Worldwide Directory of Iranian/Persian Christian Churches
كليساى ايرانيان در دنيا
Conferences -
کنفرانس کلیساها
- آسيا
New Zealand
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Middle East
Get a Free copy of Persian Injil (Farsi New Testament) for personal use or gift to an Iranian family/friend
or Print A Copy of Bible
Love: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Nicean Creed
Iranian Christian Organizations
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The Iranian Christians of
Central US
ICC Austin |
ICC Dallas |
ICC Houston |
ICC Kansas City |
ICC Tulsa |
ICC Wichita |
P.O. Box 160861 |
P.O.Box 225 |
P.O. Box 8424 |
P.O. Box 12523 |
P.O. Box 14111 |
P.O. BOX 21351 |
Austin TX 78716 |
Friendswood, 77546 |
Tyler, TX 75711 |
Kansa City, 66112 |
Tulsa, OK 74159 |
Wichita, KS 67208 |
(512) 263-4242 |
(918) 749-7430 |
- Church planting
- Pastoral support for planted Churches
- Training and support of new Pastors for Iranian Churches
- Friendship and literature evangelism
- Conducting annual Iranian Christian conference in Central US
- Conducting regular local retreats and prayer meetings
Summer Camp
- May31 - June3, 1998
- Camping, fellowship, fresh air, relaxation, sun, friends, food,...
- Make this a summer vacation. All families are welcome.
Fall Conference
- 10th ICC Conference, Sept 10-13, 1998
- Theme: Healing
- Four days of learning from word of God through great speakers.
- Memorable and encouraging time with your Christian brothers and sisters
as members of His body.
- To have an unforgettable and pleasant time at the New Life Ranch and to be
blessed in His holy presence.