Authenticity and the Origin of Gospel of Barnabas in Persian (Free Farsi Literature, Free Persian Book) & English انجیل برنابا
Persian Farsi Children Stories - Traditional Children Story - The Wedding of Khaleh Sooskeh and Agha Moosheh

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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

ICI Catalog
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(P=Persian, E=English)


(P=Persian, E=English)


Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (P)
J. Elder.
Contemporary presentation of the existence of God. Addresses deistic and atheistic tendencies among Muslims. (English 3330003). 85p.



Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (E)
J. Elder.
Contemporary presentation of the existence of God. Addresses deistic and atheistic tendencies among Muslims. (Persian 3330002). 70p.



Knowing God's Messengers (P)
R. Masoudi - While supplies last. 
Presents characteristics of true messengers of God (for practicing Muslims). Needs to be reprinted. 15p.



The Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (P)
D. Clark.
Compiled in Pakistan. Clearly explains Christian truth to Muslims by presenting the life of Jesus Christ as seen in the four gospels. (English 3331110 hardcover). 318p.



The Beloved Physician (P)
J. Rasooli and C. Allen.
Thrilling story of a Kurdish doctor who turned from Islam to serve as a Christian physician and evangelist to the people of Iran. Abridged. (English 3330016). 100p.



God's Good News for You (P)
E. Hahn.
This simple summary of Bible truths tells Muslims the good news of what God has done through Jesus. It shows how Jesus differs from other prophets. Excellent. (English 3330019). 17p.



How Can I Know God? (P)
W. M. Miller
Begins with creation and goes through the prophets to show Jesus Christ as the revelation of God. 18p.



The Four Spiritual Laws (P)
Translated and adapted for Muslims from Campus Crusade for Christ's Four Spiritual Laws. Useful for explaining the way of salvation when praying with a Muslim to receive Christ. (Photocopy quality). 16p.



The Four Spiritual Laws (E)
Adapted from Campus Crusade for Christ's Four Spiritual Laws for Muslims in Iran. Useful for explaining the way of salvation when praying with a Muslim to receive Christ. 16p.



Help From Above (P)
Helpful Scriptural passages. 49p.



Poetry About Jesus (P)
Poetry written by famous Iranian poets describing and praising the character of Christ. Excellent pre-evangelistic tool for use with Muslims. 30p



A Dangerous Situation (P)
The Way of Salvation in cartoon format. 12p.



Dr. Sa'eed of Iran (E)
J. Rasooli and C. Allen.
Thrilling story of a Kurdish doctor who turned from Islam to serve as a Christian physician and evangelist to the people of Iran. Unabridged. 188p.



Wonderful (P)
W. M. Miller.
A clear and winning presentation of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Has been effectively used among Muslims. 15p.



Alleviating Misunderstandings (P)
Answers questions most often asked by Muslims regarding Christianity. 31p.



God's Good News for You (E)
E. Hahn.
This simple summary of Bible truths tells Muslims the good news of what God has done through Jesus. It shows how Jesus differs from other prophets. Excellent. 17p.
(Persian 3330008).



The Good Shepherd (P/E)
J. Slaughter and M. Khosravi.
A simple story of the life of Christ in Persian and English. (Also available on cassette 8885504.) Helpful as a pre-evangelistic tool. The bilingual format is helpful as an English teaching aid. 112p.



What is Christianity? (P)
W. M. Miller.
A clear presentation of Christianity to Muslim readers. (English, Beliefs and Practices of Christians 3330023, Azeri, What Is Christianity? 3330083). (See also 3330047 for correspondence course in Persian). 80p.



Beliefs and Practices of Christians (E)
W. M. Miller.
A clear presentation of Christianity to the Muslim reader. (Persian, What Is Christianity? 3330022, Azeri 3330083). 80p.



Cost of Love (P)
B. Dehqani-Tafti.

A compilation of sermons. Presents the gospel to Muslims, using the author's personal experience and the writings of Christian and Iranian Sufi poets. 88p.



God With Us (P)
W. Lazar.
Shows how history, man's conscience, the concept of causation, personal experience and the New Testament's witness prove God's existence. 6p.



Jesus Christ in Islam (P)
W. Lazar.
How the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, presents Christ as holy, the Word and Spirit of God and Creator of life and man's only intercessor before God. 6p.



New Creation (P)
W. Lazar.
How to be freed from sin and become a new creation through the power of Christ. 6p.



The Only Way of Salvation (P)
W. Lazar.
Why Christ is the only way of salvation and other "religions" cannot save man. 6p.



The Unity of God (P)
W. Lazar.
An explanation of the Trinity and that Christians believe in one God. 6p.



The Word of God (P)
W. Lazar.
An explanation of the validity of the Bible with reference to The Gospel of Barnabus and an overview of different sections of the Bible. 6p.



Spiritual Revolution (P)
M. Steer.
Offers spiritual revolution through Christ as the only viable alternative to social revolution. (English 3330032). 10p.



Spiritual Revolution (E)
M. Steer.
Offers spiritual revolution through Christ as the only viable alternative to social revolution. (Persian 3330031). 10p.



A Letter That Came From a Far Country (P)
Portrays God's love and forgiveness in story form. (English 3330034).  6p.



A Letter That Came From a Far Country (E)
Portrays God's love and forgiveness in story form. (Persian 3330033). 6p.



To Whom Does Heaven Belong? (P)
Salvation tract which effectively weaves Persian poetry and Scripture throughout Persian prose. 12p.

$ 0.30


In Search of Love, Part 1 (P)
An explanation of God's unconditional love and how it differs from human love. 8p.



In Search of Love, Part 2 (P)
An explanation of God's unconditional love and how it differs from human love. Continuation of part 1. 8p. (3330036).



Is Jesus the Son of God? (E)
Briefly answers Christian and Muslim responses to the question, "Who is Jesus the Messiah?" 8p.



The Day of Resurrection (E)
E. Hahn.
Briefly answers the question, "How could God will the Messiah to suffer and die?" 8p.



Fountain of Life (P)
C. S. Lewis.
Explanation of God's manifestation in Christ. Good for secular Muslims. 8p.



The Uniqueness of Christ (P)
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Bible study for serious inquirers. Presents the basic truths concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind. Introduction to Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity. (English 3330042). 50p.



The Uniqueness of Christ (E)
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Bible study for serious inquirers. Presents the basic truths concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Savior of Mankind. Introduction to Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity. (Persian 3330041). 50p.



The Truth of the Word (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract about the validity of the Bible.



Spiritual Journey (P)
W. M. Miller.
A chapter from the book, The Way of Salvation.



Overcoming Some Misunderstandings (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract responding to some Muslim misunderstandings.



Debt of Ali Ben Omar (E)
The story of a poor man and his debt portrays our need to accept Jesus Christ's payment for sins. 8p. (Persian 3330051).



What is Christianity? (Corr. course) (P)
Clear presentation of Christianity to Muslim readers; correspondence course to use in conjunction with the book What is Christianity. (English 3330023, Persian 3330022). 24p.



The Position of Jesus Christ (P)
Gordon Lindsey.
Dealing with the deity of Christ and Old Testament prophecies of His being the Messiah, His virgin birth, His mission to save mankind and an invitation to the reader to receive Christ as His Lord and Savior. 40p.



Life Giving God (P)

It discusses the secret of creation, Satan, man.s fall, Christ.s crucifixion, salvation by faith and a personal invitation. 61p.



One God One Way (P)
Kevin Dyer.
Emmaus Bible School. A series of lessons showing that there is one God and one way to Him. Written for Muslims. 72p.



One God One Way TEST(P)
Test questions on the book One Way One God. 14p.



Debt of Ali Ben Omar (P)
The story of a poor man and his debt portrays our need to accept Jesus Christ's payment for our sins. 8p.(English 3330046)



The World's Greatest Person (P)
S. M. Zwemer.
Describes the uniqueness of Christ. 16p.



Mirror of the Heart (P)
J. Gochwend.
Translation of The Heart of Man. Presents man's need of salvation and how he can receive Christ. 58p.



Savior of the World (P)
Uses Bible verses to show God's plan of salvation and why Jesus is man's Savior. 31 sections. 64p.



God's Plan (P)
It shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. 32p.



The Manifestation of Jesus Christ (P)
Based on New Testament passages, Christ's birth childhood, public service, love, poverty, teachings, disciples, death, and resurrection are presented. The booklet concludes that only Jesus Christ is truly unique and only He is worthy to reveal the true God and save the world. 14p.



Know Why You Believe (Correspondence Course) (P)
Apologetics of the Christian faith which answers contemporary questions. A correspondence course used in conjunction with the book Know Why You Believe. (Book no longer available.) 30p.



Listen to Jesus! (P)
Contains six of Jesus' parables; includes the house built on rock, the lost sheep, the prodigal son, and the humble prayer of the tax collector. (English 3330088). 15p.



New Life (P)
Explains many new things that Jesus Christ grants a person: life, peace, freedom, strength, righteousness, joy, relationship with God, trust and hope. The tract also presents the way to new life. 4p.



Follow Jesus (P)
Presents some of the attributes of Jesus Christ, water of life, bread of life, light of life, the good shepherd, the true vine, way, truth and life, resurrection and life. (English 3330089). 16p.



Four Important Matters (P)
Presents the way of salvation in four steps by quoting Bible passages. 4p.



Charcoal (E)
A story tract that compares our sinful lives to charcoal and God's love to the transforming effect of fire upon charcoal. 3p.



An Amounting Debt and the Wisdom of a Sheikh (E)
A story tract that explains the gospel through the encounter a wise sheikh had with a grocer. 10p.



The King and the Prophet (E)
A gospel story tract based upon King David's encounter with the prophet Nathan. Includes quotations from the Holy Zabour (Psalms). 10p.



Quicksand (E)
A story tract that compares the impact of sin to quicksand and then offers the hope of the gospel. 6p.



The Queen and the Mirror (E)
A story tract for women that shares the need of salvation the tragedy experienced by a beautiful queen who was scarred by disease. 6p.



Trust (P)
Narrates some of the miracles and healing of Jesus Christ: The healing of the blind, the paraplegic, feeding of the 4,000, calming the storm, and the abundant fish catch. (English 3330091). 16p.



Come to Jesus! (P)
Offers an invitation to Christ on the basis of His birth, childhood, baptism, trial and loving deeds. (English 3330087). 16p.



Learn from Jesus! (P)
Presents some of the teachings of Jesus Christ including "The Sermon on the Mount" and "The Good Samaritan." (English 3330090). 16p.



God's Love for Mankind (P)
M. Ghaemmaghami.
Deals with the subject of sin, God's chosen people and responding to God's love. 39p.



Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (P)
A tract which explains why it is impossible for a proud person or someone with worldly attachments to enter the Kingdom of God. (English 3330079). 6p.



Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (E)
A tract which explains why it is impossible for a proud person or someone with worldly attachments to enter the Kingdom of God. (Persian 3330078). 6p.



Meditations on Life and Death (P)
Compares the Muslim and Christian perspectives of death and offers Christ as the Savior from sin and death. (English 3330081). 6p.



Meditations on Life and Death (E)
Compares the Muslim and Christian perspectives of death and offers Christ as the Savior from sin and death. (Persian 3330080). 6p.



Thirty Pieces of Silver (P)
M. Sepehr.
It offers a collection of Persian poetry (in the traditional style) covering such subjects as the death and resurrection of Christ, salvation of sinners, Trinity, and the attributes of Jesus Christ. (Photocopy quality). 97p.



What is Christianity? (Azeri)
W. M. Miller.

A clear presentation of Christianity to Muslim readers. (English, Beliefs and Practices of Christians 3330023, Persian, What Is Christianity? 3330022). (See also 3330047 for correspondence course in Persian). While supplies last. 80p.



Music of Chimes (P)
H. Dehqani-Tafti.
Explains Christian concepts which have often been misunderstood by Iranians in easy to understand language. 164p.



The Attributes (Life) of the Perfect Person (P)
Bishop Stephen Neil.
The attributes of Jesus Christ such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control are discussed. The Christian is challenged to grow in each of these fruits of the Spirit. 139p.



Come (E)
Offers an invitation to Christ on the basis of his birth, childhood, baptism, trial and loving deeds. (Persian 3330075). 16p.



Listen (E)
Contains six of Jesus' parables; includes the house built on rock, the lost sheep, the prodigal son, and the humble prayer of the tax collector. (Persian 3330060). 16p.



Follow (E)
Presents some of the attributes of Jesus Christ, water of life, bread of life, light of life, the good shepherd, the true vine, the way, the truth and life, the resurrection and life. (Persian 3330062). 16p.



Learn (E)
Presents some of the teachings of Jesus Christ including "The Sermon on the Mount" and "The Good Samaritan." (Persian 3330076). 16p.



Trust (E)
Narrates some of the miracles and healing of Jesus Christ: his healing of the blind, the paraplegic, feeding of the 4,000, calming the storm, and the abundant fish catch. (Persian 3330074). 16p.


3330092 From Confusion to Salvation (P)
K. Allen.
Discusses the meaning and consequences of sin, the meaning and basic principles of salvation, Christ's call to repentance and surrender, and His call to victorious Christian living. 144p. Case of 30 $55.00





God's Love (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract which explains God's love for mankind to Muslims.



Grace and Sacrifice of God (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract for Muslims.



Repentance & Forgiveness of God (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract for Muslims.



Only Way of Salvation (P)
A tract for Muslims.



Individual Worship (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract for Christians.



The Meaning of Salvation (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract for Muslims.



The Only Hope of Mankind (P)
W. Lazar.
A tract for Muslims.



The Prophets and the Word (E)

God's plan for mankind: Foretold by the prophets, fulfilled by The Word. Written for Muslims. 77p.



The Prophets and the Word (P)
God's plan for mankind: Foretold by the prophets, fulfilled by The Word. Written for Muslims. 77p.



The Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (E)
D. Clark.
Compiled in Pakistan. Excellent presentation of Christian truths for Muslims. Presents the life of Jesus Christ as seen in the four gospels. Hardback. (Persian 3330005). 318p.



Where to Go With This Burden? (P)
Carefully discusses the seriousness of sin, and is accompanied by illustrative pictures. It presents the cross of Jesus Christ, confession, and repentance as the only solution to removing the burden of sin. 34p.



Why I Am a Christian (P)
A response to Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian." (Photocopy quality). 56p.



Questions & Answers (P)
H. Dehqani-Tafti.
Contains 30 articles each dealing with an important question about the Christian faith and life. 156p.



Way of Happiness (P)

Martyr Tateos Mikaelian explains the barriers to and the way of salvation.16p.



Christ & Christianity in Persian Poetry (E/P)
H. B. Dehqani-Tafti.
Presents views of classical and modern Persian poets as well as Persian Christian poets regarding Christian theology and the person of Christ (English with Persian renderings of the poems). 36p.



How to Know God (P)
Using Bible verses, it explains how one can be saved from sin and receive the wonderful promises of Jesus Christ. (English 3331117) 49p.



How to Know God (E)
Using Bible verses, it explains how one can be saved from sin and receive the wonderful promises of Jesus Christ. (Persian 3331116). 49p.



Love (P)
Scripture verses explaining God's love. 16p.



Path to Salvation (P)
Scripture verses explaining how one can be saved from his sin. 20p.



The Cross and the Switchblade (P)
David Wilkerson.
A translation from the same English title. The story of a pastor who is led to leave the comforts of his suburban church ministry and to work with the urban youth who are afflicted by drugs, crime, and poverty. 186p.



On the Way to Church (P)

It provides an overview of the Old and New Testaments. In a separate section, it discusses the basic questions about the beliefs and practices of Christians. (Photocopy quality). 56p.



The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached (P)

Christ.s teachings from "The Sermon on the Mount," about Mosaic Law, treatment of one.s enemy, characteristics of Christ.s disciple and other topics. 43p.



Ultimate Questions (E)
John Blanchard.

Health, finance, family, the future-life is full of questions. This booklet tackles these vital questions head-on and answers them simply, clearly and directly. 32p.



The Darkness Disappears (E)
Call of Hope.

The true light is now shining. This booklet explains how we should live in the end. 56p.



Peace With God (E)
Billy Graham.
This booklet is made up of six chapters from the book, Peace with God, written in 1953. 76p.



New Life (Tract) (E)
International Bible Society.

This tract is for the new believer who wants to, or has made a decision to make Jesus the Lord of his or her life. 22p.



Can I Know God? (E)
W. M. Miller.
Begins with creation and goes through the prophets to show Jesus Christ as the revelation of God. 20p.



More Than a Carpenter (P)
Josh McDowell.
In this book the author focuses upon the person who changed his life-Jesus Christ. It is a hard-headed book for people who are skeptical about Jesus' deity, His resurrection, and His claim on their lives. (English 3331134). 102p.



Basic Christianity (P)

A book that answers such basic questions as "Who is Jesus Christ?" "What did he claim about himself?" "Why was he crucified?" "What are the evidences of his resurrection?" and "What does being a Christian mean?" 140p.



Storyteller's Bible Study for Internationals (E)
Bill Perry.
Beginning with creation and going through Christ's Ascension, these lessons (9 Old Testament, 3 New Testament) build a framework for better understanding life from God's viewpoint, the power of the Gospel, the uniqueness of Christ and the necessity of knowing Him personally. 158p.



God's Answer (P)

A biblical teaching about the subjects of sin, the solution to sin, faith, Christian life, Christ.s warnings and an invitation.18p.



More than a Carpenter (E)
Josh McDowell.
In this book the author focuses upon the person who changed his life-Jesus Christ. It is a hard-headed book for people who are skeptical about Jesus deity, His resurrection, and his claim on their lives. (Persian 3331130). 128p.



What Every Muslim Should Know About the Old and New Testament (E)
John Gilchrist.
This booklet presents to the Muslim information regarding the Old and New Testament and how the relates to the two testaments. 24p.



This is the Way (P)
A discussion of the book Way of Salvation using a story in Iranian context. 32p.



All Have Sinned (P)

This tract describes the real meaning and problem of sin and how one can be freed from it. 4p.



A Heart for Eternity (E)
David Clarke.
How to look forward to eternity without fear. 14p.



Betrayed (P)

Stan Telchin, Translated by Abe Ghaffari

The story of one Jewish man.s search for the promised Messiah. 152 p.



Betrayed (E)

Stan Telchin, Translated by Abe Ghaffari

The story of one Jewish man.s search for the promised Messiah. 137 p.



All That The Prophets Have Spoken (E)

Yehia Sa.a

the Bible "The most vehemently disputed book in history" is masterfully explained for Muslims. 304 p.



Are You Sure (P)

Salvation tract by Evangelism Exposion.23 p.



The Promise (P)

An evangelical tract explaining the way of salvation


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