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Opinion, Comments and Suggestions of Jafang WebSite Visitors

* From: C. Terry
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Lets see what's funny to Iranians


I can't remember exactly how long ago I discovered your site, but I do remember that when I saw the title of your site I thought to myself "Let's see what is funny to Iranians, so I looked up your site.

I find the humor to be warm and funny. In this world of so many differences, it was very nice to discover that we seem to share the same sense of humor. It gives me hope for greater respect and friendship in the future.

Thank you! C.Terry

* From: Hamid Zargar
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Expected Farsi jokes but found great english humor Hello/Salam, I have to admit that when I followed Jafang link to this page I was expecting Farsi jokes. I really likes your logo/banner done by Jamal. I also enjoyed the clean and good taste humor. I am bookmarking this page to come back for more. - Hamid
* From: T. K.
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Thanks for making my day!! Great job. A very nice & clean collection of funny jokes. I have finally found something I can share with my parents. Cheers. T.K.
* From: Nikki Camelot
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Can I make a link to your page?

I have a question. Can I make a link to your jokes page from my homepage? I want to share this page with my friends and family. Its easier for me to just add a link.

I have a very stressful job. Since I have found this page, I come and check it couple times a week. You have so much stuff there. Very funny. Some of them bring tears to my eyes.

Keep up the good work, Nikki

* From: J.R.
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Sooooooo funnnyyyy

Hello. I am so glad I found this page. Its sooooooo funnnny. have seem some of these before but never so many good jokes in one place.

I printed several one of them and gave them to my co-workers. Thanks for collecting these funny stuff. I would like to be added to jafang subscription list.

Oh, my girl friend wants me to tell you guys, "She loved your Jafangs". She says she know what Jafang means!! What??


* From: Kathy
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Jafang

I have been visiting Jafang once a week or so for a while now. Please add me to your subscription list for Jafang.

This is a great page. I love it. We all need to laugh. This stuff is really funny.

I plan to read all your archives. I am at Volume V.

Thanks a million. Nancy

* From: Greg Paqin
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Please Inform me

This has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen on the web. I think I Peed my pants. Please keep me well informed on any and all changes to the page


* From: JCJ0347
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Jafang web site

I ventured into Jafang: Cool, Interesting, Funny, etc.

I laughed so hard my boss came over to my desk to see what was wrong with me. Since I am a programmer, I really enjoyed the Beatles songs. The rest was great, too.

Thank you so much for the really wonderful humor. PLEASE KEEP IT UP!!

* From: J. Shiloh H.
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: subscirbe

Please add me to your list to be informed of new additions. Your material is great. I have received many jokes from many people and now I know where they have been getting their stuff.


* From: Bearsnlove
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
Subject: Jafang: Interesting and funny quotes comment

I just finished reading your "Interesting & Funny Quotes" page and I never laughed so hard in my life! Great job! I will share this site with my husband and co-workers. Thank you very much for putting it out there. Have a nice day!

Peggy Brown

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