Iranian Christians 28th Regional Conference in Dallas Texas USA October 27 - October 30, 2016 - All Iranian Christians and Farsi Speaking People Seeking Truth and A personal relationship with God and Following Jesus are Welcome, Theme of conference: Being a disciple of Jesus Christ - What does it mean?
What is NowRuz? How can one fully understand NowRooz? What is the True Meaning of NoRuz? A Persian Essay by Dr. Bozrog-Mehr Vaziri, Free Farsi Book on history of NowRuz and Persian New year in Iran

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Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Churches

Church  Canada ...Ontario ...British Columbia, Vancouver area Churches

Alliance Mohabat Church of Toronto Canada - كليساي محبت در تورانتو کانادا  Alliance Mohabat Iranian church of Toronto Canada is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Farsi Christian Church in Toronto Canada, Iranian Christian Fellowship in North York Toronto Canada

First Alliance Church
3250 Finch Ave East
Scarborough, ONT Canada M1W 2Y1

جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Group Prayer: Fridays 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Sunday Worship Service: Sundays 11:00 - 12:30 PM - جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۱۱:۰۰ بعدازظهر
Bible Study: Sundays 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Rev. Sam Nasser - Persian Network Associate - Church Planter - کشیش سم ناصر
Alliance Mohabat Iranian Church of Toronto Phone Number in Ontario, Canada Tel: +1-416-223-2323, Cell: +1-416-559-3373, Iranian Church Fax Number in Ontario, Canada +1-416-223-2323
Pastor Sam Naser,       Website:

Farsi Language Church in Richmond Hill, Toronto Canada - كليساى ايرانيان در ریچمو ند هیل, تورانتو کانادا  Iranian church of Richmond Hill, Toronto Canada is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Farsi Christian Church in Richmond Hill Canada, Iranian Christian Fellowship in Richmond Hill Canada Persian Christiaan Church in Richmond Hill Canada

11221 Bayview Ave.
North of Elgin Mils
Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 4L6 Canada

Rev. Sam Nasser - Persian Network Associate - Church Planter - کشیش سم ناصر

جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sundays 1:30 - 3:30 pm - جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۱:۳۰ بعدازظهر
Alliance Mohabat Iranian Church of Toronto Phone Number in Ontario, Canada Tel: +1-416-223-2323, Cell: +1-416-559-3373, Iranian Church Fax Number in Ontario, Canada +1-416-223-2323
Pastor Sam Naser,       Website:

Toronto Iranian Christian Church  Toronto Iranian Christian Church of Canada is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Farsi

Church Address:
432 Sheppard Ave. East (Sheppard + Bayview)

Mailing Address:
6478 Yonge St.
P.O. Box 37057
Willowdale, Ontario. M2M-4J0 - Canada

Worship Service: Sundays at 2:00 PM
Bible Study: Sundays 1:15 - 1:50pm <= Updated

Tel:(416) 443-9996,    Web Site:

Emmanuel International Christian Assembly - Farsi (Persian) Fellowship - Toronto, Canada

2210 Warden Avenue,Toronto, Ontario M1T 1V6
Service: Every Sunday at 11:30 AM
Pastor: Daniel Petrosian
Phone: 416.494.2201-EX31 , Fax: 416.494.1305 , Cell : 647-302-6330

Iranian and Afghan Church of Hamilton Farsi Church Service

Hamilton, Ontario

Persian Alliance Churches of Montreal Farsi Christian Sermons in Montreal Canada

405 Marie-Anne E.
Montreal, Quebec H2J-1Z9
Bible Study: Sundays at 2:00 PM
Worship Service: Sundays at 4:00 PM
Tel:(514) 990-2329 Fax:(450) 466-8810
220 Hyman
Dollard Des-Ormeux, Quebec H9B-1L8
Bible Study: Saturdays at 2:00 PM
Worship Service: Saturdays at 4:00 PM
Tel:(514) 990-2329 Fax:(450) 466-8810

British Columbia, Vancouver Area Churches

The Light of the World Persian Church - کلیسای فارسی زبان نورعالم  North Shore Iranian Church of North Vancouver British Columbia Canada is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Iranian Christian Church Service in North Shore Vancouver British Columbia Canada for Iranians, Persians and Farsi Speaking Peopl eof Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan

North Shore Alliance Church
201 East 23rd Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 3E4 Canada

جلسات هفتگی کلیسا
Worship Service: Sundays 3:00 pm - جلسات عبادتی هر یکشنبه ساعت ۳ بعدازظهر
Bible Study, Prayer & Fellowship: During the week

The Iranian Christian Church of Vancouver B.C.Farsi

St. John's Church
13th and Chesterfield
North Vancouver, B. C.
Worship Service: Sundays at 4:00 PM
Tel:(604) 451-5544

Iranian Christian Church (Mohabbat) Farsi Church Service in Conquitlam in B.C. Canada

220 Allard St
Conqutlam, B.C., Canada

Worship Service: Sundays 3:30 PM
Bible Study: Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Radio Program: Navaye Salamati
Iranian Church Telephone Number in Conquitlam British Columbia Canada(604) 525-2973

Persians For Jesus Christ fellowship of Houston texas USA
Iranian celebrate First day of Spring as a 2600 Years Old Tradition of Joy and Peace with nature, Learn about Nowruz, Send Free Norooz Greetings, Read about NoRooz History at FarsiNet  Learn about Iranian New year NowRuz, How Old is Persian New year NoRuz? Send Free NoRooz farsi Greetings at FarsiNet

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