Persian Iranian Farsi Professional & Cultural Organizations
Anjoman Injili - The Association of Iranian Presbyterian Churches and Fellowships of North America
AZERI - Azerbaijani Christian Resources
CHAIR - The Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees
ELAM - Eternal Life Agape Ministries
Esther Ministries - Omid-e Banovan - Hope of Women Magazine
Faith & Hope - Persian Christian Literature Library and Publishing
IAFA - Iranian-American Friendship Action
ICCA - Iranian Cultural Community of Austin, Texas, USA
ICC US - Iranian Christians of Central U.S.
ICI - Iranian Christians International
ICIC - International Council of Iranian Christians
IWSF - Iranian Women's Studies Foundation, Washington DC, USA
IFIRIC - International Fed. of Iranian Refugees & Immigrants
IPCO - Iranian/Persian Professional & Cultural Organizations - انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Iranian Christian Organizations
ISAO - Iranian/Persian Students Associations and Organizations - انجمنهاى دانشجويان ايرانى
KAM - Persian Society of Christian Studies
Nejat Music Productions
PEYVAND - Iranian Association of Minnesota
Persian World Outreach
Petra Video Production - Petra Broadcast Corporation
Shohar-Khaleh - Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women
Talim - Teaching and Leadership Development
UT ISACO - Iranian Student Academic and Cultural Org.
ZanAmu - Foreign wives of Iranian men
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Listen to selected songs from this album in Real Audio
| 1. Didar | (Sight, Visit) | - 4:15
| 2. Etminan | (Confidence) | - 4:15
| 3. Mahboobam Eesa | (My Beloved - Jesus) | - 4:30
| 4. Parastesh | (Worship) | - 3:40
| 5. Khane Ye Khodavand | (House of God) | - 4:40
| 6. Vadeh | (Promise) | - 5:10
| 7. Eelam | (Eelam) | - 4:45
Music & Lyrics: Adison Sarkisian, Vocals: Adison & Janet Sarkisian.
Musical Arrangement & Instrumentals: Anoush
Recorded & Mixed at Studio G.I, Art Work & Design: eRun