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Yaar: Songs to Worship Our God - Farsi Christian Music by Alice
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[ Cover
][ CD
][ Song list
][ Thanks & Prayer
. . .
Listen to selected songs from this album in Real Audio
| 1. Delet Shad | (Joyful Heart) | - 3:39
| 2. Baharan | (Spring Time) | - 4:20
| 3. Shadan Hastim | (We Rejoice) | - 3:09
| 4. Navayeh Eshgh | (Melody of Love) | - 4:23
| 5. Delkhahe Man | (My Favorite) | - 4:21
| 6. Oo-ra Khoda Danam | (He is my God) | - 4:51
| 7. Dar In Donya | (In This World) | - 4:35
| 8. Bia | (Come To Me) | - 3:54
| 9. Omghe Darya | (Depth of Sea) | - 4:29
| 10. To Agahi | (You Know) | - 5:13
| 11. Omghe Darya - Instrumental | (Depth of Sea) | - 4:35