Introduction to Tea
Tea History Green, Black or Herbal? Medical Benefits Boosts the Body's Defense Tea Quotes Perfect Hot Tea Tea Recipe Tannic Acid in Tea Tea in Cooking Tea Ceremonies Persian Coffeehouse Public Opinion Tea Vendors Tea Links Tea Web Sites |
in cookingThese receipts are taken from The Little Tea Book, by Isha Mellor. Copyright © 1985 Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Limited. If you want more than these two receipts, then buy the book! :-)CashmeresoupGuests that are served this lovely soup always get mystified when they are trying to guess the ingredients - a good starting point for the dinner-conversation.
250 grams of dried apricots. Wash the apricots and let them lie in cold tea over the night. Then let the apricots simmer in the tea until they are soft. Make a purée of the apricots together with what is left of the tea in a food processor or a mixer. Pour the purée in a big saucepan and add bouillon, mint, curry, salt and pepper. Stir in the cream and sherry. Mix in more bouillon if it is necessary. Heat the soup. Garnish with mintleaves before serving. 4-6 portions. LambcasseroleA different but very tasty lambcasserole. Boiled or baked potato is good with this.
1 small roasted lamb. Dice the meat and fry it lightly without any extra fat. Add the onion and let it fry. Pour over the flour and spices and cook while stiring on low heat for a minute. Add the tea and heat it to a boil. Put the lid on and let it simmer for 1 3/4 hours. Add the peas and corn. Let it simmer for another 10 minutes, taste it and add cream if you wish. 4 portions. Interesting Food Links
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