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The Urantia Book - Fifth Epochal Revelation



The "Urantia Book" is a collection of papers written by a variety of celestial and angelic beings – there is no human author named. These nearly 2100 pages of revelation concern a large and eclectic expression of divine and pure truth, centering around the nature of God, and His relation to His countless children. The ((Title of Papers)) list the multi-dimensional variety of subjects discussed throughout these papers, and are a good place to start in understanding the authorship and information involved.

First published in 1955, it has since been translated into several languages, including French, Spanish, Finnish, and Russian. Despite its strong influence and renown in the spiritual community, because of certain controversies, this "Fifth Epochal Revelation" to humanity has remained what many refer to as, "the best-kept secret in the world". The spiritual weight and intellectual potency of this newest gift from our Heavenly Father is exquisitely balanced with the same simple gospel as Christ on earth – Jesus of Nazareth (Isa).

There are some 900 pages alone dedicated to describing Jesus’ mission and life, as witnessed and recorded by the unseen spiritual hierarchy of God. The entire life of this Creator Son is revealed through the eyes and thoughts of the angels, archangels, and even higher orders of celestial beings. Never have human eyes beheld such a comprehensive and revelatory analysis of this Son of God, so beautifully portrayed and magnified with his own living words of truth.

A year-by-year revelation of Jesus life is provided, including his divine nature and life prior to his birth in the flesh, as well as his resurrection and ascent. The name Jesus is used to refer to this Son of Man while in the flesh, while "Mi-cha-el" is used to refer to his celestial name. The name Michael is referred to numerously in the New and Old Testament, as well as the Qur'an, but is most often mistaken to be the name of an archangel.

Since these papers deal with the accurate and entire history of our planet, indepth analysis of every relevant religious and secular institution is carried out in a methodical fashion. The Urantia (Urantia is the name of our planet, pronounced "Oor-un-tya") revelation accepts all major prophets as human sons of God, each one a unique and indispensable light for their people and times. Mohammad, as well as Moses, all Old Testament prophets, Hindu and others are studied and validated in an objective and clear fashion, while their reach for the heights of truth is examined and described as was relevant to their civilizations.

Of particular interest to Persians is the historic description and revelation of some immensely important events that transpired in our ancient land. These papers authenticate the whole Mesopotamia region as the "cradle of civilization", and many events that changed and molded life as we know it (including the true story of Adam and Eve, the Lucifer/Satan rebellion, planetary racial origination and history, and roots of many present religions) occurred in the very lands now called Iran.

It should be duly noted that these celestial authors describe a physical evolution of mankind, as well as our parallel spiritual evolution. Many of the erroneous historic and conceptual ideas stemming from the Old Testament, as well as some of the New Testament, are attributed to the intentional and unintentional additions and deletions made by the people who were responsible for passing on the scriptures throughout the generations. This problem has also been compounded by the incompleteness of human knowledge, working without the possession and direction of revelations from above.

But perhaps of greatest interest to Persians is the description of Jesus travels to Iran. He spent a little over a year of his life there, "being about the Father’s business." The caravan which Jesus joined as its conductor was going from Jerusalem by way of Damascus and Lake Urmia through Assyria, Media, and Parthia to the southeastern Caspian Sea region("Kopet Dagh", or "Hezar Masjed" region). One of Jesus’ most important and powerful lectures was given on a small island on Lake Urmia. This lecture was given at a religious school which was open to philosophers and religionists, in those days, and centered around Jesus’ gospel of the "Brotherhood of Man", and the "Fatherhood of God". Yes, he had many Persian friends, and walked the very areas we now call Tehran.

He made a total of two trips to Persia, the other being a three-week tour of the Elam region, Susa (Shoosh) in particular. We are told that he took great interest in studying the ruins and traditions of Susa – prophet Daniel’s tomb is still there. This Elam region is the very land that is referred to as the "land of Nod" in the Biblical "Genesis", home to Cain after killing Abel. Jesus was an educated and worldly man, and did extensive traveling before the Baptism by John, in his attempt to study and understand the minds of his fellow humanity. All his travels are studied and revealed in these papers, including the trips to Rome, Egypt, Greece, and practically all of Mesopotamia.

Truth, as well as science and philosophy are regarded as indispensable to the evolution of humanity. A comprehensive understanding of reality requires an understanding of many facets of life, and all these are discussed at length, including planetary history, universe hierarchy, social dynamics, human psyche, traditions and myths, and science. Many topics of scientific and philosophical import are revealed in detail, and much of the scientific information presented by these papers long ago, is only now being validated by modern scientists.

But none of these compare to the matchless wisdom, supreme beauty, and pure truth expressed through the life and words of our Creator Son, Jesus of Nazareth. The same sublime spirituality and message of grace found in the Biblical account, as well as Jesus’ "spirit of truth", which constantly guides our minds from within to find "the way", is heard and amplified in this newest revelation to humanity.

We have today the incredible opportunity, as afforded by the grace of God, to hold in our hands a magnificent revelation never before available to our world. No amount of persuasion will attract the skeptic to this work, and no amount of skepticism will keep the true seeker away. Reach for the pinnacle of human perfection, unity with the Creator, Controller, and Upholder of the supernal heights of divine Mercy and Righteousness: light upon light, the Father of Light Himself.

Peace and blessings,

((Quotes from the Fifth Epochal Revelation))
((Article by Behzad -- "Monotheism vs. New Age"))

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