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  • Whatever Happenned to Iran's Super Stealth Fighter? - Everyone outside Iran saw the project for the farce that it was
  • Iran The 2nd World's Worst Internet Oppressor in 2015 - Tied with Syria - China is 1st.
  • Iran 2015 Internet Freedom Full Report
  • Global Internet Freedom Reports - Freedom On The Net 2015
    Iran Internet Access Freedom report for 2011, 2012 and 2013 - Iran scores the least in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in the Global Internet Freedom Access

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • Amnesty: Iran has most executions in 2010
  • Iran Parliament Approves Death Penalty for Apostasy Bill, Sept. 11, 2008
  • Iran's Apostasy Death Penalty Raises U.S. Concern
  • Iran: Christian Couple in their 60s Died From Iran Secret Police Attack, August 6, 2008
  • Growth of Christianity in Iran - Reported by Peykeiran News - Nov. 12, 2007 - موج رو به گسترش مسيحيت در ايران!
      Growth of Christianity in Iran is accelerated by Iranian Christian Radio and TV broadcasts such as Mohabat TV, SAT7 TV, Nejat TV and Radio Mojdeh. These programs and their evangelist teachers/programs use various methods to attract Iranians - from Healing online prayer sessions, praying for pecae and comfort, filling of the Holy Spirit and encouraging and teaching a personal relationship with GOD without any middle person (Prophet, Saint, Imam, ...).
    صداي عدالت :  موج رو به گسترش مسيحيت تحت تاثير تبليغات ماهواره‌اي شبكه محبت و نجات در شمال كشور شكل گرفته است. از ابزار و ادوات تبليغاتي اين مبلغان مي‌توان به شفا‌بخشي ايجاد آرامش دنيوي و اخروي، انكار اسلام، قرآن و حلول روح‌القدس در قلب افراد، صحبت نمودن بدون واسطه با خداوند و... نام برد.
  •  No War in Iran Petition 
    Review the petition to The United Nations and act according to God's Leading & your conscious
    Read Shirin Ebadi - Iranian Nobel Peace prize Winner's Case Against Attacking Iran
  • Iran: The Struggle for change - Who holds the power in Iran??
  • Iran's Vital Statistics from BBC News
  • Iran's Role in 9/11
  • US, CIA,& Saddam Hossein - 40 years in making, 1 Year in Iraq, War Crime?
    Iran's Power Hierarchy
    Who Hold The Real Power In Iran??

  • Wisemen and Wisewomen are still seeking Jesus
    Persian Christian Poetry about the Power of cross by Vaziri
    Jesus, the Lamb of God, Who dies on the cross for the sin of the World
    Jesus died on the cross for our Sins and rose again on the 3rd day
    Happy Easter, Jesus is ALIVE, The Lord is Risen, Jesus is resurrected, Death could not hold Jesus my Saviour

    Persian Gospel Music by Gilbert Hovsepian and Iranian Church of Los Angeles Worship Team in Farsi
    Farsi Christian Music by Iranian Church of Houston, Persian Gospel Music by Forouz, Mani, Bahram, Naznoosh, Nooshin
    Instrumental Iranian Christian Music CD #2 from Iranian Church of Dallas, Instrumental Persian Gopel Music CD #2 from Church of Dallas, Instrumental Farsi Gospel Music, Instrumental Iranian Gospel Music
    Iranian Christian Music CD #2 from Iranian Church of Dallas, Persian Gopel Music CD #2 from Church of Dallas, Farsi Gospel Music, Iranian Gospel Music
    Farsi Worship Music by Robert Tabdil, Transformation, Iranian Christian Worship Music, Persian Gospel Music for Farsi House Church revival ministry

    A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran

    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.

    Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.

    Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.

    Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.

    President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.

    Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.

    Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.

    Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities. It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.
  • Iran & World News from BBC World News in Persian (Farsi) from BBC in LOndon, ENgland
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  • Farsi News From Voice of America - Regional and world news in Farsi.
  • Voice of America News & Views - Daily 30 Minutes program.
  • INBC - International News and Broadcasting Contains content in Farsi
  • Iran Weekly Press Digest - Independent bulletin of political, social, and economic affairs.
  • Jonbesh.org - Iranian Students Movement Contains content in Farsi
  • Iranian Students News Agency
  • Islamic Republic News Agency- Persian and Arabic headlines and radio broadcasts. Contains content in Farsi
  • Peik News - Daily News and Editorials in Persian ... Street Children, Dead End Street Iran News in FarsiNet in Persian
  • Statements/News issued by NCRI- Archive of news and statements by NCRI.
  • Tehran Times - Daily News, Views & Specials
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    Happy Easter, Jesus Is Risen, Eid Gheyam Mobarak to All Iranian Christians, happy Easter to all Iranians
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