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Iranian Christians International Inc.

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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

ICI Catalog
| Introduction | Scriptures | Apologetic | Evangelistic | Training in Muslim Evangelism | Discipleship For Iranian Believers | Biographical & Testimonies | Posters | Music | Videos | How to Order |
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(P=Persian, E=English, D=Dari)
(Good for Evangelism)


Into the Kingdom of Light (P)
The powerful testimony of a young Iranian in poetry form. Wonderfully portrays the Lord's goodness and how he revealed the path into the Kingdom of Light. Good gift for Iranian friends. 10p.



The Hard Awakening (E)
H. B. Dehqani-Tafti.
An outstanding story of spiritual triumph through fiery trials in Iran by a national church leader and convert from Islam. (Persian 7770007). 116p.



Hunger Satisfied (P/E)
A testimony of an Iranian Christian. 4p.



How an Alcoholic Singer Became a Pastor

Dr Yousef Nazanin

As a young man Yousef tried alcohol and cigarettes to find peace.  He then tried gambling to find fulfillment.  Then he began to sing in celebrations and parties.  He even attempted suicide several times, until...



My Testimony (D)
The testimony of an Afghan born in the late 19th century near Kabul. The author writes it as a witness to his English translation). 43p.



Unfolding Design of My World (E)
H. B. Dehqani-Tafti.
Traces the pilgrimage to Christianity of a young man growing up in Iran and later fleeing persecution by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Explains many of the difficulties Iranians face when they embrace the Gospel.278p.



Hard Awakening (P)
H. B. Dehqani-Tafti.
An outstanding story of spiritual triumph through fiery trial in Iran by a national church leader and convert from Islam. (English 7770002). 141p.



My Big Father (E)
B. Farnham.
The story of Kenan Araz who lived to share the love of God in Turkey. 201p.



Testimony of an Iranian Christian (P)
E. Ghaffari.
An Iranian from a Muslim background tells how he came to trust in Christ. Good evangelistic tool. (English 7770011). 5p.



Testimony of an Iranian Christian (E)
E. Ghaffari.
Briefly tells how an Iranian from Muslim background came to Christ and to his current ministry as director of ICI. Good for developing a vision for ministry among Iranians. (Persian 7770010). 5p.



Ashouri Testimony (P)
Testimonies of Edison and Anjel Ashouri, an Iranian couple who served Christ in post-revolutionary Iran. 12p.



Blood Brothers (E)
Elias Chacour with David Hazard.
A Palestinian Christian's struggle for reconciliation in the Middle East. 224p.



I Dared to Call Him Father (E)
Bilquis Sheikh with Richard H. Schneider.
The true story of a Muslim woman who discovers what happens when she gives herself completely to God. 173p.



The Great Rock of Islam (P)
Testimony of how a Muslim came to know Christ. (English 7770016). 8p.



The Great Rock of Islam (E)
Testimony of how a Muslim came to know Christ. (Persian 7770015). 8p.



The Torn Veil (E)
The story of Sister Gulshan Esther. How Christ's healing power breaks through to a Muslim girl. 155p.



The Life of Rev. Mawlawi (E)
The testimony of Dr. Imad ud-Din Lahiz. 17p.



Sadhu Sunder Singh (E)
The testimony of an Indian Sikh convert. 183p.



In Quest of Truth (E)
Ibrahim Deshmukh.
The testimony of a Muslim convert to Christianity in India. 48p.



My Persian Pilgrimage (E)
W. M. Miller.
Is an autobiography of Dr. William McElwee Miller who served Christ in Iran from 1919 to 1962 and has continued ministering to Iranians since returning to the U.S. A major purpose of the book is to share the author's experiences in the areas of Muslim evangelism, discipleship, and cross-cultural relationships with Muslims for the benefit of present and future Christian ministries among Iranians and other Muslims. 333p.



Ishmael My Brother (E)
A Biblical course on Islam which includes suggestions for bridging cultural and spiritual gaps to Muslims. 217p.



How I Found Healing & Peace (P)
M. Kohanzad.
The testimony of an Iranian Christian. 7p.



The Story of Zia Nodrat (E)
The testimony of an Afghan Muslim convert to Christianity. 7p.



In the Shadow of the Cross (E)
The testimony of an Iranian Muslim woman to Christianity. 24p.



Everlasting Peace and Joy (P)
The testimony of Bakht Singh, a Sikh from India and how he became a follower of Christ. 24p.



Love Will Find a Way (E)
Charles Marsh.
Key lessons learned while ministering to Algerians and it also shares the essence of his teaching to others on effective witnessing to Muslims. 127p.



In Search of Assurance (E)
K.K. Alavi.
Testimony of a Muslim convert to Christianity. 127p.



God Has Chosen (E)
Hamran Ambrie.
The testimony of an Indonesian Muslim convert to Christianity. 95p.



Man of God (P)
S. Roshdieh.
The story of how the author, Rev. Saeed Roshdieh, a Muslim convert Christian met Dr. William Miller, a missionary to Iranians, in Iran and the effective and Christ-like approaches Miller used to share Christ. 128p.



From Darkness to God's Light (P)
Fima Daniel.
A dynamic testimony of a beautiful Iranian Christian lady. (English 7770035). 4p.



From Darkness to God's Light (E)
Fima Daniel.
A dynamic testimony of a beautiful Iranian Christian lady. (Persian 7770034). 4p.



Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (E)
The testimony of our dear brother martyred in 1994. (Persian 7770037). 7p.



Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (P)
The testimony of our dear brother martyred in 1994. (English 7770036). 7p.



Sweet Firstfruits (E)
An account of Christian converts in Syria. 140p.



The Satnami Story (E)
Donald A. McGavran.
A thrilling drama of religious change. The autobiographical content makes it a delightful narrative which also provides glimpses of missionary life and labor in mid-India in the mid-twentieth century. 177p.



The Life of Henry Martyn (E)
Vivienne Stacey.
About the brilliant career of this chaplain of the East India Company and how he became a Christian witness among the Muslim people. 90p.



Beyond the Minarets (E)
Kellsye M. Finnie.
A biography of Henry Martyn. 184p.



On Call (E)
David C. Thompson, MD.
A presentation of high adventure in medical missions with humor, tragedy, and commitment. 220p.



Fire of Revenge (D)
The story of Ben-Hur as it occurred during the Roman occupation of Palestine. It discusses the Biblical approach to the problem of hatred and revenge. 140p.



The Beloved Physician (D)
J. Rasooli and C. Allen.
Thrilling story of a Kurdish doctor who turned from Islam to serve as a Christian physician and evangelist to the people of Iran. Abridged. (English 3330016, Persian 3330007). 61p.



My Testimony (D/E)
A brief account of Haji Saltan Mohammad. The reader will learn how Haji gained eternal peace and joy through his faith in Jesus Christ. 27p English. 40p Dari.



Why I Became A Christian (E)

Sultan Muhammed Paul

This will help with concern about sin and salvation in your lives as well as the lives of mankind. 47p English.



Tortured for Christ (E)
Richard Wurmbrand.
Months of solitary confinement, years of periodic physical torture, constant suffering from hunger and cold, the anguish of brainwashing and mental cruelty - experienced and witnessed by a Rumanian pastor during his fourteen years in Communist prisons. This is their story - a classic account of courage, tenacious faith and unbelievable endurance. 139p.



A Christian Hero-Benjamin Badal (P)
The life story of an Assyrian Christian who became a successful seller of Christian literature in Iran. 19p.



The Outstanding Assyrian Clergy in the Last Two Centuries (P)

It presents the life and ministry of evangelical Assyrian leaders in the 19th and 20th century.



Daughters of Islam (E)

Miriam Adeney

Provides case studies of how Muslim women from various parts of the world have come to embrace Christianity and what factors were important in their conversion.


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