22nd Iranian Christians Conference in Dallas Oct 21-24, 2010 - Biblical teachings in Farsi on Christ and His Church by Iranian pastors
Eide Milade masih Tabrik - Merry Christmas

Jesus Christ According to Islam's Holy Book Qur'an

Previous page of Truth about Jesus Christ accroding to Quran of Muslims Jesus In Islam - Page 5 Next page of what Islam says about who Jesus Is
Jesus In Islam - WHat does Qur'an say about Jesu, Page 5
Previous page of Truth about Jesus Christ according to Islam Jesus In Islam - Page 5 Next page of What Qur'an says about Jesus Christ

Qur'an Made me to Follow Jesus

Jesus in Islam, Pages ... [ Cover | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | English Translation | Muslims' Misunderstandings | انجیل برنابا - Gospel of Barnabas | Islam 101 | Jesus 101 | Jesus in Qur'an ]
Gospel of Mark Gospel of M
Gospel of J
ohn Gospel of L
[Gospel of Matthew] [Gospel of Mark] [Gospel of Luke] [Gospel of John]

Authenticity and the Origin of Gospel of Barnabas in Persian (Free Farsi Literature, Free Persian Book) & English انجیل برنابا

Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

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