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Shohar-Khaleh - Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women
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Shohar-Khaleh: Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women

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You are married to the best Women in the World!!
Dear Shoharkhale,

Congratulations on your new website. I enjoy visiting ZanAmu b/c I would like to know how foreign women think about Iranian men and to find out that no matter where we come from we all have almost similar problems,and I will enjoy even more visiting shoharkhale to find out how foreign men think about their lovely Iranian wives. I am an Iranian woman married to an Iranian.

You guys probably know that you are married to the best women in the world!

Wish you and your families the best. - Simin

Our relationship is quite different from the woman-foreign-man-Iranian style

My wife is Iranian and I am a Swiss man. We are together for 5 years now (whereof 3 years married). This kind of relationship is quite different from the woman-foreign-man-Iranian style. There are just one thing I would like to mention here:

Learning Farsi:

I think that learning Farsi is - compared to other languages - not very difficult if you have the determination to really learn it and use it. I practice it a lot with my wife and with Iranian friends. I think that without speaking Farsi I would never have loved my stays in Iran that much. If you can't talk to the people you will miss a lot of things. In mixed relationships it is - in my opinion - essential to have a knowledge of your partner's language. I would never want my partner to speak to our children in a language I don't understand. However, I must admit that for Americans it is difficult because they are generally not used to learn and speak foreign languages. It is much easier to learn your 5th foreign language than your first.
Thomas Maurer
We may not be legion, but there are a few of us
Dear Shoharkhaleh --
Given traditional strictures against cultural exogamy for Iranian women, we may not be legion, but there are four of us (banded together) in Tallahassee, Florida alone -- all quite appreciative of the treasure we hold and fascinated, sometimes frustrated, by the cultural differences.

Thank you for starting this forum. Looking forward to hearing from other ShoharKhalehs.

Peter Easton

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