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Do you have a special prayer request? Would you like the Iranian Church Pastors and Iranian Christian prayer groups pray for you or your loved ones? Then send your prayer request to

From: Nasrin, Germany

Salam. Would you please pray for my husband Nader and I as we seek God's wisdom about raising our Children in Godly environment regardless of what is happening in the society. Please pray for all Iranian couples who live out side of Iran to find the help and gain the wisdom necessary to raise healthy and godly children.

God Bless you all, Nasrin

From: Manjinder, California

Would you please pray to Lord Jesus for special couple in their preparation to move to New Jersey. They have family there and he is need of work. Please pray they do move to New Jersey within this month.

His sister from California, Manjinder

From: Saeed (London)

Salaam. Would you please pray for my sister Zari. She is pregnant and had an automobile accident yesterday. Please pray that her child is protected. Please pray that my sister is healthy soon. Please pray that god provide for her medical expenses. Merci.

From: Nancy

Would you please pray for my friend Jerry. He had an accident and broke his hand and shoulder. He has also lost his short term memory. Please pray for a full recovery for him. Also pray that this will bring his family even closer toGod and together.

From: Samson

Salam Doostan Azziz,

I like to request from you to please include my son Shawn in your prayer list and please pray for his recovery from his Brain surgery that he had six week ago. He was involved in a collision at school when playing flag football and he was seriously injured. However, when JESUS is in control there is nothing that can not be has been through his miracles and his strengths and the prayers of all the friends that my son has progressively feeling much better. My prayers is for him to get better and able to go back to school and to resume his daily activity without any illnes.

Once again, thanks for all your help and eo keep him in your prayer. May God bless you all and to provide his glory. AMEN


To All of you brothers/sisters.

I like to take this opportunity and extend my deepest and sincere thanks to each and every one of you who prayed for my son , Shawn who went through two brain surgeries and praise the LORD, he has come through gain and my son is feeling much better and in couple of weeks he is ready to go back to school gain..WOW what a wonderful feeling when you know and have the faith in Jesus that he will come through..LET GO..LET GOD and I say AMEN to that.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.    Psalm 7:17

Once again, thanks for all of you my brothers and sisters for praying for my son. I love you all and may God bless you.. Samson

Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have fogiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Doaa-e Rabbani - Lord's Prayer in Farsi (Persian)

God's Peace & Blessing be with you

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