31st Iranian Christians Conference of Central Southern USA, Dallas Texas October 17-20, 2019
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Iranian Christians International Inc.

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CO 80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
Fax: (719) 574-1141


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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

ICI Catalog
| Introduction | Scriptures | Apologetic | Evangelistic | Training in Muslim Evangelism | Discipleship For Iranian Believers | Biographical & Testimonies | Posters | Music | Videos | How to Order |
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(P=Persian, E=English, D=Dari, A=Azari) Note: Order NTSC for U.S./Canada Video system, PAL for European Video System)


Jesus Video (A) NTSC

Campus Crusade for Christ.

The life and teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Excellent production and dubbing to Persian. 120 minutes/color.



Jesus Video (P) NTSC

Campus Crusade for Christ.

The life and teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Excellent production and dubbing to Persian. 120 minutes/color.



Jesus Video (P) PAL



Jesus Video (E) NTSC



Jesus Video (D) NTSC



Longing for the Homeland (P) 
by Claus Homuth. NTSC format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 1 (P) NTSC Format.
Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 2 (P)  NTSC Format.
Noah & the Ark, Abraham. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 3 (P)  NTSC Format.
Issac & Rebecca, Jacob & Esau. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 4 (P)  NTSC Format.
Joseph, Moses. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 5 (P)  NTSC Format.
Joshua, Gideon. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 6 (P)  NTSC Format.
Samson, the Birth of Jesus Christ. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 7 (P)  NTSC Format.
The birth of Jesus Christ, the miracles of Jesus. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 8 (P)  NTSC Format.
The death and resurrection of Jesus, the life of Paul. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 9 (P)  NTSC Format.
The patience of Job, the prophet Jonah. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 10 (P)  NTSC Format.
David & Goliath, Saul; King of Israel. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 11 (P)  NTSC Format.
Solomon's wisdom, the prophet Elijah. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 12 (P) NTSC Format.  
The prophet Elisha, the prophet Daniel. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Super Book Video Bible Vol. 13 (P) NTSC Format.  
Nehemiah & Artaxerxes, Ester & Ahasuerus. Bible stories on video-cartoon format.



Communication 1 (P) NTSC 

Saro Khachiki. 
How to understand one's spouse, how to realize the presence of God, and how to grow through confrontations. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Communication 1 (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Communication 2 (P) NTSC 
Saro Khachiki. 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Communication 2 (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Authenticity of the Bible (P) NTSC 
Saro Khachiki. 
Presents the evidence for the Bible's authenticity as the Word of God. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Authenticity of the Bible (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Jesus Son of God (E) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
Persian with English subtitles. 
Covers the meaning of the title "Son of God" and the meaning of the Trinity. In the second part, "The Way to God", the way to God through grace is presented. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation. (Persian 9993508). 



Jesus Son of God (E) PAL 
Persian with English subtitles. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Jesus Son of God (P) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
Persian with English subtitles. 
Covers the meaning of the title "Son of God" and the meaning of the Trinity. In the second part, "The way to God", the way to God through grace is presented. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation. 
(Persian with English subtitles 9993506).



Jesus Son of God (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Self-Love & Self-Esteem (P) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
Biblically covers the concepts of self-love and self-esteem. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Self Love & Self Esteem (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Suffering (P) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
Why is there suffering and what good can come from it? This video covers these tough questions. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Suffering (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Anger, Forgiveness, & Depression (P) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin.

Covers the causes of anger and how to overcome anger. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Anger, Forgiveness, & Depression (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Halloween (P) NTSC 
Davood Toomis. 
Presents the history of Halloween and how Christians should stand against the devil's tactics. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation. 



Halloween (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Fear (P) NTSC 
Davood Toomis. 
Covers what is fear within a Biblical framework and how to overcome the fear of death. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Fear (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Prayer (P) NTSC 
Davood Toomis. 
Explains what is prayer and how to pray. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



Prayer (P) PAL 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



God Among Us (P) NTSC 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
Covers important concepts of the Christian faith and God's plan of redemption. From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.



God Among Us (P) PAL 
Sohrab Ramtin. 
From Petra Broadcasting Corporation.


Please send your comments, suggestion, prayer requests and news to ici@myprimus.com.
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God's Peace & Blessing be with you
Seek God First

31st Iranian Christians Conference of Central Southern USA, Dallas Texas October 17-20, 2019
Masters of Persian Music 2005 North American Tour - February - March 2005, Shajarian 2005 Tour

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