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Visitor Opinion and Frequently Asked QuestionsFrom: Ron Henderson (New York) Subject: Growth of Iranian Christians in Iran To: Iranian Christian Church at FarsiNet Question: What is the current status of Christian Churches in Iran? How are Christians in Iran doing? Is it true that there are now thousands of Christins in Iran and even much more Iranian Christians outside of Iran? Answer: There have been much analysis and review of rapid growth of Christianity among Iranians in recent years. Yes, it is true that there are now thousands (and some estimate several hundred thousands) of Iranian Norn-Again Christians around the globe. It is also true that there has been a tremendous growth with Iran as well. Keep in mind that we are talking about born-again Christians and not Armenians or Asyrians - but rather Iranians from various background including Muslim, Armenian, Asyrian, Bahai', Jewish, Sufie,... who have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and have given their life to Jesus. Here are some additional information/articles on the growth of Iranian Christian Churches:
Iranian Church Growing TEHERAN (FR) - A recent report published in Christianity Today claims that an unprecedented number of Iranians are rejecting Islam and turning to the Christian faith - right in the midst of the Ayatollah Khomeini's stronghold. During the first two years of the Iranian revolution, there was relative religious freedom in the country. Christian churches distributed literature at the University of Teheran, and on city sidewalks. It is now illegal to share the gospel anywhere in the nation, and Christians have been jailed because of their witness. Pressure is also applied to converts by their families, friends, and employers.
But statistics show that the Iranian church is growing. Since the revolution, several thousand Iranian Muslims became Christians - and the number now totals approximately 12,000. There is also no way to estimate the number of secret believers. "Twelve thousand believers may not sound like very many to American Christians," said the report. "But since the Islamic invasion of Iran in the seventh century, there have never been this many followers of Jesus in this area at one time."
![]() From: "Dr. David Beale" Subject: Need Whole Bible in Farsi To: Iranian Christian Church ![]() Dr. Beale, You might have already received this info, just in case. There are two complete Farsi Bibles available. 1) The Holy Bible in Persian Standard Version - New Edition New typesetting, punctuation marks, section headings, cross-references First Printing, 1996 This is a very accurate and complete translation from Greek. I believe it was translated in 1904. Very good for serious study of Bible. Elam Ministries P.O. Box 75, Godalming Survey GU8 6YP United Kingdom Elam Ministries P.O. Box 3011 Chatsworth, CA 91313 Phone: (818)882-0586 2) Farsi (Persian) Bible Contemporary Translation Very easy to read and very expressive. Suitable for new believers or those unfamiliar with the Bible. International Bible Society 1820 Jet Stream Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3696 USA Phone: 719-488-9200 Fax: 719-488-0870 Regards, I noticed your website and couldn't resist asking: do you suppose any of your members would be interested in a novel I recently co-authored with Iranian imigri William Mirza (now deceased) of Modesto, CA? The title is PASSPORT, and it is set in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. The plot centers around an Iranian Jew named Ezra and his desire to leave Iran with his family and his fortune. Along the way, he has a life-changing encounter with a Messianic Jew. Mr. Mirza's oldest son is a longtime worker with the Navigators, a parachurch world outreach organization based in Colorado Springs. The book should be available at your local Christian bookstore. If not, they can easily order it for you. The book was published in March, 1995 by Victor Books (now a division of Chariot Family Publishing). Thanks for your patience. God's blessings on your ministry. Thom Lemmons ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: Farsi N.T. Hi Thanks for the New Testament. Please send a sample tract if available. I'm living in Kuwait, and there are many Iranian workers here. I need a way to communicate the gospel. Thanks again. Please send ordering info, I want to find a way to get a quantity of N.T.'s and tracts in country. Lord Bless, Jim Jim, You can find some Farsi Christian tracks in the ICI online catalog, http://www.farsinet.com/ici/icicatalog.html The online catalog is not complete yet, so I have .CC'ed ICI and asking them to send you an ICI catalog and also respond to your question regarding how to get a quantity of tracks into Kuwait. Meanwhile, I am also forwarding your note to the Iranian Christian Church of Austin as well as San Diego and asking them to send you some Farsi tracts. God Bless you, your family and your ministry, ICC webmaster ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: Greetings Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I saw your web page and just thought I would say "Hi." I am working with Iranians in the Washington D.C. area in Northern Virginia. I pray the Lord's blessings upon you. Sincerely, K. T. ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: Muslims in my office are using witchcraft against me and my family. My name is George K. If you would like to talk or write, then I would greatly appreciate it. Please, please pray for me. Muslims in my office are using witchcraft against me and my family. Please pray to the Lord Jesus Christ with me that He will work mightily on my behalf and the be half of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. George K., Geological Engineer, Nashville, TN 37211 Please help my family dear Lord Jesus Christ. ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: Christian literature Please send me any available literature explaining you position on social issues. Regards, Cyrus ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: Prayer Request I would like to make a prayer request for my husband and myself to have a child. I have been unable to get pregnant and I would just like for you to pray on my behalf. Thank You, D. P. ![]() Subject: Your Homepage Greetings in Jesus Name, Your home page is great. God bless you all. Jim Huey ![]() Subject: My question to you.... To: icc@farsinet.com To whom it may concern, How do I recognize if a person is demon possessed? Then what do I do? Michael R. Wise From: icc@farsinet.com To: M. R. Wise Subject: How do I recognize if a person is demon possessed... Dear Michael; Greetings and Merry Christmas, I am deeply sorry for this late response to your e-mail message. Some how your message never reached me. I just got your e-mail, dated Thu, 26 Sep 1996. You had a question about how you can recognize if a person is demon possessed and what you can do if that is so. I give you some symptoms which may indicate demonic possession. I have used a very useful book for obtaining this list. The name of the book is :"The Adversary" by Mark Bubeck, Moody Press.You may want to look at the pages 144-148. Here is a brief version of the possible demonic symptoms. I say "possible", because ultimately you have to relay on the leading of the Holy Spirit for the answer. Well here it is:
you can look at the Bubeck's book for a complete list. About your second part of the question: well, the only way to deal with demonic possessed people is :Much praying and fasting.First of all you need to get yourself prepared for such a spiritual confrontation.You need to make sure there in no unconfessed sin in your life. Second, you need to pray and fast that the individual would be willing to be delivered.Then there is need for an aggressive prayers in the presence of the individual. I would suggest do not do this by yourself. Have some strong mature Christians to be with you at the deliverance session. Again I would strongly suggest these books:
If I can answer any other question or if I can be an assistance to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me. The Lord Bless You, Pastor Sohrab Ramtin, Edward J. Dickinson ![]() To: icc@farsinet.com Subject: To My Iranian Brothers: Please give information on need in ministry to Iranians and specially meeting the need of the family of Iranian pastor who was Killed. I have Had a burden on my hearth for that Family ever since I heard the Story. Please Give update. Let's hear some words of encouragement. Give some news as to what's happening in Iran with the church. May be you can not Post on the internet.Please write Back. regards, Fardah Farhad, Salaam and thanks for the email for ICC. Your note has been forwarded to ICC and you should hear from them. Meanwhile you may want to check ICI home page for some news on the Iranian Christians in Iran and outside of Iran. ICI prints a quarterly magazine called Mojdeh which includes special reports on Iranian Christians. http://www.farsinet.com/ici/ Regards, ICC webmaster ![]() From: Michael James Brady Subject: Greetings Greeting's in the name of our LORD and savior, JESUS CHRIST. We are at present Private Detectives by Profession in Edenvale, Johannesburg, South Africa. Most of our staff are Ex-Policemen, who are committed Christians, and have the most wonderful testimonies about working for GOD in a Lawless country, stricken by violence and UNGODLINESS. But the miracle is , God's spirit is moving and the lost are being saved, the broken hearted are being healed, the Prison door's are opening. WE NEED YOUR HELP! - PRAY FOR US. GOD BLESS. Brothers Peter and Mike. ![]() |
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