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The Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees (CHAIR)


Advocacy - CHAIR advocates on behalf of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers, provides evidentiary support through its Iranian Refugee Legal Support Documentation Center, and conducts referrals for legal, medical and social services. CHAIR advocates against detention, deportation, anti-immigrant legislation, and violations of refugee rights, in the United States and globally, particularly in Turkey. As a member of the Campaign in Defense of Iranian Women's Rights, CHAIR advances recognition of gender-based persecution as a basis for refugee/asylee status.

Organizing and Outreach - Through individual casework, workshops, activism and the dissemination of information, CHAIR aims to organize its constituency to collectively advocate in defense of their rights. CHAIR links Iranian immigrants' rights to issues of class and poverty and works in coalition with immigrants', women's, worker's and human rights' groups. CHAIR is a member of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees and Immigrants Councils.

Education - CHAIR develops and distributes fact sheets on immigrants' issues and a newsletter, AVAHA, in English and Persian. Through casework, written materials, informational videos and Iranian media, CHAIR aims to provide Iranian immigrants with information and access to resources and to raise public awareness on the status of women in Iran, the situation of Iranian refugees and the rights of immigrants.

For more information, please contact;

Mailing Address: GPO, P.O. Box 7051, New York, NY 10116
Office Address: 17 battery Place, Room 605N, New York, NY 10004
Telephone: (212) 747-1046; Fax: (212) 425-7240


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