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Neda Najibi was born in Tehran, Iran on December 31, 1966. She moved to Chicago, Illinois in 1969 with her parents and two older sisters and one older brother and began writing at age thirteen. She attended Phillip Rogers Elementary in Chicago and graduated from Evanston Township High School in Evanston. She moved to California shortly thereafter and graduated from California State University Northridge in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. She produced and wrote for KCSN Radio where she received the Edward R. Murrow Award for her coverage of Ross Perot’s visit to Los Angeles. She was a contributing writer for the Daily Sundial where she covered the O.J. Simpson verdict and aftermath and was an intern for KCBS-TV. She moved to Hawaii in 1996 where she worked and became a freelance entertainment reporter. After one year she bought a house in Austin, Texas where she holds two jobs. Neda works for Dell Computer Corporation as a Marketing Consultant and holds a part time job as an assistant producer for Consumer News for KEYE-TV. Within the writing community Neda hosts a monthly poetry venue titled ‘EXPRESSIONS – a night of rhythm and rhyme’ which premiered in January of 1999. ‘EXPRESSIONS’ receives many diverse people who share their poetry with fellow poets in Austin. Among her contributions in the poetry society she wrote a poem in Japanese titled ‘Unity’ and opened for Maya Angelou in February of 1999. She participates in several community volunteer programs and has received numerous awards and acknowledgements for her contributions. She most recently received an acknowledgement from Governor George Bush for keeping Iranian traditions alive in Austin and for her volunteer efforts in the community.
Whisper to me my love The words I long to hear Speak words not spoken of Surely, the feelings must be there. To feel this way while in your presence The heart that aches is unaware Tell me my love, your feelings it’s existence Surely, the feelings must be there. Standing before you face to face A feeling transcends, I must prepare Beating, pounding, my heart does race Surely, the feelings must be there. Your arms – you reach to hold me To mine eyes you bring a tear How I longed to be held by thee Surely, the feelings must be there. Tempting…yet I turned away Noticing this a game of bodies with no care Naked once, I swore the second would be my way Realizing then, only then, The feelings just weren’t there.
WORDS Reads from word’s point of view
When I wanted you You found me When you needed me You lost me I’m waiting for you Use me, abuse me, I know you always think of me Don’t you want to hear me, feel me, Show me, draw me, read me, Write me, share me, speak me?
Find me! Use me, abuse me, I know you always think of me Don’t you want me, need me, love me? You can control me I can make you powerful, if you let me I might come hard to you But I can say how you feel Speak me, express me Use me, abuse me, I know you always think of me Let me flow from your tongue Let me heard Let us be felt and understood!
LOVE AND PAIN Reads from the point of view of love and pain
Beating was the heart Love answered and then Pain entered Love asked: "Why have you come?" Pain replied: "Love, it is because of me you stand." Love reluctant to answer, shortly thereafter remarked: "I don’t want to feel you!" Pain answered: "I know, but I can not control that which is." He embraced love and in return Love accepted him, but only as a visitor.
I AM SAFE Poem reads from my brother’s point of view Dear mother, Thank the Lord For he has unlocked the cage He has released me from this world and I have flown into the next This world is open, peaceful, spiritual It is filled with such love That I can’t begin to describe I’ve interrupted your dream Only to reassure you that I am happy Don’t be worried For I am safe I feel alive, I am alive I now know the reasons I was in your world It was a test and we all must take it. You see, here, now this is for eternity No words can begin to describe this palace You will have to experience it for yourself. When I drowned, I was afraid You were afraid All were scared, crying and confused All questioned, "Why, Why him?" Dear Mother, I have drowned but I’ve drowned into a Spiritual Ocean and I’m overwhelmed with the spirits - I am safe. When your time comes, I’ll be waiting For then nothing will replace our hearts, our feelings No words need be spoken Good night, sweet dreams and I love you!
SOMEHOW In the corner of a room I find myself an empty chair. My mind is busy, worried But I don’t know what about It thinks and thinks. I stare at no one Because there’s no one here So, I begin to cry Believe me, I don’t know why. You see, my insides are worried also, But I don’t know what about. It turns and a sinking feeling occurs every two seconds or So. I continue to cry… Now nervous because I’m afraid someone will come in And I don’t like to look weak So, I try to stop the tears I take a deep breath and you know Now I want to cry, It feels good somehow, so I do But now I’ve added sound It feels better this way, somehow. A few minutes pass and I kind of want to know what I look like So I open my compact and I stare at myself And I cry so I can see myself crying I like it somehow Okay I’ve decided it’s enough And I notice how red my eyes are and how red my nose is I feel like I’ve accomplished something and I want to thank myself for a job well done. Sounds weird, but it feels good, somehow. No one ever came in, So no one saw me. Honestly, I think maybe I wanted someone to…