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In the hope that we may all become, the best of ourselves
I must say that I am both fascinated and proud to have stumbled upon these Persian Websites. As an Iranian born resident of over thirty years in America, a novice nevertheless, with computers, I was so delighted (better late than never) to come across many web pages that I felt harmoniously ties my "past and present", something I had always "naturally" felt but never quite articulated ; Indeed, the best of both worlds is ours. In the hope that we may all become, the best of ourselves. This by the way came about from typing "Norouze" and clicking "Search"; I had no idea! BAricalAh Persians & mArhabA.I shall visit often though from this day on. By the way, would the marriage of an Iranian born man and an American born woman come under " Zan amou"?? I haven't found it yet. Eideh shoma mobArak affectionately, Dariush (I am looking forward to my continuing education) Thanks...

Need information about marriage ceremonies!!
Question for those of you who have recently gotten married and are in their late 20's/ early 30's. We are a Iranian/American couple who want to get married soon, and wondering what kind of ceremony other people have? Has anyone done both an 'Aghd' and a church wedding? How did you do it and how did it go?

Thanks for the info. - Mark


I forwarded your question to ShoharKhaleh Mailing list so hopefully somebody will get back to you with some info.

I married my wife in Church and we didn't have any special Persian ceremony, so I can't help you with that. Depending on where you live, there are Muslim mosques that can perform the "AGHD" ceremony for you. Check out the phone directory, under Churches, Muslim. From what I have seen in couple wedding videos my wife's relative have sent us, Persian weddings are very elaborate and include many stages and ceremonies. If your fiance has family abroad then they usually arrange for and manage the ceremonies. If not, then try contacting local (or nearest) Iranian cultural groups. They might be able to provide some help.

Best Wishes, Shoharkhaleh2

I think the problems for her are even worse than for a girl from the USA or Europe

I am Austrian, male, 29 years old and work as scientist in Vienna. My girl-friend Shabnam (26) lives since two years in Austria. I think the problems for her are even worse than for a girl from the USA or Europe who marrys a man from Iran. What do you think? I would like to hear/read about others in such relationships?

Thank you for your answer! Walter

Any information on Parenting American/Iranian children?
Could you please send more information on your parenting of >American/European/Iranian children. I am quite interested.

Thank you, Mary

We don't have any formal information package on such parenting issues. We, just like yourself, have many questions and have to learn from our mistakes as well as what we each bring from our own culture and background.

I can post your question on ShoharKhaleh page and those who have something to share will contact you. If you have specific questions that you would like to be posted let me know.

Regards, ShoharKhaleh2

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