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A Persian Book by Fariborz Nikooravesh - Apostle John's Love Letters

Baba Tahir Oryan

Hamadan, Iran

Welcome to Baba Tahir Oryan of Hamadan, Iran Audio

Baba Tahir Oryan

Baba Tahir Oryan's mysticism, philosophy, and sentiments are reflected in his Rubaiyyat. Oryan, born in Hamadan, Iran, in the early eleventh century, was considered by his contemporaries as one of the most eminent, erudite mystics and sentimentalists of his time, a reputation he has held in the affection of his countrymen to the present day. Little is known of the circumstances of Oryan's birth and death, and only his verses allowed his contemporaries and today's readers to appreciate this thoughts and sentiments.

Baba Tahir Mausoleum

Situated near the northern entrance of the city from Tehran highway and at the end of the Baba Tahir street in a square named after him. It was reconstructed in 1970.

Baba Tahir, living in the first half of the 11th centuray A.D. was one of the great gnostics of Ahl-e-Hagh's Sect [ Dervish of follower of the truth] to which the gnostics dynesty of the mountainous land of Iran such as Eyn-ol-Quzat Hamadani, also a gnostic, belonged. Songs and maxims of Baba Tahir was originally read in Pahlavi, lurish, kurdish and Hamadani's dialects taken their present form in the course of time. Here is the translation of one of Baba Tahir's Poems;

Beneath the tyranny of eyes and heart I cry,
For, all that the eyes see, the heart stores up,
I'll fashion me a pointed sword of steel,
put out mine eyes, and so set free my heart.

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Baba Tahir Oryan Mausoleum in Hamadan, Iran

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