Happy Easter, Jesus Is Risen, Eid Gheyam Mobarak to All Iranian Christians, happy Easter to all Iranians
Good Friday, Dark Friday, The day Jesus Died on the Cross for our Sin, The Power of The Cross, Power of the cross of Jesus Christ

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Web Server Statistics for FarsiNet Inc.

Program started at Sat-10-Mar-2001 16:42.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Feb-2001 00:00 to Wed-28-Feb-2001 23:59 (28.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 960,735
Average successful requests per day: 34,312
Successful requests for pages: 231,287
Average successful requests for pages per day: 8,260
Failed requests: 25,243
Redirected requests: 9,010
Distinct files requested: 4,519
Distinct hosts served: 35,779
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Data transferred: 8.584 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 313.939 Mbytes

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 6,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:   reqs:  pages: 
--------: ------: ------: 
Feb 2001: 960735: 231287: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Feb 2001 (231,287 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

day:   reqs: pages: 
---: ------: -----: 
Sun: 115839: 26700: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 148537: 34107: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 154516: 36629: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 149220: 37625: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 140963: 33627: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 136476: 34132: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 115184: 28467: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 300 requests for pages or part thereof.

hr:  reqs: pages: 
--: -----: -----: 
 0: 32861: 10502: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1: 31929:  9636: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 29776:  9801: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3: 28939:  7434: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4: 31501:  7903: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5: 30941:  7411: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6: 32233:  8070: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7: 37155:  8605: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8: 41804:  9309: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 45466: 10914: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 48001: 10633: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 48655: 10140: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 50359: 10741: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 50059: 10493: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 52120: 11233: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 53895: 11738: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 47324: 10478: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 42034:  9447: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 39243:  8974: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 38862:  9408: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 36576:  9671: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 37406:  9452: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 35359:  8779: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 38237: 10515: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

  reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
960735:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: organisation
------: ------: ------------
960735:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

       size:   reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: ------: ------: 
          0: 144696:       : 
   1b-  10b:     67:       : 
  11b- 100b:   5571:  0.01%: 
 101b-  1kb: 121912:  0.49%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 390206: 14.04%: 
 10kb-100kb: 297026: 83.93%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   1257:  1.53%: 

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

  reqs: %bytes: directory
------: ------: ---------
 46296: 16.68%: [root directory]
 12501:  6.43%: /news/
 34922:  6.04%: /gorbeh/
291946:  4.45%: /images/
 23783:  3.97%: /farsi/
 36145:  3.40%: /norooz/
 20773:  3.31%: /mashhad/
 15385:  3.29%: /amirimports/
 18617:  3.07%: /poetry/
 11077:  3.05%: /persianrug/
 17556:  2.33%: /jamal/
 12815:  2.31%: /toman/
  6668:  1.77%: /red_skelton/
  4501:  1.76%: /jafang/
 19434:  1.62%: /zarbomasal/
 14753:  1.61%: /tambr/
 11582:  1.60%: /icc/
 17957:  1.53%: /christmas/
  7611:  1.44%: /iranbibl/
 22583:  1.34%: /yadedoost/
 15123:  1.11%: /aids/
  3936:  1.11%: /ici/
  4209:  1.04%: /iranchurches/
 30092:  0.97%: /injil/
 17775:  0.90%: /bible/
  4603:  0.84%: /hottea/
  3831:  0.74%: /zanamu/
  1511:  0.72%: /statistics/
 13772:  0.72%: /ajib/
  3819:  0.67%: /assadipour/
  3249:  0.67%: /1001nights/
 11135:  0.63%: /icon/
  3900:  0.60%: /ghesseh/
  2474:  0.56%: /shoharkhaleh/
  7555:  0.55%: /farsi_hymns/
 17131:  0.55%: /apostle_love/
  7664:  0.54%: /truth/
  7190:  0.54%: /ChristInPersianPoetry/
  2890:  0.52%: /poeticart/
  2365:  0.50%: /pwo/
  2041:  0.49%: /wisemen/
  1999:  0.49%: /recipes/
  2333:  0.48%: /tehran/
  7032:  0.48%: /hovsepian/
 10403:  0.47%: /elam/
 15429:  0.46%: /caviar/
  1932:  0.45%: /farsieats/
  2546:  0.39%: /hamadan/
  6304:  0.39%: /jesusinislam/
  1517:  0.36%: /falsafeh/
 11713:  0.34%: /images2/
  1134:  0.34%: /travel2iran/
  2319:  0.34%: /iccsd/
  1251:  0.32%: /baghghali/
  4765:  0.30%: /audio/
  6617:  0.29%: /dibaj/
  2304:  0.28%: /shajarian/
  2141:  0.27%: /konacafe/
   987:  0.27%: /eivan/
   950:  0.26%: /barani/
   809:  0.25%: /arak/
  1055:  0.24%: /tasbih/
  1214:  0.23%: /icchouston/
  1333:  0.20%: /shabahang/
  1295:  0.19%: /ut_isaco/
  1074:  0.18%: /artent/
  1000:  0.18%: /alice/
  4139:  0.18%: /hsm/
   838:  0.17%: /iccus/
   724:  0.17%: /isao/
   651:  0.17%: /ipco/
  1086:  0.16%: /dr.jalali/
   723:  0.16%: /icf_raleigh/
   261:  0.16%: /top10month/
   728:  0.16%: /azharali/
  1016:  0.15%: /vida/
   313:  0.15%: /powerpc/
   776:  0.14%: /talim/
  4741:  0.13%: /mosharraf/
 11841:  0.12%: /styles/
   666:  0.12%: /saf/
   531:  0.12%: /persian_market/
   560:  0.12%: /salaam/
  2343:  0.11%: /iccseattle2/
   400:  0.11%: /ibcdallas/
   513:  0.10%: /tabriz/
   535:  0.10%: /neda/
   251:  0.09%: /icctulsa/
   354:  0.09%: /epolls/
   543:  0.09%: /chinaexchange/
  2909:  0.08%: /java/
   360:  0.08%: /alibaba/
   231:  0.08%: /iccdc/
   345:  0.08%: /verooyer/
   384:  0.08%: /parvizian/
  4363:  0.08%: /banners/
   259:  0.08%: /iccaustin/
   372:  0.07%: /azariah/
   271:  0.07%: /pentecostals/
   271:  0.07%: /pmcc/
   344:  0.07%: /bijan/
   478:  0.07%: /webpub/
   405:  0.07%: /nejat/
   295:  0.07%: /azeri/
   426:  0.06%: /soraya/
   569:  0.06%: /petra/
   289:  0.06%: /kazempour/
   292:  0.06%: /bazaar/
   365:  0.06%: /shaheen/
   308:  0.06%: /iccdenver/
   191:  0.05%: /pccatlanta/
   168:  0.05%: /prayer_request/
   624:  0.05%: /marzeshab/
   265:  0.05%: /ibs/
   447:  0.05%: /cgi-bin/
   312:  0.04%: /aipa/
   113:  0.04%: /top10year/
   240:  0.04%: /ifiric/
   131:  0.04%: /iactoronto/
   209:  0.04%: /dr.khorrami/
   251:  0.04%: /anna/
   378:  0.04%: /peyvand/
   221:  0.04%: /phoenicia/
   256:  0.04%: /skyline_realty/
   180:  0.03%: /icca/
   183:  0.03%: /iafa/
    97:  0.03%: /goodnews/
   155:  0.03%: /sohrab_books/
   166:  0.03%: /matt/
   173:  0.03%: /arjang/
    76:  0.03%: /myhoo/
   172:  0.03%: /ramin/
   132:  0.03%: /iwsf/
   139:  0.03%: /dr.cpu/
   183:  0.03%: /elam_uk/
   112:  0.02%: /iccseattle1/
   222:  0.02%: /chair/
   113:  0.02%: /amir/
   110:  0.02%: /icic/
    70:  0.02%: /cybervertise/
    77:  0.01%: /mehri_tazeh/
    58:  0.01%: /clients/
  1816:  0.06%: [not listed: 27 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
46198:  0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/farsi.gif
19410:  0.18%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /images/mailbox.gif
18690:  6.66%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /
18231:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/home.gif
17637:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/new.gif
17163:  0.24%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /images/balla.gif
12764:  0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/realaudio.gif
12342:  0.49%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/welcome.gif
11840:  0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /styles/main1.css
11833:  0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /images/soundon.gif
11125:  0.63%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /icon/globe_logo_m.gif
10716:  0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /ajib/images/bannerfs.gif
10684:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /apostle_love/images/bannerss.gif
10672:  0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /zarbomasal/images/bannerfs.gif
10581:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /yadedoost/images/bannerfs.gif
10492:  0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /aids/images/bannerss.gif
10402:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /caviar/images/bannerss.jpg
 8661:  1.00%: 28/Feb/01 23:38: /christmas/images/banner1.gif
 7688:  0.08%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/phone.gif
 7652:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/update.gif
 7322:  0.42%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /christmas/images/banners.gif
 5933:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/arrow_r.gif
 5838:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/arrow_l.gif
 5525:  1.32%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /poetry/
 5487:  0.35%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /jamal/cd/images/banner.jpg
 5156:  0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:46: /gorbeh/images/cateyea.gif
 4987:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/fax.gif
 4986:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/new4a.gif
 4877:  0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /images/links.gif
 4791:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:43: /images/link2.gif
 4581:  0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /dibaj/images/bannerfs.gif
 4375:  0.17%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/wellcome.gif
 4366:  0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /bible/childpicbible/images/bannerfs.gif
 4320:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/bg_whiteslk.jpg
 4305:  0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/john/bannerfs.gif
 4281:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /icc/images/lovebtn.gif
 4280:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /jesusinislam/images/bannerfs.gif
 4247:  0.36%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /yadedoost/images/page291b.gif
 4245:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /elam/addict/images/bannerfs.gif
 4238:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mosharraf/images/bannerfs.gif
 4213:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /banners/iranmasseehfs.gif
 4148:  0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /apostle_love/images/banners.gif
 4140:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi_hymns/images/bannerfs.gif
 4072:  1.97%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi.html
 3753:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /ChristInPersianPoetry/images/bannerfs.gif
 3586:  0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /norooz/images/bnr_norooz1.jpg
 3488:  1.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /norooz/
 3383:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /truth/images/bannerfs.gif
 3374:  0.07%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /caviar/images/banners.jpg
 3350:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /images/farsi2.gif
 3347:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /hsm/images/bannerfs.gif
 3318:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi/images/farsi_dict.gif
 3261:       : 28/Feb/01 23:32: /gorbeh/images/catpaw.gif
 3254:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /elam/godlove/images/bannerfs.gif
 3239:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/images/bannerfs.gif
 3176:  0.70%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /gorbeh/
 3088:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:38: /poetry/images/bannerfs.gif
 3061:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/music.gif
 2998:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /bible/matthew/bannerfs.gif
 2989:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/luke/bannerfs.gif
 2988:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/mark/bannerfs.gif
 2986:  0.07%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/bg_norooz_mobarak.jpg
 2903:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /hovsepian/marzeshab/images/bannerfs.gif
 2858:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /poetry/images/molavinorz.gif
 2610:  0.26%: 28/Feb/01 23:47: /gorbeh/images/zanogorbeh_m.jpg
 2601:  0.15%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /tambr/images/nrz_47_1.jpg
 2595:  0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/noroozs.jpg
 2524:  0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/7cintbl1s.jpg
 2523:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh1s.jpg
 2503:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh2s.jpg
 2493:  0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh3s.jpg
 2485:  0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /images/bg_blue_col.jpg
 2467:  0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/haftcin1s.jpg
 2460:  0.14%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /tambr/images/nrz44a.jpg
 2435:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/shivalisa1b.jpg
 2426:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/shivalisa2b.jpg
 2391:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/faiz1.gif
 2362:  0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:24: /injil/images/new_testament.gif
 2304:  1.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:47: /music.html
 2222:  0.16%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mashhad/images/banner.jpg
 2216:  0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mashhad/images/mashadmp.gif
 2181:  0.90%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /gorbeh/catjokes.html
 2082:  0.89%: 28/Feb/01 23:52: /news/
 2055:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:28: /images/barcat2.gif
 2023:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:24: /injil/images/farsibbl.gif
 2022:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:43: /images/bg_green_col.gif
 1981:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:37: /iccseattle2/images/logo.gif
 1972:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /images/barflwr2.gif
 1946:  0.14%: 28/Feb/01 23:44: /amirimports/images/banner.jpg
 1944:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /robots.txt
 1926:  0.19%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /shajarian/images/banner.jpg
 1916:  0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:33: /christmas/images/jesusborn.jpg
 1894:  0.34%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /amirimports/
 1805:  0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/logol.gif
 1798:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:28: /images/smiley.gif
 1783:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /images/bg_notebkcol.jpg
 1773:  0.38%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /gorbeh/catgallery.html
 1759:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 22:58: /images/barcross.gif
 1718:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 22:57: /images/barred.gif
 1716:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:44: /images/speaker.gif
 1715:       : 28/Feb/01 22:50: /images/glasses.gif
 1686:  0.34%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /mashhad/
 1675:  0.49%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /farsi/
 1586:  0.87%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jafang/
 1564:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /images/smile1a.gif
 1519:  0.17%: 28/Feb/01 23:22: /persianrug/images/rugmarket.jpg
 1519:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /yadedoost/images/banners.gif
 1517:  0.07%: 28/Feb/01 22:55: /persianrug/images/saghi_vs.jpg
 1505:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /hovsepian/marzeshab/images/banners.gif
 1503:  0.31%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/
 1484:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:36: /images/welcoma2.gif
 1463:       : 28/Feb/01 23:50: /truth/images/truth.gif
 1455:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/link.gif
 1429:  0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /gorbeh/images/himalayan_persian.jpg
 1419:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:36: /images/welcomps.gif
 1414:       : 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/cross1.gif
 1405:  0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /bible/images/bannerfs.gif
 1394:       : 28/Feb/01 23:22: /images/phonered.gif
 1375:  0.33%: 28/Feb/01 22:55: /persianrug/designs.html
 1373:  0.62%: 28/Feb/01 23:22: /amirimports/images/7.jpg
 1373:  0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:23: /iranbibl/images/banner.gif
 1265:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 21:35: /images/arrow_pr.gif
 1265:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 21:36: /images/arrow_ne.gif
 1263:  0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /tehran/
 1235:  0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /red_skelton/
 1207:  0.24%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /zarbomasal/
 1198:  0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:09: /gorbeh/catnames.html
 1184:  0.53%: 28/Feb/01 23:01: /entertain.html
 1179:  0.25%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /jamal/
 1131:  0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /images/salam2.gif
 1108:  0.20%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/images/covera.jpg
 1104:  0.23%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/images/coverb.jpg
 1091:  0.26%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /toman/
 1076:  0.19%: 28/Feb/01 23:41: /farsi/alefba/images/coverc.jpg
 1052:  0.29%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /iranbibl/
 1034:  0.23%: 28/Feb/01 22:57: /hottea/
 1033:  0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /shoharkhaleh/
 1022:  0.14%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jamal/images/comedian_m.jpg
 1019:  0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /images/zanamuf.jpg
 1006:  0.05%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jafang/images/jafang_m.jpg
 1005:  0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/page1.html
 1000:  0.47%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /religion.html
  996:  0.23%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /farsieats/recipes/
  989:  0.04%: 28/Feb/01 22:31: /gorbeh/images/black_persian.jpg
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Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory
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