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كليساى ايرانيان در دنيا

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Canada Persian Christiaan Church in Richmond Hill - Toronto - Canada
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Love: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
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Nicean Creed
Iranian Christian Organizations
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Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Organizations

Iranian Christian Organizations

Please review FarsiNet Link & Posting guidelines before you submit your website to be included here.

The Association of Iranian Presbyterian Churches and Fellowships of North America
was formed in 2000 among Iranian Presbyterians living in North America

  • Encourage fellowship and mutual spiritual growth among its member churches and fellowships
  • Create opportunities for further training of candidates for Christian ministry
  • Provide counseling to member churches and fellowships

Azeri Christian Resources
  • Iranian-Azerbaijani Christian Resources
  • AMM C/O Victory Tabernacle
  • 609 Snowden Drive
  • Andalusia, AL 36420

Elam - Eternal Life Agape Ministries

  • P.O. Box 3011
  • Chatsworth, California USA 91313-3011

Elam Ministries

  • P.O.BOX 75
  • Godalming GU8 6YP, England

Esther Ministries

  • 4942 Balboa Ave., Box 300
  • Encino, CA 91316
  • Esther Ministries in California Phone Number(818) 609-9217 , Esther Ministries in California Phone Number(818) 785-5259 (Farsi,

Faith and Hope Library and Publishing

  • P.O. Box 341356
  • Austin, TX 78734 USA

Farsi Christian Network


Holy Spirit Ministry

  • Christian Literature in FarsiFarsi
  • PO Box 64366
  • Los Angeles, CA 90064
  • Tel:(818) 888-8875

Holy Trinity Ministries International New Iranian Christian Ministry for Persians and Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan
We are a fellowship of people who have been transformed by the wonderful saving grace of Jesus Christ and have committed ourselves to share His love with Farsi (Persian) speaking people around the world. We are a people who believe in the God of the Bible and have embraced the salvation provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe God is at work today through the power of His Holy Spirit. We're eager to share God's Love and His message of Salvation with all Farsi (Persian) speaking population of the world specially the ones currently living in IRAN, AFGHANISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, and UZBEKISTAN.

  • HTMI
  • P.O. Box 2618
  • Broken Arrow, OK 74013-2618 USA
  • Phone number of Holy Trinity Ministries International Listed in FarsiNet Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Organizations (918) 217-2960

International Antioch Ministries 
Sharing Love of Christ with Muslims
  • What is IAM: IAM is an Evangelical Christian non-profit organization dedicated to sharing Love of Christ with Muslims.
  • IAM's Mission: To reveal the true nature of God (I AM) to Muslim so that they may experience the joy, peace, salvation, and unconditional love of God.

  • Iranian Bible School - A Ministry of Persian World Outreach

    Persian World Outreach Emailpwo1998@gmail.com

    Iranian Christian International, Inc. (ICI)

    • ICI ministers to the approximately 7 million Iranians and Afghans living outside of their countries.
    • ICI works closely with many mission organizations, university outreach ministries and churches.
    • P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO 80936, USA
    • Tel:(719) 596-0010 Fax(719) 574-1141

    Iranian Christians of Central U.S., Inc.

    • P.O. Box 14111
    • Tulsa, OK 74159
      • Church planting
      • Pastoral support and training
      • Friendship and literature evangelism

    Iran For Christ Ministries سازمان خدماتی ایران برای مسیح
    Iran For Christ Ministries listing in FarsiNet's Iranian Christian Organizations
    Iran for Christ Ministries Phone Number(818)522-1525 Email for Christ Ministries Phone Numberinfo@iranforchrist.com


    Iranian Christian Television Channel

    We are a group of Christians who wish to use the medium of television, video and the internet to reach out to Iran and the Middle East to share with these regions the love and truth concerning our God, and to promote an understanding of the Christian faith, and to build a bridge to reach out and communicate , with sensitivity toward the regional cultures of the Middle East. www.iranianchristiantv.com

    Kanoon Andisheh Masihee - Society of Persian Christian Studies

    • K.A.M.
    • PO Box 464
    • Godalming GU8 6YA, England

    Persian World Outreach

    Rasolan: A Christian Website for outreach to Iranians and farsi Speaking People.

    رســــولان یک سایت مسیحی است
    رســــولان یک سایت مسیحی است که با همّت و تلاش گروهی ایماندار به عیسی مسیح بنا شده است.
    فعالیّت ما در شهر واشنگتن، پایتخت آمریکا است و برای خدمت به تمامی فارسی زبانان می باشد.
    هدف ما آشنایی همه فارسی زبانان و اشاعه آن بخصوص در ایران با مسیح، مسیحیت و مژده نجات بخش آن "انجیل مقدّس"، تقویّت ایمان ایمانداران وجلال نام خداوند می باشد.  

    Tabdil Magazine - The Change Magazine

  • A monthly Persian Magazine devoted to Godly Transformation

    TALIM - Teaching and Leadership Development among Iranian Ministries

    • Seminars in Persian on evangelism, discipleship, marriage, prayer, church planting among Iranians, pastoral mentoring,...
    • Shaban (Shepherd) Magazine to encourage, train, and equip Iranian ministers.
    • Staffed by a number of well respected Iranian Christian leaders.
    • For more information contact:
      TALIM Emailtatstewart@compuserve.com or call TALIM Phone Number (303) 338-1020

  • Abortion: Right or Wrong
    Book by Dr. Shirvanian in Persian
    سقط جنین
    حق یا ناحق؟
    Simple Limestone Tomb of Cyrus The Great Author of the 1st Human Rights Charter in South Iran near Shiraz

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