Haji Firuz a symbol of Persian new Year NowRuz which is the first day of Spring, NowRuz Piruz Iranians celebrate Persian new Year NowRuz on the first day of Spring, NowRuz Farkhondeh First day of Spring is Persian new Year NowRuz, NowRuz Khojasteh baad Haji Firuzeh, Saalee Yek Ruzeh Haji Firuz is a sign of Persian new Year coming on the first day of Spring Haji Firuz dances for NowRuz Haji Firuz celebrates first day of Spring NowRuz is celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Turks and many other people group around Iran Haji Firuz announce sthe coming of Spring, NowRuz - Persian New year Dance to the music of NowRuz with Haji Firuz
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Persian Iranian Stamps, Collection, Gallery, History, Stamp Swap

Persian / Iranian Stamps
1889 - 1891 Official Set
1919 Temporary Set
Ahmad Shah #1
Ahmad Shah #2
Reza Shah
Reza Shah Air Mail
Shah's Early Years
Shah Coronation, 1968
Regional Women Costumes
Regional Carpets, 1974
7th Asian Games, 1974
50th Pahlavi Dynasty Anniv., 1976
NoRooz #1
NoRooz #2

Islamic Republic of Iran
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Children of the World
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Fresh Water Fish
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Tambr - Persian / Iranian Stamps - Ahmad Shah - Qajar Dynasty Stamps

Persian Stamp complete set of Ahmad Shah of Iran Persian 1922

First Set of Ahmad Shah Qajar Stamps - 1922 (1301)

The rise of foreign influence in Iran and the weakness and corruption of the country's rulers led early in the 20th century to the development a nationalist movement that demanded the establishment of a stitutional government. In 1906 the reigning shah, Mazaffar Din, was forced by popular demand to convene the first Majlis, or ional assembly, which drew up a liberal constitution. His son and cessor, Muhammad Ali, attempted to destroy the constitutional ement by force, but was defeated and deposed; his 12-year-old was placed on the throne as Ahmad Shah, and a regency was set In 1911 the American financier William Morgan Shuster arrived Iran at the invitation of the Majlis and was given full power to rganize the national finances. His reforms were, however, strated by the hostility of Russia; Shuster was dismissed, and sian power subsequently became dominant in Iran.


How much are the Ahmad Shah stamps worth?
Thank-you, Soeten
Ahmad Shah stamps could be woryh $10-$20 depending on the condition, year, etc.

For example, all 12 stamps shown at www.farsinet.com/tambr/ahmadshah1.html are worth couple of dollars. But if they were mint condition and new, they could be worth $20-$30.

A complete set such as the one shown above (in this page) is worth about $20. If they were all mint condition and new, could be worth $100. If they were first day special marked set, maybe more.

Hope it helps. You can also check eBay for other Persian stamps on sale to get some idea. - Nader

Send your questions, suggestions and Tambr history & images to webmaster@farsinet.com
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