Worldwide Directory of Iranian/Persian Christian Churches
كليساى ايرانيان در دنيا
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Love: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
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Iranian Christian Organizations
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...British Columbia, Vancouver area Churches
First Alliance Church
3250 Finch Ave East
Scarborough, ONT Canada M1W 2Y1
جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Group Prayer: Fridays 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Sunday Worship Service: Sundays 11:00 - 12:30 PM
- جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۱۱:۰۰ بعدازظهر
Bible Study: Sundays 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Rev. Sam Nasser - Persian Network Associate - Church Planter
- کشیش سم ناصر
Tel: +1-416-223-2323,
Cell: +1-416-559-3373,
Pastor Sam Naser,
Website: mohabat.org
11221 Bayview Ave.
North of Elgin Mils
Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 4L6 Canada
Rev. Sam Nasser - Persian Network Associate - Church Planter
- کشیش سم ناصر
جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sundays 1:30 - 3:30 pm
- جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۱:۳۰ بعدازظهر
Tel: +1-416-223-2323,
Cell: +1-416-559-3373,
Pastor Sam Naser,
Website: mohabat.org
Church Address:
432 Sheppard Ave. East (Sheppard + Bayview)
Mailing Address:
6478 Yonge St.
P.O. Box 37057
Willowdale, Ontario. M2M-4J0 - Canada
Worship Service: Sundays at 2:00 PM
Bible Study: Sundays 1:15 - 1:50pm <= Updated
(416) 443-9996,
Web Site: www.tigchurch.org
Emmanuel International Christian Assembly - Farsi (Persian) Fellowship - Toronto, Canada
2210 Warden Avenue,Toronto, Ontario M1T 1V6
Service: Every Sunday at 11:30 AM
Pastor: Daniel Petrosian
Phone: 416.494.2201-EX31
, Fax: 416.494.1305
, Cell : 647-302-6330
Website: www.evangelismnetworks.org
Iranian and Afghan Church of Hamilton
Hamilton, Ontario
Persian Alliance Churches of Montreal
405 Marie-Anne E.
Montreal, Quebec H2J-1Z9
Bible Study: Sundays at 2:00 PM
Worship Service: Sundays at 4:00 PM
(514) 990-2329
(450) 466-8810
220 Hyman
Dollard Des-Ormeux, Quebec H9B-1L8
Bible Study: Saturdays at 2:00 PM
Worship Service: Saturdays at 4:00 PM
(514) 990-2329
(450) 466-8810
North Shore Alliance Church
201 East 23rd Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 3E4 Canada
جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sundays 3:00 pm
- جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۳ بعدازظهر
Bible Study, Prayer & Fellowship: During the week
The Iranian Christian Church of Vancouver B.C.
St. John's Church
13th and Chesterfield
North Vancouver, B. C.
Worship Service: Sundays at 4:00 PM
(604) 451-5544
Iranian Christian Church (Mohabbat)
220 Allard St
Conqutlam, B.C., Canada
Worship Service: Sundays 3:30 PM
Bible Study: Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Radio Program: Navaye Salamati
(604) 525-2973