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Farsi "Persian Cat" Names

Babr, Babri (Tiger), Bala (Nuisance), Farang (Europe, European), Gorbeh (Pussy cat), Malus, Maloos (Loveable), Miau (Meewww), Moosh (Mouse), Naaz (Lovely, Beautiful), Nazy (Cute, Cutesy), Palang (Leopard), Pambeh (Cotton, Cotton Ball), PeeShe, Pishy, Pisho (Pussy Cat), Roastam (A famous Persian Hero) Sefidi (Snow White), Sheitoon (Player, Naughty), Shir or Shiri (Lion), Shirrin (Sweet), Siah (Black), ...

Other "Persian Cat" Names

  • I named my persian cat Snoocums because he looks like a little red fur-ball with a tiny pink nose. (GrumpiGirl)
  • My Persian cat.s name is Rocky. He is a red Persian with a lion cut and has an absolutely adorable personality.... - Brenda
  • I have a one year old, male, Silver Tabby Persian, named Oliver. - Keaton
  • Taffy is a cream colored Persian. Sassy is my calico's name. She is brown with a milk mustache.
  • My Sweet Tortoiseshell Persian's name is Miss Antoinette - Annie for short.
  • Sheba - Our silver persian -- who is a gracious senior citizen at 15 -- is named Beth's Sheba for our daughter. Sheba has her own site: The life and Times of a prissy Persian
  • My Persian cat who I named Chatty Catty Doll, had a baby on March 16th. The baby is solid white so I named it Casper. Chatty Catty Doll is very pleased with her new arrival even if it was only one. Now she can finally CHAT her baby's ear off instead of mine!
  • I have a 5 month old tortie persian. My little Jaida is just beautiful. Her CFA name is Jaida de les etoiles, which is French for Jaida of the stars.
  • I have a brown persian cat, named Brownie (its a female). (Ilda Morais)
  • my persian's name was Collie, because when i first got her she looked an awful lot like a koloa bear. (Abiseid)
  • I have a 7 year old silver shaded persian whom I named Gandalf (Julia Steinbach)

    Other "Cat" Names

  • Adonis, Bobby, Fery, Jaguar, Misho, Sabby ( Sabastian)
  • Illusions Tiny T-Bone ....he is a classic brown tabby and was very very tiny when he was a baby - Today a wonderfull 1 year old boy
  • Menestra (Spanish term for bean soup) multi-colored kitty
  • I named my cat MOOSH (Mouse) because she has a flat face. She is registered at the CFA and has full papers with this name. I like her and she has a fan club with people all over America. (ElMoosho@aol.com)
  • Gray cat w/long whiskers - Sergeant Whiskers.
  • Our blue-point Himalayan cats name is Woodruff.
  • My favorite Cat names - Sebastion, Black Beauty, Ebony, Pearl, Sunny. - Faith
  • Furby is a gorgeous tabby kitten- 6 mos. old. He looks just like the Furby toy. Everyone loves him and his name. (Sharon)
  • Sir Gizmo of McArthur Palace (Gizmo)
  • Send your favorite Persian Cat Names to CatNames@gorbeh.com

    Contributions by: Camila Schmidt, Hamid Jalali, Marcela Conroy, Laurel Pruim, Roya Azimi, Siamak Bahador, Tooran, Jim Hougaard, Berit Elkjær, Shamsy Mirhosseini, Chris Auzenne, Chris & Amy, Assadollah Estabraghi, Boris M. Castillo

    Your opinion is important to us. Send your opinion to gorbeh@gorbeh.com and check other visitors' Opinion.
    Send us your favorite Persian Cat Names or Cat Names and share them with other Cat Lovers.

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    20 Years of FarsiNet
    Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
    A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians

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