| ![]() |
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 704,782
Average successful requests per day: 25,171
Successful requests for pages: 145,802
Average successful requests for pages per day: 5,207
Failed requests: 20,441
Redirected requests: 1,141
Distinct files requested: 6,105
Distinct hosts served: 23,575
Corrupt logfile lines: 3
Data transferred: 4,800 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 175,548 kbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 4,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: #reqs: pages: --------: ------: ------: Feb 1999: 704782: 145802:Busiest month: Feb 1999 (145,802 requests for pages).![]()
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: #reqs: pages: ---------: ------: -----: 31/Jan/99: 150472: 28688:Busiest week: week beginning 21/Feb/99 (35,626 requests for pages).7/Feb/99: 177928: 34169:
14/Feb/99: 172314: 32890:
21/Feb/99: 180967: 35626:
28/Feb/99: 23101: 4429:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 150 requests for pages, or part thereof.
date: #reqs: pages: ---------: -----: -----: 1/Feb/99: 24958: 4564:Busiest day: 24/Feb/99 (5,896 requests for pages).2/Feb/99: 26260: 5345:
3/Feb/99: 26295: 5141:
4/Feb/99: 25375: 4848:
5/Feb/99: 27140: 4844:
6/Feb/99: 20444: 3946:
7/Feb/99: 21803: 4279:
8/Feb/99: 25687: 4727:
9/Feb/99: 27803: 5028:
10/Feb/99: 27866: 5251:
11/Feb/99: 26764: 5257:
12/Feb/99: 25859: 5221:
13/Feb/99: 22146: 4406:
14/Feb/99: 21841: 4220:
15/Feb/99: 24309: 4469:
16/Feb/99: 27326: 5401:
17/Feb/99: 23099: 4342:
18/Feb/99: 27175: 5207:
19/Feb/99: 25246: 4556:
20/Feb/99: 23318: 4695:
21/Feb/99: 16318: 3255:
22/Feb/99: 27281: 5158:
23/Feb/99: 27739: 5405:
24/Feb/99: 29317: 5896:
25/Feb/99: 29759: 5695:
26/Feb/99: 27847: 5721:
27/Feb/99: 22706: 4496:
28/Feb/99: 23101: 4429:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: #reqs: pages: ---: ------: -----: Sun: 83063: 16183:Mon: 102235: 18918:
Tue: 109128: 21179:
Wed: 106577: 20630:
Thu: 109073: 21007:
Fri: 106092: 20342:
Sat: 88614: 17543:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 200 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: #reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 23116: 4479:1: 18894: 3983:
2: 18285: 3581:
3: 15908: 3288:
4: 16980: 3383:
5: 15529: 3213:
6: 17628: 3566:
7: 24359: 4602:
8: 29542: 5127:
9: 29912: 5751:
10: 36317: 7225:
11: 36814: 6952:
12: 38562: 7138:
13: 39138: 7079:
14: 40801: 7788:
15: 39819: 7563:
16: 35520: 6681:
17: 36407: 6963:
18: 30111: 6151:
19: 33851: 6456:
20: 35469: 7037:
21: 30606: 5918:
22: 32843: 6413:
23: 28371: 5465:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain ------: ------: ------ 173309: 27.28%: .com (Commercial) 162464: 22.66%: .net (Network) 142717: 19.16%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 42622: 5.93%: .edu (USA Educational) 39071: 5.02%: .ca (Canada) 17814: 2.39%: .uk (United Kingdom) 17351: 2.34%: .se (Sweden) 11119: 1.47%: .de (Germany) 9264: 1.42%: .au (Australia) 10225: 1.39%: .us (United States) 8311: 0.94%: .dk (Denmark) 6884: 0.92%: .fr (France) 5747: 0.85%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 5766: 0.84%: .no (Norway) 4499: 0.63%: .jp (Japan) 4431: 0.56%: .nl (Netherlands) 3082: 0.45%: .mil (USA Military) 2960: 0.44%: .ae (United Arab Emirates) 3113: 0.41%: .gov (USA Government) 1891: 0.33%: .ch (Switzerland) 2209: 0.33%: .it (Italy) 2227: 0.29%: .my (Malaysia) 1899: 0.27%: .il (Israel) 1861: 0.26%: .be (Belgium) 1792: 0.24%: .at (Austria) 1519: 0.23%: .sg (Singapore) 1442: 0.23%: .es (Spain) 1911: 0.22%: .fi (Finland) 1425: 0.22%: .tr (Turkey) 1201: 0.17%: .nz (New Zealand) 1120: 0.16%: .ru (Russia) 810: 0.13%: .br (Brazil) 777: 0.11%: .bh (Bahrain) 728: 0.10%: .pl (Poland) 637: 0.10%: .gr (Greece) 617: 0.08%: .pt (Portugal) 550: 0.08%: .za (South Africa) 540: 0.07%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet) 484: 0.07%: .ie (Ireland) 396: 0.07%: .hu (Hungary) 294: 0.06%: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 449: 0.05%: .mx (Mexico) 379: 0.05%: .in (India) 399: 0.05%: .id (Indonesia) 279: 0.05%: .ee (Estonia) 261: 0.05%: .ir (Iran) 416: 0.04%: .tw (Taiwan) 196: 0.04%: .qa (Qatar) 303: 0.04%: .cz (Czech Republic) 259: 0.04%: .th (Thailand) 283: 0.04%: .ph (Philippines) 329: 0.04%: .is (Iceland) 190: 0.04%: .kr (South Korea) 252: 0.03%: .hr (Croatia) 322: 0.03%: .si (Slovenia) 259: 0.03%: .ro (Romania) 284: 0.03%: .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 184: 0.03%: .cy (Cyprus) 182: 0.03%: .hk (Hong Kong) 211: 0.03%: .pk (Pakistan) 194: 0.03%: .co (Colombia) 202: 0.03%: .om (Oman) 144: 0.02%: .lb (Lebanon) 117: 0.02%: .cr (Costa Rica) 141: 0.02%: .mu (Mauritius) 102: 0.02%: .mt (Malta) 99: 0.01%: .sk (Slovak Republic) 92: 0.01%: .lt (Lithuania) 112: 0.01%: .ar (Argentina) 66: 0.01%: .uy (Uruguay) 51: 0.01%: [domain not given] 56: 0.01%: .az (Azerbaidjan) 74: 0.01%: .nu (Niue) 38: 0.01%: .bg (Bulgaria) 27: 0.01%: .mg (Madagascar) 50: 0.01%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago) 37: 0.01%: .lu (Luxembourg) 26: 0.01%: .na (Namibia) 44: 0.01%: .jo (Jordan) 69: 0.01%: .kw (Kuwait) 28: 0.01%: .bm (Bermuda) 32: 0.01%: .eg (Egypt) 30: 0.01%: .kg (Kyrgyzstan) 28: 0.01%: .gt (Guatemala) 41: : .pe (Peru) 25: : .sb (Solomon Islands) 28: : .lv (Latvia) 22: : .bn (Brunei Darussalam) 19: : .do (Dominican Republic) 29: : .ua (Ukraine) 25: : .cu (Cuba) 28: : [unknown domains] 9: : .int (International) 19: : .yu (Yugoslavia) 30: : .bw (Botswana) 14: : .to (Tonga) 23: : .mk (Macedonia) 7: : .sm (San Marino) 17: : .ec (Ecuador) 10: : .aw (Aruba) 9: : .cl (Chile) 9: : .et (Ethiopia) 15: : .md (Moldavia) 7: : .cn (China) 14: : .py (Paraguay) 4: : .bs (Bahamas) 2: : .ye (Yemen) 1: : .ve (Venezuela)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 7877: 3.99%: 28/Feb/99 23:55: / 4871: 2.70%: 28/Feb/99 23:56: /indexf.html 3784: 1.34%: 28/Feb/99 23:27: /gorbeh/ 3202: 1.67%: 28/Feb/99 23:58: /persianweb/ 2944: 2.63%: 28/Feb/99 23:44: /news/ 2913: 1.59%: 28/Feb/99 22:04: /indexm.html 2006: 0.54%: 28/Feb/99 23:58: /gorbeh/catgallery.html 1997: 0.78%: 28/Feb/99 23:56: /poetry/ 1897: 0.82%: 28/Feb/99 22:31: /iranbibl/ 1398: 0.59%: 28/Feb/99 23:29: /norooz/ 1380: 0.69%: 28/Feb/99 23:53: /indexa.html 1326: 1.36%: 28/Feb/99 23:06: /jafang/ 1313: 0.73%: 28/Feb/99 23:53: /indexc1.html 1305: 0.35%: 28/Feb/99 23:30: /truth/ 1230: 0.41%: 28/Feb/99 22:34: /mashhad/ 1163: 0.60%: 28/Feb/99 23:09: /indexh.html 1156: 0.37%: 28/Feb/99 23:37: /zarbomasal/ 1156: 0.30%: 28/Feb/99 23:14: /alice/ 1007: 0.51%: 28/Feb/99 23:02: /indexp.html 975: 0.50%: 28/Feb/99 23:27: /indexe.html 971: 0.62%: 28/Feb/99 23:49: /persianweb/indexp.html 946: 0.36%: 28/Feb/99 23:47: /red_skelton/ 939: 0.67%: 28/Feb/99 22:57: /gorbeh/catjokes.html 931: 0.33%: 28/Feb/99 21:33: /jamal/ 915: 0.54%: 28/Feb/99 23:32: /indexr.html 892: 0.52%: 28/Feb/99 23:14: /persianweb/indexr.html 891: 0.32%: 28/Feb/99 23:35: /gorbeh/links.html 874: 0.31%: 28/Feb/99 23:58: /poeticart/ 863: 0.25%: 28/Feb/99 22:16: /amirimports/ 859: 0.28%: 28/Feb/99 23:48: /zanamu/ 858: 0.35%: 28/Feb/99 23:53: /hottea/ 833: 0.43%: 28/Feb/99 23:07: /indexc.html 820: 0.24%: 28/Feb/99 23:17: /nejat/ 806: 0.40%: 28/Feb/99 22:55: /indexd.html 796: 0.25%: 28/Feb/99 23:59: /ici/ 786: 0.29%: 28/Feb/99 23:54: /gorbeh/catnames.html 773: 0.28%: 28/Feb/99 22:13: /tehran/ 686: 0.27%: 28/Feb/99 22:50: /icc/ 683: 0.34%: 28/Feb/99 23:01: /1001nights/ 658: 0.35%: 28/Feb/99 23:26: /indexb.html 644: 0.21%: 28/Feb/99 23:51: /yadedoost/ 623: 0.33%: 28/Feb/99 23:53: /indexo.html 615: 0.19%: 28/Feb/99 22:54: /poetry/farsi_hymns/ 602: 0.20%: 28/Feb/99 23:38: /zarbomasal/page9.html 598: 0.19%: 28/Feb/99 19:49: /red_skelton/gallery.html 575: 0.26%: 28/Feb/99 23:39: /farsi.html 571: 0.19%: 28/Feb/99 22:27: /gorbeh/bicolor.html 563: 0.18%: 28/Feb/99 23:38: /zarbomasal/page1.html 549: 0.13%: 28/Feb/99 23:15: /barani/ 528: 0.26%: 28/Feb/99 22:04: /indexs.html 525: 0.25%: 28/Feb/99 21:48: /persianweb/indexc.html 523: 0.17%: 28/Feb/99 23:30: /gorbeh/gray.html 521: 0.20%: 28/Feb/99 23:08: /mashhad/gallery.html 521: 0.35%: 28/Feb/99 23:08: /truth/index3.html 506: 0.45%: 28/Feb/99 18:24: /poetry/ChristInPersianPoetry.html 494: 0.19%: 28/Feb/99 23:23: /persianrug/designs.html 491: 0.16%: 28/Feb/99 22:28: /gorbeh/black.html 473: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 22:44: /marzeshab/ 461: 0.39%: 28/Feb/99 23:54: /truth/faq.html 457: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 21:23: /truth/trtfrs11.html 441: 0.15%: 28/Feb/99 23:32: /gorbeh/catbreeder.html 440: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 21:31: /assadipour/ 439: 0.23%: 28/Feb/99 23:27: /indexlegal.html 427: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 20:04: /sobati/ 415: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 23:11: /jamal/cd/ 413: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 21:33: /jamal/index1.html 410: 0.28%: 28/Feb/99 22:31: /truth/index2.html 410: 0.15%: 28/Feb/99 23:55: /iranbibl/historyof/ 392: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 22:28: /gorbeh/basket.html 385: 0.31%: 28/Feb/99 23:31: /zanamu/issues.html 375: 0.20%: 28/Feb/99 22:32: /iranbibl/iranbible.html 372: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 23:08: /isao/ 368: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 23:33: /jesusinislam/ 368: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 22:29: /gorbeh/hammock.html 367: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 22:12: /gorbeh/smoke.html 366: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 23:38: /zarbomasal/page10.html 362: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 22:13: /gorbeh/tabby.html 361: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 23:14: /alice/index1.html 358: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 21:35: /gorbeh/otherlinks.html 354: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 22:13: /gorbeh/white.html 345: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 23:32: /poeticart/indexz.html 343: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 20:55: /vida/ 342: 0.29%: 28/Feb/99 22:27: /gorbeh/catstories.html 341: 0.21%: 28/Feb/99 22:31: /truth/index1.html 337: 0.17%: 28/Feb/99 23:19: /persianweb/indexn.html 333: 0.15%: 28/Feb/99 23:52: /whatsnew.html 328: 0.17%: 28/Feb/99 16:15: /persianweb/indexm.html 326: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 20:43: /hamadan/ 325: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 20:59: /amirimports/gallery1.html 325: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 23:11: /jamal/index8.html 321: 0.20%: 28/Feb/99 22:37: /mashhad/haram.html 314: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 22:28: /artent/ 312: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 22:52: /salaam/ 309: 0.16%: 28/Feb/99 22:52: /iccsd/ 295: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 19:24: /injil/ 292: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 20:52: /farsieats/ 290: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 22:20: /gorbeh/zanogorbeh.html 287: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 23:27: /tooran/ 279: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 20:18: /amirimports/gallery2.html 279: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 20:47: /dibaj/dibfars1.html 278: 0.12%: 28/Feb/99 19:41: /persianweb/indexj.html 276: 0.15%: 28/Feb/99 19:07: /persianweb/indexa.html 275: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 21:33: /jamal/index2.html 275: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 21:17: /bazaar/ 273: 0.13%: 28/Feb/99 18:02: /gorbeh/opinion.html 271: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 23:07: /mashhad/ferdowsi.html 270: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 21:32: /toman/ 267: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 23:00: /ut_isaco/ 265: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 23:26: /norooz/haftsinn1.html 260: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 22:14: /gorbeh/white2.html 252: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:34: /norooz/hajifiruz1.html 252: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 21:02: /tambr/ 251: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 20:54: /injil/john/ 251: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:34: /mashhad/mashhad.html 246: 0.02%: 28/Feb/99 21:42: /truth/trtfrs15.html 245: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 20:01: /sobati/gallery.html 243: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 13:57: /iranbibl/persiabible.html 243: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 23:56: /truth/index4.html 237: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 19:13: /zarbomasal/page11.html 234: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:28: /iranbibl/kings.html 232: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:37: /mashhad/nader_shah.html 230: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 18:53: /tabriz/ 230: 0.19%: 28/Feb/99 21:41: /amirimports/faq.html 228: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 20:46: /marzeshab/index2.html 226: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 20:37: /persianweb/indexe.html 220: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 21:00: /jamal/lostcat.html 219: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 23:11: /jamal/comedian.html 219: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 23:29: /norooz/haftsinn2.html 218: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 13:52: /gorbeh/catpoetry.html 217: 0.01%: 20/Feb/99 17:25: /ad.html 216: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 18:56: /red_skelton/gallery2.html 214: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 21:31: /assadipour/postcard1.html 213: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 19:45: /alice/index2.html 213: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 19:25: /injil/matthew/ 212: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 21:33: /jamal/index3.html 209: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 19:40: /arak/ 207: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 20:51: /jamal/index5.html 204: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 23:34: /ici/who.html 203: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:28: /iranbibl/chronolg.html 202: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 19:28: /anna/ 200: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 22:58: /poetry/babatahir1.html 197: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 22:10: /persianweb/indexi.html 196: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 21:15: /norooz/haftsinn3.html 195: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 22:53: /ipco/ 193: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 19:04: /persianweb/indexf.html 191: 0.11%: 28/Feb/99 21:57: /truth/index5.html 187: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 16:26: /konacafe/ 183: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 22:50: /pwo/people.html 179: 0.23%: 25/Feb/99 10:47: /news/jan99.html 179: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 20:48: /dibaj/ 178: 0.07%: 28/Feb/99 21:14: /tehran/history.html 178: 0.10%: 28/Feb/99 19:09: /zanamu/travel.html 178: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 23:07: /mashhad/neyshabur.html 177: 0.04%: 28/Feb/99 19:27: /barani/index1.html 177: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 23:18: /azeri/ 177: 0.14%: 28/Feb/99 21:14: /news/sports.html 175: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 09:47: /pwo/ 175: 0.02%: 28/Feb/99 22:15: /truth/trtfrs01.html 175: 0.08%: 28/Feb/99 23:56: /top10month/ 174: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 21:21: /proper_use.html 174: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 23:55: /hottea/teawebsites.html 173: 0.04%: 28/Feb/99 23:21: /jesusinislam/index1.html 169: 0.02%: 27/Feb/99 00:39: /adfarsi.html 169: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 14:54: /special_offer.html 168: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 20:54: /indexm2.html 168: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 21:33: /jamal/index4.html 166: 0.06%: 27/Feb/99 16:47: /hottea/perfect.html 165: 0.09%: 28/Feb/99 22:35: /truth/index6.html 164: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 20:30: /gorbeh/ceramic.html 160: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 23:53: /tooran/gallery.html 158: 0.05%: 28/Feb/99 19:17: /gorbeh/neon.html 157: 0.06%: 28/Feb/99 16:09: 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