find my ill in you, my cure in you.
I part from you and then endure in you.
If knives would cut my tissues each from each,
My naked soul is e'er secure in you.

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