20 Years of FarsiNet
Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians
NoRooz Persian New Year the Ever lasting Tradition and Celebration Poetry by Bozorg-Mehr vaziri from Houston, NoRuz is an Everlasting Ancient Persian Tradition, Persian Poetry on Significance & Longivity of NoRuz Persian New Year by Vaziri

Go to FarsiNet Server Statistics' Main Page

Web Server Statistics for FarsiNet Inc.

Program started at Sat-01-May-1999 06:33.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Apr-1999 00:00 to Fri-30-Apr-1999 23:59 (30.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 693,910
Average successful requests per day: 23,130
Successful requests for pages: 150,333
Average successful requests for pages per day: 5,011
Failed requests: 24,867
Redirected requests: 1,940
Distinct files requested: 4,084
Distinct hosts served: 25,916
Corrupt logfile lines: 37
Unwanted logfile entries: 9,373
Data transferred: 4,987 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 170,252 kbytes

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 4,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month:  #reqs:  pages: 
--------: ------: ------: 
Apr 1999: 693910: 150333: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Apr 1999 (150,333 requests for pages).

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.:  #reqs: pages: 
---------: ------: -----: 
28/Mar/99:  65400: 13335: ++++++++++++++
 4/Apr/99: 150410: 29831: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11/Apr/99: 171643: 35327: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18/Apr/99: 163484: 33702: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
25/Apr/99: 142973: 28138: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest week: week beginning 11/Apr/99 (35,327 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 150 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
 1/Apr/99: 25935:  5385: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2/Apr/99: 21004:  4158: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Apr/99: 18461:  3792: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 4/Apr/99: 16830:  3282: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 5/Apr/99: 20531:  3985: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6/Apr/99: 23239:  4433: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7/Apr/99: 25946:  4924: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Apr/99: 22751:  4588: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9/Apr/99: 21020:  4237: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Apr/99: 20093:  4382: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

11/Apr/99: 24526:  5221: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12/Apr/99: 25814:  5123: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Apr/99: 26527:  5087: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14/Apr/99: 25745:  5177: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Apr/99: 25173:  5450: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16/Apr/99: 24282:  5172: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17/Apr/99: 19576:  4097: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

18/Apr/99: 22501:  5042: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19/Apr/99: 23728:  4539: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Apr/99: 25323:  4895: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21/Apr/99: 25627:  5557: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22/Apr/99: 25816:  5104: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23/Apr/99: 22413:  4533: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
24/Apr/99: 18076:  4032: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

25/Apr/99: 20105:  4285: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
26/Apr/99: 25613:  5106: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Apr/99: 25799:  4931: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
28/Apr/99: 26800:  5059: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29/Apr/99: 23189:  4370: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
30/Apr/99: 21467:  4387: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest day: 21/Apr/99 (5,557 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day:  #reqs: pages: 
---: ------: -----: 
Sun:  83962: 17830: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon:  95686: 18753: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 100888: 19346: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 104118: 20717: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 122864: 24897: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 110186: 22487: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  76206: 16303: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 200 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0: 23228:  5257: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1: 21459:  4810: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 18519:  3697: +++++++++++++++++++
 3: 17997:  3709: +++++++++++++++++++
 4: 18554:  3804: ++++++++++++++++++++
 5: 18338:  3840: ++++++++++++++++++++
 6: 18757:  3921: ++++++++++++++++++++
 7: 22467:  4363: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 8: 26935:  5100: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 30994:  5646: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 33458:  6068: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 35373:  6686: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 38252:  7313: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 37725:  7428: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 38417:  7647: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 40511:  7759: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 37673:  7332: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 33648:  6914: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 31748:  6632: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 33192:  6753: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 32825:  6930: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 29334:  6422: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 27913:  5993: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 26593:  6309: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
174198: 27.35%: .com (Commercial)
153222: 22.09%: .net (Network)
141222: 19.65%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 46979:  7.01%: .edu (USA Educational)
 28287:  3.75%: .ca (Canada)
 19800:  2.56%: .se (Sweden)
 14842:  1.89%: .uk (United Kingdom)
 12877:  1.70%: .us (United States)
 11896:  1.52%: .de (Germany)
  9455:  1.28%: .au (Australia)
  6114:  0.83%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  5979:  0.75%: .fr (France)
  5495:  0.69%: .nl (Netherlands)
  4912:  0.64%: .no (Norway)
  4371:  0.64%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
  5023:  0.63%: .dk (Denmark)
  3166:  0.55%: .mil (USA Military)
  4463:  0.54%: .jp (Japan)
  3114:  0.51%: .ch (Switzerland)
  3317:  0.49%: .gov (USA Government)
  3108:  0.41%: .it (Italy)
  2468:  0.36%: .at (Austria)
  1991:  0.30%: .my (Malaysia)
  2059:  0.29%: .il (Israel)
  2008:  0.28%: .sg (Singapore)
  1896:  0.28%: .nz (New Zealand)
  1985:  0.26%: .fi (Finland)
  1508:  0.23%: .bh (Bahrain)
  1665:  0.21%: .be (Belgium)
  1258:  0.17%: .br (Brazil)
   954:  0.17%: .ir (Iran)
   830:  0.13%: .mx (Mexico)
   897:  0.13%: .za (South Africa)
   756:  0.11%: .ru (Russia)
   988:  0.11%: .tr (Turkey)
   725:  0.10%: .es (Spain)
   303:  0.08%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
   518:  0.08%: .ie (Ireland)
   618:  0.07%: .in (India)
   474:  0.07%: .gr (Greece)
   485:  0.07%: .pl (Poland)
   520:  0.07%: .hu (Hungary)
   434:  0.06%: .pt (Portugal)
   442:  0.05%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
   267:  0.05%: .th (Thailand)
   348:  0.05%: .vi (Virgin Islands (USA))
   383:  0.05%: .ro (Romania)
   309:  0.05%: .hr (Croatia)
   340:  0.04%: .lb (Lebanon)
   211:  0.04%: .uy (Uruguay)
   260:  0.03%: .cz (Czech Republic)
   189:  0.03%: .pk (Pakistan)
   176:  0.03%: .id (Indonesia)
   187:  0.02%: .ar (Argentina)
   117:  0.02%: .lt (Lithuania)
   214:  0.02%: .lu (Luxembourg)
   179:  0.02%: .cy (Cyprus)
   126:  0.02%: .ee (Estonia)
   131:  0.02%: .jo (Jordan)
   133:  0.02%: .ph (Philippines)
   159:  0.02%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   144:  0.02%: .qa (Qatar)
   138:  0.02%: .mk (Macedonia)
   165:  0.02%: .do (Dominican Republic)
   130:  0.02%: .az (Azerbaidjan)
    75:  0.02%: .kr (South Korea)
    29:  0.02%: .ve (Venezuela)
   112:  0.02%: .si (Slovenia)
   115:  0.02%: .bg (Bulgaria)
   135:  0.01%: .ua (Ukraine)
    87:  0.01%: .mu (Mauritius)
    93:  0.01%: .co (Colombia)
   117:  0.01%: .om (Oman)
   100:  0.01%: .tw (Taiwan)
   114:  0.01%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
    84:  0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong)
    61:  0.01%: .mt (Malta)
    99:  0.01%: .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    26:  0.01%: .su (Former USSR)
    64:  0.01%: .is (Iceland)
    26:  0.01%: .bs (Bahamas)
    65:  0.01%: .cl (Chile)
    44:  0.01%: .aw (Aruba)
    44:  0.01%: .gl (Greenland)
    57:       : .ge (Georgia)
    40:       : .cn (China)
    34:       : .pe (Peru)
    46:       : .zw (Zimbabwe)
    37:       : .am (Armenia)
    20:       : .hn (Honduras)
    13:       : .ke (Kenya)
    21:       : .mo (Macau)
    16:       : .kz (Kazakhstan)
    11:       : .ye (Yemen)
    20:       : .gb (United Kingdom)
    26:       : .eg (Egypt)
     7:       : .mv (Maldives)
    19:       : .ec (Ecuador)
    14:       : .ni (Nicaragua)
    27:       : .kw (Kuwait)
     7:       : .bw (Botswana)
    15:       : .na (Namibia)
     6:       : .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
     7:       : .np (Nepal)
    14:       : .py (Paraguay)
     8:       : .ng (Nigeria)
     4:       : .sv (El Salvador)
     6:       : .bm (Bermuda)
     4:       : .jm (Jamaica)
     5:       : .cr (Costa Rica)
     6:       : .sm (San Marino)
     1:       : .lv (Latvia)
     1:       : .ug (Uganda)

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 8333:  4.33%: 30/Apr/99 23:41: /
 4328:  2.39%: 30/Apr/99 23:57: /indexf.html
 4132:  1.48%: 30/Apr/99 23:43: /gorbeh/
 2826:  2.29%: 30/Apr/99 23:55: /news/
 2799:  1.48%: 30/Apr/99 23:47: /indexm.html
 2245:  0.86%: 30/Apr/99 23:54: /poetry/
 2239:  0.56%: 30/Apr/99 23:44: /gorbeh/catgallery.html
 2048:  1.44%: 30/Apr/99 23:32: /gorbeh/catjokes.html
 1992:  1.05%: 30/Apr/99 23:40: /indexe.html
 1825:  1.78%: 30/Apr/99 23:47: /jafang/
 1662:  0.71%: 30/Apr/99 23:32: /iranbibl/
 1347:  0.67%: 30/Apr/99 23:59: /indexa.html
 1268:  0.68%: 30/Apr/99 23:25: /indexc1.html
 1201:  0.51%: 30/Apr/99 23:30: /norooz/
 1172:  0.32%: 30/Apr/99 22:20: /amirimports/
 1114:  0.66%: 30/Apr/99 23:40: /indexr.html
 1097:  0.36%: 30/Apr/99 23:33: /mashhad/
 1090:  0.39%: 30/Apr/99 23:49: /salaam/
 1078:  0.57%: 30/Apr/99 23:26: /indexh.html
 1061:  0.38%: 30/Apr/99 23:48: /gorbeh/links.html
 1045:  0.49%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /1001nights/
 1041:  0.34%: 30/Apr/99 23:56: /zarbomasal/
  957:  0.25%: 30/Apr/99 22:32: /truth/
  942:  0.35%: 30/Apr/99 23:44: /gorbeh/catnames.html
  927:  0.24%: 30/Apr/99 23:53: /alice/
  926:  0.33%: 30/Apr/99 19:08: /tehran/
  923:  0.01%: 30/Apr/99 23:32: /persianweb/
  886:  0.38%: 30/Apr/99 23:39: /hottea/
  882:  0.33%: 30/Apr/99 23:57: /red_skelton/
  871:  0.39%: 30/Apr/99 23:51: /farsi.html
  835:  0.29%: 30/Apr/99 20:57: /jamal/
  834:  0.42%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /indexc.html
  782:  0.30%: 30/Apr/99 22:34: /persianrug/designs.html
  764:  0.25%: 30/Apr/99 23:09: /zanamu/
  755:  0.27%: 30/Apr/99 23:51: /poeticart/
  750:  0.25%: 30/Apr/99 23:27: /yadedoost/
  701:  0.24%: 30/Apr/99 20:28: /indexp.html
  697:  0.23%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /gorbeh/bicolor.html
  692:  0.23%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /gorbeh/black.html
  650:  0.21%: 30/Apr/99 23:44: /gorbeh/gray.html
  640:  0.18%: 30/Apr/99 23:24: /nejat/
  627:  0.19%: 30/Apr/99 22:33: /ici/
  616:  0.38%: 30/Apr/99 23:57: /poetry/ChristInPersianPoetry.html
  597:  0.19%: 30/Apr/99 23:25: /shabahang/
  590:  0.32%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /indexb.html
  588:  0.31%: 30/Apr/99 23:45: /indexo.html
  587:  0.22%: 30/Apr/99 23:52: /icc/
  572:  0.19%: 30/Apr/99 23:57: /red_skelton/gallery.html
  567:  0.29%: 30/Apr/99 23:25: /directories.html
  564:  0.29%: 30/Apr/99 23:26: /poetry.html
  558:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:23: /marzeshab/
  519:  0.26%: 30/Apr/99 23:26: /services.html
  518:  0.20%: 30/Apr/99 23:08: /poetry/farsi_hymns/
  517:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 22:00: /persianrug/
  513:  0.43%: 30/Apr/99 16:33: /gorbeh/catstories.html
  510:  0.18%: 30/Apr/99 21:12: /gorbeh/catbreeder.html
  505:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /gorbeh/basket.html
  501:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 22:02: /zarbomasal/page9.html
  491:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 22:02: /zarbomasal/page1.html
  491:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:39: /barani/
  485:  0.18%: 30/Apr/99 23:46: /mashhad/gallery.html
  473:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 20:59: /gorbeh/smoke.html
  450:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 23:52: /gorbeh/otherlinks.html
  445:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 20:58: /gorbeh/hammock.html
  441:  0.14%: 30/Apr/99 20:59: /gorbeh/tabby.html
  440:  0.19%: 30/Apr/99 23:12: /iranbibl/chronolg.html
  432:  0.17%: 30/Apr/99 23:31: /isao/
  422:  0.22%: 30/Apr/99 23:40: /indexl.html
  419:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 17:52: /assadipour/
  419:  0.14%: 30/Apr/99 20:53: /jamal/index1.html
  415:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 23:50: /salaam/index1.html
  407:  0.31%: 30/Apr/99 20:44: /zanamu/issues.html
  406:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:45: /pars_tv/
  405:  0.27%: 30/Apr/99 22:32: /truth/index3.html
  403:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 22:43: /gorbeh/white.html
  398:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 23:31: /farsieats/
  394:  0.25%: 30/Apr/99 17:43: /mashhad/haram.html
  394:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 20:59: /iranbibl/historyof/
  393:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 20:50: /jamal/comedian.html
  374:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:45: /hamadan/
  372:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:50: /vida/
  368:  0.30%: 30/Apr/99 19:37: /amirimports/faq.html
  368:  0.04%: 30/Apr/99 21:28: /truth/trtfrs11.html
  367:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 21:53: /toman/
  365:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 22:57: /tambr/
  359:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 19:36: /amirimports/gallery1.html
  351:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:24: /jamal/cd/
  350:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 19:49: /gorbeh/zanogorbeh.html
  350:  0.19%: 30/Apr/99 18:27: /iranbibl/iranbible.html
  349:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:41: /artent/
  348:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 18:48: /indexd.html
  336:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:50: /mashhad/ferdowsi.html
  323:  0.27%: 30/Apr/99 22:23: /truth/faq.html
  322:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 23:32: /jesusinislam/
  308:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 14:58: /mashhad/nader_shah.html
  308:  0.11%: 30/Apr/99 19:46: /bazaar/
  307:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:35: /gorbeh/catpoetry.html
  307:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 23:26: /iccsd/
  305:  0.11%: 30/Apr/99 23:39: /ut_isaco/
  305:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 23:27: /toman/exchange.html
  305:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 22:45: /gorbeh/white2.html
  304:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 22:39: /jamal/lostcat.html
  291:  0.15%: 30/Apr/99 18:01: /special_offer.html
  285:  0.09%: 30/Apr/99 22:33: /persianrug/saghi.html
  285:  0.09%: 30/Apr/99 22:03: /zarbomasal/page10.html
  278:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 15:53: /farsieats/recipes/
  276:  0.06%: 30/Apr/99 23:27: /amirimports/gallery2.html
  275:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:26: /indexlegal.html
  274:  0.09%: 30/Apr/99 20:53: /jamal/index2.html
  268:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 23:55: /ChristInPersianPoetry/
  260:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 23:35: /proper_use.html
  257:  0.11%: 30/Apr/99 23:08: /whatsnew.html
  253:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 18:13: /yadedoost/page288.html
  252:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 23:37: /1001nights/samples.html
  251:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 16:46: /mashhad/mashhad.html
  248:  0.16%: 30/Apr/99 22:03: /truth/index2.html
  248:  0.02%: 30/Apr/99 23:30: /truth/trtfrs01.html
  247:  0.13%: 30/Apr/99 22:16: /indexm2.html
  247:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 18:02: /tabriz/
  247:  0.06%: 30/Apr/99 23:22: /alice/index1.html
  242:  0.18%: 30/Apr/99 23:54: /news/sports.html
  241:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 20:56: /jamal/index8.html
  240:  0.05%: 30/Apr/99 21:42: /injil/
  239:  0.06%: 30/Apr/99 23:58: /dibaj/dibfars1.html
  239:  0.09%: 30/Apr/99 21:31: /1001nights/orchestra.html
  235:  0.22%: 30/Apr/99 23:06: /jafang/indexq.html
  235:  0.14%: 30/Apr/99 22:01: /truth/index1.html
  230:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 20:55: /jamal/index5.html
  228:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 20:23: /persian_carpet/
  226:  0.05%: 30/Apr/99 20:38: /anna/
  225:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 13:59: /gorbeh/ceramic.html
  222:  0.05%: 30/Apr/99 22:37: /amirimports/yahudi.html
  222:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 20:54: /jamal/index3.html
  222:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 20:04: /yadedoost/page239.html
  221:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 22:22: /mashhad/neyshabur.html
  215:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 21:56: /bijan/
  212:  0.12%: 30/Apr/99 20:46: /truth/index4.html
  211:  0.08%: 30/Apr/99 23:11: /iranbibl/kings.html
  209:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 17:31: /arak/
  209:  0.10%: 30/Apr/99 21:32: /1001nights/events.html
  206:  0.07%: 29/Apr/99 17:31: /neda/
  203:  0.09%: 30/Apr/99 15:02: /iranbibl/persiabible.html
  203:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 22:35: /red_skelton/gallery2.html
  202:  0.05%: 30/Apr/99 21:11: /injil/john/
  199:  0.07%: 30/Apr/99 19:19: /gorbeh/neon.html
  193:  0.06%: 30/Apr/99 18:07: /tooran/
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