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![]() Cat name = BootSan & Malibu Hello,
The conclusion of the BootSan story is my son named him (he learned the japanese name in japanese class at school). I groomed him and continue to work on his coat daily. BootSan rules from his THRONE formerly my diving board! My little "Malibu" is a 6 month old torti kitten with warm copper eyes. She is trying to BootSan to play but he is too regal. He cuddles with her on the white loveseat in my office and ever the gentleman, BootSan escorts Malibu to dinner nightly, waits for her to eat and then summons me to bring his dinner, in no uncertain terms. Does your persian talk to you? I swear they can say some words, not in Pharsee, but in English. BootSan tells me no. no, no when I try to groom his tummy and when he purrs, he sounds like he is saying ah...hmmmm like a Old British Colonial Officer. It has been a pleasure to tell you about my sweet darlings. Thank you for keeping a website and extolling the virtues of these amazing cats to those who have yet to have meet one of these Royal Cats from Persia! all the best, Puddie ![]() Cat name = Uncle Elizabeth Country & City = USA, Cazadero, California we found a stray persian cat living under our house. we had been reading the play "i remember mama" and we decided to call the cat "Uncle Elizabeth" after the cat in the play.we found her owners and they siad we could have her. they told us her name was muffin, but we kept the name uncle elizabeth. ![]() Cat name = Roksanna Country & City = USA, Grand Rapids, Michigan I always thought, I am a dog person. I have 5 dogs and I was convinced, never ever will I have a Persian. My friend sent me an email that she found this longhaired cat sleeping in her flower bed but she can not keep it because it does not like her dogs and she does not have time and she would bring it to the shelter. That was my keyword. Shelter - NOOOO. I took it in, this ragged little furball, full of fleas and ticks. Scared to death and it's big amber eyes full of fear. I gave it a bath, killed the fleas, treated the skin which was scratched and bitten open in many places, cut off the matts and tangles, still working on the ear mites, and brushed and blow dried. And out o that ragged little thing came a purebred Persian, snowwhite. She is the most beautiful and grateful cat. She gets along with the dogs just fine (and with the other cats too). For now she is still in a cage to heal and get accustomed to her new environment. I named her Roksanna (supposedly Alexander The Great's Persian favorite). She has some behavioral problems, which is probably no wonder after such a fate! , being dumped for whatever reason. If somebody has some tips and tricks I would appreciate an email so I will treat Roksanna correctly. - Gerti ![]() A free book for your 250-word story! I am compiling a book of cat anecdotes for publication by Adams Media. The title is: Cats Do It Better Than People, a companion book to Dog People Do It Better coming out in several months from the same publisher. You are invited to participate. You will get full credit for your cat tale(s) and a free copy of the book. Each anecdote should be 250 words. All countries are welcome and your story may have any theme you wish, happy or sad. SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOK: There are two kinds of people in this world: Dog People and Cat People. Cats and dogs actually get along marvelously well together because they share that special furry wisdom. Dogs teach us how to live, but they are usually unaware of the gifts they bestow on their humans, while cats, on the other hand, know how special they are! Cats realize their perfection and wisdom and they.re proud of it! Cats exercise awesome control over their people. The anecdotes in this book will illustrate the fact that Cats Do It Better Than People . whatever IT is! These stories will show the wisdom of cats as seen from the perspective of dogs, people, and mice. As most of us realize, cats are amazing creatures! PROPOSED TABLE OF CONTENTS:
DIRECTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS: (Please follow these steps exactly.)
![]() To: catstories@gorbeh.com Subject: My spoiled Toonces and my Persian Bailey I have a spoiled, lovable short-hair tabby named "Toonces" who is 12 years old. Several months ago I decided that Toonces should have a companion to keep her company when I'm away. As you can imagine, I am very close to Toonces because I've had her since she was a month old. I knew it would take a special kitty for me to feel that way about another cat. So, I went about my search. I went to the Humane Society and the SPCA several times and played with every cat I saw each time. None really seemed right. I knew I'd love to have a persian, but I would accept any kitty I felt an immediate love for. Then I read an ad in the paper that a breeder was giving away some of her adult female persians. I promised her I would come look at them in the evening. In the meantime, I decided to take one more look at the SPCA on my lunch hour. The first cat I saw really caught my eye. We pulled him out of the cage and he had the biggest green eyes I've ever seen. He's a 2 year old full-bred chinchilla persian (white with silver shading on his back). But he looked so funny because his fur had been shaved into a lion haircut due to the tangles he had when they found him. The hair on his body was shaved short, but the head, legs, and tail were still bushy. He was very warm and cuddly and purred out of nervousness. When I sat on the floor he stayed near me and shyly brushed against my leg. His furry paw playfully batted at the feather I dangled in front of him. I told the SPCA that I would think it over because I had to look at the other kitties that evening, so I left without him. Later I went to the breeder's house and somehow ended up taking home a BIG cream persian. It all happened so fast. I guess the breeder was kind of pushy and assumed I would take her and I never had a chance to say no. She was a very sweet kitty but I didn't feel a love for her. I couldn't get my mind off the little guy back at the SPCA I knew what I had to do. The next day I called the breeder to ask if she could take the cream persian back and she agreed (and was very nice about it). I went straight to the SPCA and adopted my little fluff-ball. When I brought him home he was shy, but not too scared and he followed me everywhere. When I put him on the bed he just stayed in that spot and curled up into a ball and began to clean himself. He moved around pretty slow so we assumed he was a laid-back kitty. Boy, were we wrong! Soon he showed what a firecracker he can be. He's so playful, but always looks so sweet when he looks up with those huge eyes and pink mouth. His fur is all grown in now and he looks so sophisticated! But he doesn't act it, as he runs all over as fast as he can and terrorizes Toonces. He never meows but he constantly "chirps" and always follows anyone into the kitchen in hopes of a treat. He only wants to be cuddled on his own terms, but he loves to sleep on a pillow - even if my head is already on it! Bailey has been a big joy to us, and even Toonces hisses at him less and less each day. ![]() To: catstories@gorbeh.com Subject: My belovd kitty, Bowie I just got a new kitten. His name is Bowie. We named him that because he was sort of a fan of David Bowie. Whenever my mom played David Bowie CD's he would walk to the room with the music playing and stare at the cd player. As if he was listening to the music. Well i loved this new kitten of mine he was really cute and really nice. Bowie would always jump on my lap and fall asleep. Well after 1 year of owning this cute and cuddly kitten i noticed he was looking alittle sick. My mom and I took him to the vet. The vet said there was a posibility of cancer. The vet gave us pills to give my kitten. The next day he couldn't walk if he tried he would fall. i was terrible to watch him. About 1 week after while i was at school my mom rushed him to the vet becuase my kitten had thrown up. The vet sugested to put him to sleep because he was suffering and there was no chance of him liveing. My mom wanted to wait awhile because she knew how much i had gotten attached to him. the vet left my kitten in a room sleeping while she was talking to my mom. When the vet came in. Bowie died in his sleep. When my mom told my i couldn't stop crying. My cute lovable kitten-gone. By the time i got home my mom said she had a surprise for me. i thought maybe she bought me candy or somthing. She opened up the closet door and here came running a whole new kitten. Only 8 weeks old. I was so surprised and happy and sad at the same time. This new kitten has helped me heal my broken heart. I felt alot better after my mom told me that if Bowie hadn't died that day he probably would start to suffer. Now i spend my days playing with my new kitten called Cinnamon. But i will never forget my belovd kitty, Bowie. - Karina ![]() To: catstories@gorbeh.com Subject: My Persian Kitty is so shy ... What can I do?? I love my new Persian Kitty..She is very shy though..is there any
advice anyone could give me about getting her to stop hiding under small,
tight places..like the couch!
![]() To: catstories@gorbeh.com Subject:I have a beautiful white Persian named Baby I have a beautiful white Persian named Baby. He has one blue eye and one amber colored eye. Baby came to live with us when he was 9 months old. I had had to put my beloved Shih-Tzu dog to sleep and was having problems dealing with the loss. My husband was not at all convinced that a cat could take the place of a dog. Baby has not taken the place of my best friend but he has made his own special place in our hearts. Baby does not meow-he eeee's. It always sounds like he is saying "ME!". For his 1st birthday I brought home a little male Ragdoll kitten. Baby took his birthday gift under his wing and took care of him. He would groom little T.J. for hours and shared his food with him. They have had many hours of romping all over the house. They especially love to play in the bathtub. Baby has been a true joy to the house and a very special friend to my husband. I now have 5 cats (Miss Priss, Jake, Susie, Baby and T.J.) and the sweetest of all is who we always refer to as "the baby". Back to the Top ... Submit your own Persian Cat Story!! ![]() To: catstories@gorbeh.com Subject:our sweet orange and white Persian chose us instead of us choosing him! I had always told myself I would never buy a long haired because I was just too lazy to brush. My husband and I went to the breeder looking for a Siamese. We found two beautiful Siamese kittens. Now our problem was to decide which one to take home...but as we made our decision a lovely bi-colored Persian was loudly meowing to catch our attention. He moewed until we finally carried him, he purred all the way home and has purred every day while I joyfully brush... Looks like our sweet orange and white Persian chose us instead of us choosing him! Back to the Top ... Submit your own Persian Cat Story!! ![]() Other Cat Stories
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