Shahnameh, Epic of the Persian Kings by Ferdowsi the Grreat Persian (Iranian) Poet of 9th Centuary from Toos Khorasan near present Mashhad in Northeast Iran
A Persian Book by Fariborz Nikooravesh - Apostle John's Love Letters
Mashhad - Iran's Holy City
City Significance and History ... Map of Mashhad - Zoom up to street level
History of Imam Reza's Shrine
Nader Shah Mausoleum and Museum
Khaje Rabi Mausoleum
Who is a Mashtee??
Mashhad Image Gallery
Mashhad Rugs
Travel Information, Travel Agencies
Mashhad Weather - Current conditions and 5 day forecast
Province of Khorasan ... Khorasan News Paper
Neyshabur - Hakim Omar-e-Khoyyam & Attar
Ferdowsi - Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020 AD)
Saffron - ZahFaron, The most expensive spice in the world
Area Code of Cities in Iran
Visitors' Opinion, Comments and FAQ
Map of Mashhad, Holy City of Iran, Capitol of Iran's Largest Province

Who is a Mashtee (MashTea!, Mashdi, Mashdeee)?

MashTea Gholee

Mashtee is the title one receives when he/she visits Mashhad or The Imam Reza's shrine. Mashtee is also used as a sign of respect and acknowledgement of one's religous devotion. Mashtee is an alternative title to Haji, which is bestowed on a Moslem after visiting and attending to Moslem pilgrimage in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Mashtee is also a title (rather a generic one) to anybody from Mashhad. Mashtee is actually a slang for Mashhadi (one from Mashhad).

The other day I asked a good friend of mine what "Mashtee" meant to him and whether there was an English equivalent for it. He thought for a few seconds and then said, "I guess, Dude!". I said, Dude? "Yes", he said. "Mashtee is a real cool dude!!". Well, immediately I agreed with him, since I am from Mashhad, and therefore a True Blue Mashtee.

Dude on the right is Mashtee Gholee and has his own Cyber Tea House, Check it out.

Check out Mash Hassan's Bakery

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