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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 11:00:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: tobacco leaf

I have recently acquired several pieces of hand-painted china. On the reverse is:

  • M
  • Niccotina
  • Tobacco Leaf
  • Hong Kong

Each piece is numbered. Do you have any information about this pattern. It is very ornate and appears to be hand-painted. I may have an interest in either selling or acquiring additional pieces.


Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 11:13:46 -0500
From: ChinaExchange
Subject: ChinaExchange
To: Gary


While the peices you describe sound interesting, they do not ring any bells. I will ask others and try to find something on them for you. In the mean time, can you describe the pattern? Is the same pattern in each peace, or are they all different? Aand are there any markings on the back near the Niccotina logo? We'll do a search and see what we can find for you.


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