Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory
First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
Welcome Music Khosh A'amadid

Iranian-American Friendship Action (IAFA) - First Party, February 1998

Lets get to know each other

About one hundred and fifty people attended the first IAFA party in Austin Texas where almost fifty of them were American. The audience were welcomed at the door, then were given a name tag, and escorted to the dinner table. After an hour of socializing and eating and drinking. Dr, Ali Poursepanj, founder of IAFA welcomed every one and mentioned that this party is about celebration of human diversity and global community and outlined the format of the rest of the evening.

First Dr Fatehi, a Math professor at the South West Texas University gave the audience general information about Iran. Dr Fatehi is also president of Iranian Cultural Community of Austin. Then Dr Saeid kazeminejad, president of Association of Iranian Professional of Austin, talked about his organization and its activities. Next, Miss Parisa Fatehi, president of Iranian student organization at the University of Texas at Austin talked about their activities at the university. Then, Professor Ali Jazayeri, a professor of linguistic at the University of Texas at Austin talked Persian Music by 1001 Nights about Iranian language and answered questions from the Audience about Iran. After a few American guests shared their experience about Iran, an Iranian band called 1001 Nights started to play Iranian music. Mr. Kamern Hooshmand is the leader of the band and they have been playing in Austin for several years.

The interesting thing about the party was that all the work was done by volunteers. They all did an excellent job to make this happen. All the volunteers, about 20 people, did the work for something that was bigger than themselves, a goal that they all shared. The spirit was great and there was an atmosphere of friendship and joy during the entire party. The Americans who attended the party had been invited from various communities in Austin.

People who helped to put IAFA's first party together were:
Advertising team: Bahareh Poursepanj, Azadeh Poursepanj, Colin Gunkel
Food team: Shanaz Hemmati, Robert Abbasi, Mohtaram Shomali, Shahla Hemmati, Ali Poursepanj
Music team: Kamran Hooshmand and 1001 Nights
Party place arrangement: Dr Ahmad Fatehi
Photography: Cristina Flores, Shahnaz Hemmati, Shahla hemmati
Welcoming team: Merhdad Yamini, Homayoun Poursepanj, Farideh Babazadeh, Farshid, Fardad, and Farhad Fatehi

[ Main Page | First Party, Feb 98 ]

Send your questions, suggestions and experiences to share to iafa@farsinet.com
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