NoRooz Persian New Year the Ever lasting Tradition and Celebration Poetry by Bozorg-Mehr vaziri from Houston, NoRuz is an Everlasting Ancient Persian Tradition, Persian Poetry on Significance & Longivity of NoRuz Persian New Year by Vaziri
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    FarsiEats: Worldwide Directory of Persian/Iranian Restaurants

    Persian & Iranian Recipes


    • 1 or 2 washed beetroots
    • Drained yogurt or labaneh cheese

    Place 1 or 2 washed but unpeeled beetroots in the oven or a steamer. Cook until tender. Peel and slice and serve cold with drained yogurt, or labaneh cheese.

    VARIATION: dice and season with olive oil + lemon juice; add some onions and parsley.

    You can also serve beetroots in a potato salad or as an addition to a mixed salad plate.

    Eid NowRuz Mobarak, First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
    با بهترین آرزوها و شاد باش ها - نوروزتان پیروز

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