Persian Poetry and Poetic Literature
1000+ Years of Persian Poetry
A Free Voice
- A collection of Persian Poetry by Azhar Ali Azad
Baba Tahir Oryan
- The Great 12th Centuary Mystic Persian Poet
Bozorg Meher Vaziri
- Don Not Store Up Your Treasures On Earth!!
- میاندوز
گنجی که دزدان برند
- Godly Love
- I am the Vine
- The Word Became Flesh...
- Vatan - My Beloved Homeland
Dehqani Tafti
Christ and Christianity in Persian Poetry
Garajeh Da'aghi - Iranian Christian Poet of 20th Centuary
- Christ - A Liberating Love
- Holy Spirit
- Mesiah Has Come
- Isa A'amadeh, Your Redeemer has come!
- Messiah Has Come! - Eisa A'amadeh!
- Persian (Farsi) Christian Poetry Video
- Miracle of Cross
- Experience The Miracle, its healing power
Esfandiar Mosharraf
- Contemporary Persian Poet
Farsi Christian Hymns & Poetry
Farsi Christian Hymns by Dr. Saeed Khan Kordestani
Mohsen Jamal - Lost Persian Cat
NoRuz Persian Poetry
- Persian Poetry about Persian New Year, NowRuz
Parvin Etesami - Life After Death
Persian Cat Poetry
Persian Poetic Art
Psalms of David
- Christian Poetry and Songs
Remembering a Friend
- The Great 13th Centuary Persian Poet and Writer
- What is a Christian Wedding?
Whisper of a Bloom
- The first collection of Poems by R. Azariah, London
Persian Christian Poetry by Doctor Sa'eed Khan Kordestani
Christ - My life, My Light, My Guide