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Welcome to Iranian Christians International

Iranian Christians International Inc.

P.O. Box 25607
Colorado Springs,
CO 80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
Fax: (719) 574-1141


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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

ICI Catalog
| Introduction | Scriptures | Apologetic | Evangelistic | Training in Muslim Evangelism | Discipleship For Iranian Believers | Biographical & Testimonies | Posters | Music | Videos | How to Order |
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(P=Persian, E=English, D=Dari)


Lessons in Christian Discipleship (E)
InternationalEvangelical Association.

A series of in-depth lessons for new believers. 100p.



The Leadership Group (E)
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Contains five lessons which explain the Biblical philosophy of small group discipleship. 75p.



Transferable Concepts (E)
B. Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ.

Time-tested messages that teach the principles of abundant Christian life and ministry (Persian 6660015).



#1 How You Can Be Sure You are a Christian (E)



#2 How You Can Experience God's Love and Forgiveness (E)



#3 How You Can Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (E)



#4 How You Can Walk in the Spirit (E)



#5 How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness (E)



#6 How You Can Introduce Others to Christ (E)



#7 How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission (E)



#8 How You Can Love by Faith (E)



#9 How You Can Pray With Confidence (E)



#10 How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving (E)



Why Read the Bible? (P)
The tract gives reasons for reading the Bible. The reasons include: God's Word is true and eternal, it inspires, and it shows the way of eternal life. No longer in print. Supply is limited. 5p.



The Persian Hymnal (P) Words only.
Iranian Christians International.
Collection of most often sung Persian hymns. Contains old time Persian favorites, contemporary Persian hymns and Western translations. For use with The Persian Hymnal-Music only (6660007). 280p.



The Persian Hymnal (P/E) Music only.
Iranian Christians International.
Collection of music for use with The Persian Hymnal-Words only (6660006). 200p.



A Goodly Heritage (E)
J. Elder.
While supplies last. Devotional readings. Translated from the Persian text by Yahya Armajani. 141p.



Persian Bible Concordance (P)
S. Khachiki.
Bible concordance for the 1904 translation. Published by Voice of the Martyrs in 2000. Hard cover 398 p.



Gospel of John Study (P)
M.S. Tenny.
An analytical Bible study for the advanced student. (Photocopy quality). 226p.



How to Begin an Evangelistic Bible Study (E)
Inter-Varsity Press.
This "how to" guide stresses friendship, sensitivity and using wisdom. Wise, witty and highly practical. 33p.



Leading Bible Discussions (E)
Inter-Varsity Press.
"How to" guide for leaders of small group Bible study/discussions. 60p.



Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (P)
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Ten topical Bible study discipleship booklets with an Emphasis on personal application. Booklets may also be ordered individually (see below) at $3.50 each (See 6660014 for booklet titles in English).



Ten Basic Steps - Christian Adventure (P) 



Ten Basic Steps - Abundant Life (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Holy Spirit (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Prayer (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Bible (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Obedience (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Witnessing (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Stewardship (P)



Ten Basic Steps - Highlights of Old Testament (P)



Ten Basic Steps-Highlights of New Testament (P)



Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (E)
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Ten topical Bible Study discipleship booklets with an emphasis on personal application. Booklets may also be ordered individually at $5.50 each. (See 6660013 for the series in Persian).



Ten Basic Steps . Christian Adventure (E)



Ten Basic Steps . Abundant Life (E)



Ten Basic Steps . Holy Spirit (E)



Ten Basic Steps . Prayer (E)



Ten Basic Steps - Bible (E)



Ten Basic Steps - Obedience (E)



Ten Basic Steps - Witnessing (E)



Ten Basic Steps - Stewardship (E)



Ten Basic Steps - Old Testament Highlights (E)



Ten Basic Steps - New Testament Highlights (E)



Transferable Concepts (P)
B. Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ.
($2.50/book) Seven discipleship booklets (English 6660004).



#1 How You Can Be Sure You are a Christian (P)



#2 How You Can Experience God's Love and Forgiveness(P)



#3 How You Can Be Filled With the Holy Spirit (P) N/A



#4 How You Can Walk in the Spirit (P)



#5 How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness (P)



#6 How You Can Introduce Others to Christ (P) N/A



#7 How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission (P)NA



#8 How You Can Love by Faith (P)



#9 How You Can Pray With Confidence (P)



#10 How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving N/A



Life's Journey (P)
G. Appleton.
Daily devotional book designed to help believers develop the discipline of a regular devotional time. 288p.



Operation World (E)
Patrick Johnstone.
A day-by-day guide to praying for the world. 662p.



Disciple (P)
Juan Ortiz.
It presents such discipleship issues as the Kingdom of God, servanthood, brotherly love, spiritual growth, being a true disciple, customs and traditions and having a new heart and a new strength. Translated by Fereidoun Es-haq. 230p.



How Do We Pray? (P)
Answers the what, when, where, who and why of Christian prayer. Presented in an easy to understand manner. (English 6660021). 15 p.



How Do We Pray? (E)
Answers the what, when, where, who and why of prayer. Presented in an easy to understand manner. (Persian 6660020). 32p.



The Lord is My Shepherd (P)
F. B. Meyer.
A discipleship book based on the 23rd Psalm. Explains why we as Christians can trust our Lord. (Photocopy quality). 80p.



A Crown For Ashes (P)
Zak Poonen.
It holds a mirror to the reader to show the truth of human sinfulness. It then describes the alternative beautiful life Christ presents to the believer. (Photocopy quality). 104p.



New Life (P)
A book to guide the believer in his Christian growth. It discusses topics such as having devotions, the Holy Spirit in the believer's life, the fruit of the Spirit, and family life. 143p.



New Creation (P)
H. Ferlai.
Discusses the subjects of repentance, faith, new life, righteousness, sanctification, and prayer. 126p.



Epistles of John Commentary

Fariborz Nikou-Ravesh

Recommended reading for everyone, particularly pastors who are struggling with keeping their church on a biblical path. 282 p.



Daily Christian Living (P)
Lists scriptures dealing with the subjects of family life, personal life, social life and spiritual life. 63p.



Daily Strength (P)
Scripture verses for every day of the month. 34p.



Commentary on Luke (P) 
W. M. Miller.
A verse by verse commentary of the 24 chapters of the Gospel of Luke. (Photocopy quality). 371p.



Commentary on John (P)
W. M. Miller.
A commentary of the 21 chapters of the Gospel of John. (Photocopy quality). 451p.



The Way of the Cross (P)
R. Hession.
An explanation of the true meaning of being a follower of Christ. It discusses brokenness, fellowship, holiness, revival, and submission, among other subjects. (Photocopy quality). 80p.



The Way of the Cross (E)
R. Hession.
The original English language book for 6660031. 78p.



Persians in the Bible (E)
Allyn Huntzinger

Published by Global Commission, Inc in 2001. A historical review of the Bible references to the Persians, extending the Bible prophecies to today.s church of Iran. 74 p.



Five Steps of Christian Growth (E)
Deals with topics such as being sure of one's Christian faith, growing as a Christian, experiencing God's love, and walking in the Spirit. (Ask for student or leader). 30p.



Understanding the Divine Plan (P)
R. Strauss.
Deals with God's perfect plan and will for a person, the believer's maturity to know the Shepherd and to discern And follow His direction. It also covers principles involving divine guidance and assurance that the guidance is divine. 156p.



Growing Up (E)
Jordan C. Khan.
Steps to Spiritual Maturity. This book describes 7 spiritual laws which give the key to an exciting experience of spiritual growth. 28p.



Christian Leaders and Leadership (E)
This study of the letter to Titus shows what kind of Christian leaders existed and served the early church and enjoins us today how Christian leaders must carry on for a healthy ongoing of the church the world over. 77p.



What is the Truth (E)
M. Ghaemmaghami.
A tract dealing with Bible teachings and today's practices in the areas of witchcraft, palm reading, Ouija board, spiritus medium, astrology, crystal ball reading, etc. A useful tract to give to Iranians who are involved in this sinful dangerous practices. ( Persian 6660040). 8p.



What Is The Truth? (P)
M. Ghaemmaghami.
An booklet dealing with the Bible teachings and today's practices in the areas of witchcraft, palm reading, Ouija board, spiritus medium, astrology, crystal ball reading, etc. A useful booklet to give to many Iranians who are involved in these sinful and dangerous practices. (English 6660039). 8p.



Commentary on I Corinthians (P)
William M. Miller.

A commentary on the first epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian church. (Photocopy quality). 188p.



Touch the World Through Prayer (E)
Wesley L. Duewel.
A practical guide to prayer; demonstrates how a Christian can impact the world through prayer and gives specific suggestions. 253p.



But I Love Him (E)
Is this reason enough for a Christian woman to marry a Muslim man? This short booklet gives a clear warning for Christians to avoid marriage to Muslims. (Photocopy quality). 6p



Bible Dictionary (P)

It provides a definition for important words in the 1904 Persian Bible. It has pictorial illustrations. Three Volumes. (Photocopy quality). 988p.



The Pilgrim.s Progress (P)

John Bunyon Translated by Hesam Mortezavi

Published by Elam. Paperback 200p.



Phonetic Persian Hymnal (P/E)
Transliterated and translated by Iraj and Patricia Hemati. (Photocopy quality). 60p.



Master Plan of Discipleship (E)
Robert Coleman examines the Book of Acts to set forth the principles of church growth through evangelism and discipleship. 156p.



Gems from Tozer (E)
A.W. Tozer.
Writings on worship, making Jesus Lord, and the Holy Spirit. 96p.



Knowing God's Kingdom (P)
J. Wimber.
A short presentation of the characteristics of the Kingdom of God. 25p.



Forgiveness in God's Kingdom (P)
J. Wimber.
A short discussion of why we must forgive and how to forgive like Jesus. 23p.



How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit? (E)
A. W. Tozer.
The book represents the gist of a series of sermons given on successive Sunday evenings to a congregation of the church of which he was pastoring. His prayer was that "it would help to lead many thirsty believers go the fountain of living waters." 58 p.



Persia and the Bible (E)
By Edwin M.Yamauchi.
An in-depth portrayal of Persia's role in Old Testament history and a detailed assessment of archaeological and biblical data. Photos, maps and diagrams are included. 580p. 



The Peacemaker (E)
Ken Sande.
An indispensable counseling tool for pastors. 246p.



Be Mature (P)
Warren Wiersbe. Translated by Dr. Feridoun Es-Haq.

It is a commentary on the Epistle of James with the goal of providing a practical guide to living a Godly life. 165 p.



Divine Suffering (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
A collection in Persian of original poems and translations from many sources. 171p.



Anxiety and Peace (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
The following topics are covered Existentialism and faith, explaining the Incarnation to Muslims, the meaning of Dialogue, the Alchemy of change, and the meaning of Emmanuel. 80p.



The Faithful Remnant (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
A study of the topic of the faithful remnant in the Bible. Based on John Drewett's Not Many Mighty. 106p.



Damaged Disciples (E)
Ron and Vicki Burks.
A book to help the casualties of Authoritarian Churches and the Shepherding Movement. 176 p. 



In God.s Underground (P)

Richard Wurmbrand.

Published by Voice of the Martyrs in 1999. Discusses the persecution of Christians behind the Iron Curtain. 468 p.



Hidden Sorrow, Lasting Joy (E)

Anneke Companjen

Stories of persecuted Christian women from around the world. Published by Tyndale in 2001. 221 p.



Safely Home (E)

Randy Alcorn

A fact-based fiction about the persecution of Christians in China. Published by Tyndale in 2001. 400+ p.



The Good and Trustworthy God (P)

Rev. Samuel Khangaldi.

The story of the author.s sufferings after his wife.s passing and how he learned to trust the Lord on a deeper level. Paperback. 227p.



The Living Christ (E)

It contains a chapter (38 pages) titled "In Iran-Christ the Martyr" about the martyrdom of Bishop Haik Hovsepian and Rev Mehdi Dibaj and ICI.s efforts during that time period.



The Life Story of Joni Erickson (P)

Unique Power of Faith (Persian translation)

How the Lord used a terrible event to transform a young woman.s life.



Principles of Bible Interpretation and Application (P)

It presents some principles and guidelines for interpreting the Bible. (Photocopy quality). 55p.



Christian Methods (P)

It presents methods and suggestions for teaching more effectively. (Photocopy quality). 94p.



Firm Foundations, Leader & Student 1-9 (E)
Trevor McIlwain.
Creation to Christ. These Bible studies have been used with great success in evangelistic outreach among people from vastly different educational and cultural backgrounds. Nine student books. Leader 582p.



What Does Jesus Say? (P)
A book about Jesus' teachings regarding himself, the human nature, righteousness, evil, faith, and His plan for the world. 214 p.



Path of Life (P)
Dr. Pfander.
Describes what sin is and what various world religions offer as the way (or ways) of salvation from sin. 194 p.



Building Your Self Image (E)
Josh McDowell.
A help in overcoming fears, anxieties, and lack of self-confidence; and how to let Christ liberate us from the feelings and forces that hold us back. 220p.



The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (P)
Compiled by Sargis Benyamin.

A comprehensive look at biblical teachings regarding the Holy Spirit. 170p.

$ 6.00


Holy Spirit (P)
Stanley Horton.

It presents what the Old and New Testament say about the Hold Spirit and discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer.s life and ministry and in the church. 234p.



The Problem of Pain (E)
C.S. Lewis.
How human suffering raises almost intolerable intellectual problems. 160p.



Persian Discipleship Bible Study (P)
Abe and Marie Ghaffari.

It presents the topics of "Peace With God", "A New Relationship with God", "The Character of Jesus Christ", "Having a Meaningful Time of Devotion" and other topics of discipleship and spiritual growth. (Photocopy quality). 37p.



Persian Hymnal #2 Words
Newer Christian songs. (Photocopy quality). 78p.



Persian Hymnal #2 Words and Music
Newer Christian songs. (Photocopy quality). 148p.



New Life In Christ (P)
Baptismal lessons. (Photocopy quality). 66p.



New Life in Christ (E)
Baptismal lessons. (Photocopy quality). 66p.



Hymns Persian & English With Words and Tunes in Common (P/E)
H.B. & M.I. Dehqani-Tafti.

The hymns in this book are all taken from the Persian Church Hymnal; the English original words or translations put alongside. 115p.



Three Radio Plays (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
The Man Born to be King was originally written by Dorothy Sayers. Three of the plays recounting the birth, death and resurrection of Christ were later translated into Persian and were performed by youth groups in churches in Iran. 135p.



Persian Church Manual for Pastors (P)
Edited by: Rev. Fereidoun Es-Haq. D.Min.

It includes order of worship, the rites of Communion, Baptism, membership, marriage, burial, ordination of deacons and pastors. 55p.



Persian Hymnal (P)
Second Edition. Printed 1999. Hardcover. 206p.



Building Up One Another (P)

Gene Getz. Translated by Rev. Ninous Moghaddas-Nia.

Biblical teaching on loving, respecting, accepting, counseling, serving. Forbearing, obeying and counseling one another and other related subjects. 142p.



How to Handle Adversity (P)
Charles Stanley,

Abbreviated Translation by Fereidoun Eshaq. Discusses how a Christian must react and deal with the adversities of life. 144 p.



Her Name is Woman (P)
Gien Karssen, Translated by Farnaz Razzaghipour

The stories of outstanding women of the Bible. 252p.



Sit, Walk, Stand (P)
Watchman Nee, Translated by Florance Es-hagh.

A discussion of how Christ can be better glorified through our lives. 55p.



Be Fruitful (P)
Dawson Trotman, Translated by Yahya Nikpour.

Discusses, among other ideas, the role of prayer and the Bible in evangelistic outreach. 35p.



Halley.s Bible Handbook (P)
Henri Halley, Translated by Jessica Babakhanian.

Hardback. 754p.



The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (E)
Menes Abdul Noor.

It explains how Christ changes people through the work of the Holy Spirit in his heart, then how he takes possession of and reigns over his life. 152p.



The Power of Prayer (P)
Sammy Tippit, Translated by Michelle Aghamalian.

Discusses motivation and methods for prayer and connection between prayer and spiritual revival. 193p.



The Applied New Testament Commentary (P)
Roshan Books.

It explains the function of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians. 45p.



Biblical Ethics (P)
Roshan Books.

It explains the function of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians. 45p.



Marriage and Family (P)
Roshan Books.

It explains the function of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians. 45p.



Be Happy (P)

Jeremiah Burroughs.

It teaches how to be content and joyful and remain joyful.



For This Reason (P)

Answers questions about God.s existence and his plan for man.s salvation.



Preaching the Bible (P)
Tat Stewart published by Talim Ministries

It teaches how to prepare an effective Biblical sermon. 36p.



Commentary on the Book of Revelation (P)

Rev. Davood Toumas published by Faith and Hope Library

an expanded version of an earlier commentary the author wrote and published. 220p.



Discerning God's Will

Rev. Tat Stewart

Discusses some Biblical approaches to discovering God's will for various aspects of our life. 26p.



Filling of Holy Spirit (D)
Roshan Books.

It explains the function of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians. 45p.


Please send your comments, suggestion, prayer requests and news to ici@myprimus.com.
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