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(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 960,735
Average successful requests per day: 34,312
Successful requests for pages: 231,287
Average successful requests for pages per day: 8,260
Failed requests: 25,243
Redirected requests: 9,010
Distinct files requested: 4,519
Distinct hosts served: 35,779
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Data transferred: 8.584 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 313.939 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 6,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ------: ------: Feb 2001: 960735: 231287:Busiest month: Feb 2001 (231,287 requests for pages).![]()
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ------: -----: Sun: 115839: 26700:Mon: 148537: 34107:
Tue: 154516: 36629:
Wed: 149220: 37625:
Thu: 140963: 33627:
Fri: 136476: 34132:
Sat: 115184: 28467:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 300 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 32861: 10502:1: 31929: 9636:
2: 29776: 9801:
3: 28939: 7434:
4: 31501: 7903:
5: 30941: 7411:
6: 32233: 8070:
7: 37155: 8605:
8: 41804: 9309:
9: 45466: 10914:
10: 48001: 10633:
11: 48655: 10140:
12: 50359: 10741:
13: 50059: 10493:
14: 52120: 11233:
15: 53895: 11738:
16: 47324: 10478:
17: 42034: 9447:
18: 39243: 8974:
19: 38862: 9408:
20: 36576: 9671:
21: 37406: 9452:
22: 35359: 8779:
23: 38237: 10515:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: domain ------: ------: ------ 960735: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 960735: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ------: ------: 0: 144696: : 1b- 10b: 67: : 11b- 100b: 5571: 0.01%: 101b- 1kb: 121912: 0.49%: 1kb- 10kb: 390206: 14.04%: 10kb-100kb: 297026: 83.93%: 100kb- 1Mb: 1257: 1.53%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: directory ------: ------: --------- 46296: 16.68%: [root directory] 12501: 6.43%: /news/ 34922: 6.04%: /gorbeh/ 291946: 4.45%: /images/ 23783: 3.97%: /farsi/ 36145: 3.40%: /norooz/ 20773: 3.31%: /mashhad/ 15385: 3.29%: /amirimports/ 18617: 3.07%: /poetry/ 11077: 3.05%: /persianrug/ 17556: 2.33%: /jamal/ 12815: 2.31%: /toman/ 6668: 1.77%: /red_skelton/ 4501: 1.76%: /jafang/ 19434: 1.62%: /zarbomasal/ 14753: 1.61%: /tambr/ 11582: 1.60%: /icc/ 17957: 1.53%: /christmas/ 7611: 1.44%: /iranbibl/ 22583: 1.34%: /yadedoost/ 15123: 1.11%: /aids/ 3936: 1.11%: /ici/ 4209: 1.04%: /iranchurches/ 30092: 0.97%: /injil/ 17775: 0.90%: /bible/ 4603: 0.84%: /hottea/ 3831: 0.74%: /zanamu/ 1511: 0.72%: /statistics/ 13772: 0.72%: /ajib/ 3819: 0.67%: /assadipour/ 3249: 0.67%: /1001nights/ 11135: 0.63%: /icon/ 3900: 0.60%: /ghesseh/ 2474: 0.56%: /shoharkhaleh/ 7555: 0.55%: /farsi_hymns/ 17131: 0.55%: /apostle_love/ 7664: 0.54%: /truth/ 7190: 0.54%: /ChristInPersianPoetry/ 2890: 0.52%: /poeticart/ 2365: 0.50%: /pwo/ 2041: 0.49%: /wisemen/ 1999: 0.49%: /recipes/ 2333: 0.48%: /tehran/ 7032: 0.48%: /hovsepian/ 10403: 0.47%: /elam/ 15429: 0.46%: /caviar/ 1932: 0.45%: /farsieats/ 2546: 0.39%: /hamadan/ 6304: 0.39%: /jesusinislam/ 1517: 0.36%: /falsafeh/ 11713: 0.34%: /images2/ 1134: 0.34%: /travel2iran/ 2319: 0.34%: /iccsd/ 1251: 0.32%: /baghghali/ 4765: 0.30%: /audio/ 6617: 0.29%: /dibaj/ 2304: 0.28%: /shajarian/ 2141: 0.27%: /konacafe/ 987: 0.27%: /eivan/ 950: 0.26%: /barani/ 809: 0.25%: /arak/ 1055: 0.24%: /tasbih/ 1214: 0.23%: /icchouston/ 1333: 0.20%: /shabahang/ 1295: 0.19%: /ut_isaco/ 1074: 0.18%: /artent/ 1000: 0.18%: /alice/ 4139: 0.18%: /hsm/ 838: 0.17%: /iccus/ 724: 0.17%: /isao/ 651: 0.17%: /ipco/ 1086: 0.16%: /dr.jalali/ 723: 0.16%: /icf_raleigh/ 261: 0.16%: /top10month/ 728: 0.16%: /azharali/ 1016: 0.15%: /vida/ 313: 0.15%: /powerpc/ 776: 0.14%: /talim/ 4741: 0.13%: /mosharraf/ 11841: 0.12%: /styles/ 666: 0.12%: /saf/ 531: 0.12%: /persian_market/ 560: 0.12%: /salaam/ 2343: 0.11%: /iccseattle2/ 400: 0.11%: /ibcdallas/ 513: 0.10%: /tabriz/ 535: 0.10%: /neda/ 251: 0.09%: /icctulsa/ 354: 0.09%: /epolls/ 543: 0.09%: /chinaexchange/ 2909: 0.08%: /java/ 360: 0.08%: /alibaba/ 231: 0.08%: /iccdc/ 345: 0.08%: /verooyer/ 384: 0.08%: /parvizian/ 4363: 0.08%: /banners/ 259: 0.08%: /iccaustin/ 372: 0.07%: /azariah/ 271: 0.07%: /pentecostals/ 271: 0.07%: /pmcc/ 344: 0.07%: /bijan/ 478: 0.07%: /webpub/ 405: 0.07%: /nejat/ 295: 0.07%: /azeri/ 426: 0.06%: /soraya/ 569: 0.06%: /petra/ 289: 0.06%: /kazempour/ 292: 0.06%: /bazaar/ 365: 0.06%: /shaheen/ 308: 0.06%: /iccdenver/ 191: 0.05%: /pccatlanta/ 168: 0.05%: /prayer_request/ 624: 0.05%: /marzeshab/ 265: 0.05%: /ibs/ 447: 0.05%: /cgi-bin/ 312: 0.04%: /aipa/ 113: 0.04%: /top10year/ 240: 0.04%: /ifiric/ 131: 0.04%: /iactoronto/ 209: 0.04%: /dr.khorrami/ 251: 0.04%: /anna/ 378: 0.04%: /peyvand/ 221: 0.04%: /phoenicia/ 256: 0.04%: /skyline_realty/ 180: 0.03%: /icca/ 183: 0.03%: /iafa/ 97: 0.03%: /goodnews/ 155: 0.03%: /sohrab_books/ 166: 0.03%: /matt/ 173: 0.03%: /arjang/ 76: 0.03%: /myhoo/ 172: 0.03%: /ramin/ 132: 0.03%: /iwsf/ 139: 0.03%: /dr.cpu/ 183: 0.03%: /elam_uk/ 112: 0.02%: /iccseattle1/ 222: 0.02%: /chair/ 113: 0.02%: /amir/ 110: 0.02%: /icic/ 70: 0.02%: /cybervertise/ 77: 0.01%: /mehri_tazeh/ 58: 0.01%: /clients/ 1816: 0.06%: [not listed: 27 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: File Size Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last time: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 46198: 0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/farsi.gif 19410: 0.18%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /images/mailbox.gif 18690: 6.66%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: / 18231: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/home.gif 17637: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/new.gif 17163: 0.24%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /images/balla.gif 12764: 0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/realaudio.gif 12342: 0.49%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/welcome.gif 11840: 0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /styles/main1.css 11833: 0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /images/soundon.gif 11125: 0.63%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /icon/globe_logo_m.gif 10716: 0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /ajib/images/bannerfs.gif 10684: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /apostle_love/images/bannerss.gif 10672: 0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /zarbomasal/images/bannerfs.gif 10581: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /yadedoost/images/bannerfs.gif 10492: 0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /aids/images/bannerss.gif 10402: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /caviar/images/bannerss.jpg 8661: 1.00%: 28/Feb/01 23:38: /christmas/images/banner1.gif 7688: 0.08%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/phone.gif 7652: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /images/update.gif 7322: 0.42%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /christmas/images/banners.gif 5933: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/arrow_r.gif 5838: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/arrow_l.gif 5525: 1.32%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /poetry/ 5487: 0.35%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /jamal/cd/images/banner.jpg 5156: 0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:46: /gorbeh/images/cateyea.gif 4987: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/fax.gif 4986: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /images/new4a.gif 4877: 0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /images/links.gif 4791: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:43: /images/link2.gif 4581: 0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /dibaj/images/bannerfs.gif 4375: 0.17%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/wellcome.gif 4366: 0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /bible/childpicbible/images/bannerfs.gif 4320: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /images/bg_whiteslk.jpg 4305: 0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/john/bannerfs.gif 4281: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /icc/images/lovebtn.gif 4280: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /jesusinislam/images/bannerfs.gif 4247: 0.36%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /yadedoost/images/page291b.gif 4245: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /elam/addict/images/bannerfs.gif 4238: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mosharraf/images/bannerfs.gif 4213: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /banners/iranmasseehfs.gif 4148: 0.06%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /apostle_love/images/banners.gif 4140: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi_hymns/images/bannerfs.gif 4072: 1.97%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi.html 3753: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /ChristInPersianPoetry/images/bannerfs.gif 3586: 0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /norooz/images/bnr_norooz1.jpg 3488: 1.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /norooz/ 3383: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /truth/images/bannerfs.gif 3374: 0.07%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /caviar/images/banners.jpg 3350: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /images/farsi2.gif 3347: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /hsm/images/bannerfs.gif 3318: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /farsi/images/farsi_dict.gif 3261: : 28/Feb/01 23:32: /gorbeh/images/catpaw.gif 3254: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /elam/godlove/images/bannerfs.gif 3239: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/images/bannerfs.gif 3176: 0.70%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /gorbeh/ 3088: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:38: /poetry/images/bannerfs.gif 3061: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/music.gif 2998: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /bible/matthew/bannerfs.gif 2989: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/luke/bannerfs.gif 2988: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /injil/mark/bannerfs.gif 2986: 0.07%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/bg_norooz_mobarak.jpg 2903: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /hovsepian/marzeshab/images/bannerfs.gif 2858: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /poetry/images/molavinorz.gif 2610: 0.26%: 28/Feb/01 23:47: /gorbeh/images/zanogorbeh_m.jpg 2601: 0.15%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /tambr/images/nrz_47_1.jpg 2595: 0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/noroozs.jpg 2524: 0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/7cintbl1s.jpg 2523: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh1s.jpg 2503: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh2s.jpg 2493: 0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/charshambeh3s.jpg 2485: 0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /images/bg_blue_col.jpg 2467: 0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/haftcin1s.jpg 2460: 0.14%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /tambr/images/nrz44a.jpg 2435: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/shivalisa1b.jpg 2426: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /norooz/images/shivalisa2b.jpg 2391: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/faiz1.gif 2362: 0.10%: 28/Feb/01 23:24: /injil/images/new_testament.gif 2304: 1.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:47: /music.html 2222: 0.16%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mashhad/images/banner.jpg 2216: 0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:57: /mashhad/images/mashadmp.gif 2181: 0.90%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /gorbeh/catjokes.html 2082: 0.89%: 28/Feb/01 23:52: /news/ 2055: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:28: /images/barcat2.gif 2023: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:24: /injil/images/farsibbl.gif 2022: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:43: /images/bg_green_col.gif 1981: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:37: /iccseattle2/images/logo.gif 1972: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /images/barflwr2.gif 1946: 0.14%: 28/Feb/01 23:44: /amirimports/images/banner.jpg 1944: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /robots.txt 1926: 0.19%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /shajarian/images/banner.jpg 1916: 0.11%: 28/Feb/01 23:33: /christmas/images/jesusborn.jpg 1894: 0.34%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /amirimports/ 1805: 0.13%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/logol.gif 1798: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:28: /images/smiley.gif 1783: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /images/bg_notebkcol.jpg 1773: 0.38%: 28/Feb/01 23:58: /gorbeh/catgallery.html 1759: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 22:58: /images/barcross.gif 1718: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 22:57: /images/barred.gif 1716: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:44: /images/speaker.gif 1715: : 28/Feb/01 22:50: /images/glasses.gif 1686: 0.34%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /mashhad/ 1675: 0.49%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /farsi/ 1586: 0.87%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jafang/ 1564: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /images/smile1a.gif 1519: 0.17%: 28/Feb/01 23:22: /persianrug/images/rugmarket.jpg 1519: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /yadedoost/images/banners.gif 1517: 0.07%: 28/Feb/01 22:55: /persianrug/images/saghi_vs.jpg 1505: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:53: /hovsepian/marzeshab/images/banners.gif 1503: 0.31%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/ 1484: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:36: /images/welcoma2.gif 1463: : 28/Feb/01 23:50: /truth/images/truth.gif 1455: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/link.gif 1429: 0.09%: 28/Feb/01 23:56: /gorbeh/images/himalayan_persian.jpg 1419: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:36: /images/welcomps.gif 1414: : 28/Feb/01 23:50: /images/cross1.gif 1405: 0.02%: 28/Feb/01 23:50: /bible/images/bannerfs.gif 1394: : 28/Feb/01 23:22: /images/phonered.gif 1375: 0.33%: 28/Feb/01 22:55: /persianrug/designs.html 1373: 0.62%: 28/Feb/01 23:22: /amirimports/images/7.jpg 1373: 0.12%: 28/Feb/01 23:23: /iranbibl/images/banner.gif 1265: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 21:35: /images/arrow_pr.gif 1265: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 21:36: /images/arrow_ne.gif 1263: 0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /tehran/ 1235: 0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:51: /red_skelton/ 1207: 0.24%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /zarbomasal/ 1198: 0.28%: 28/Feb/01 23:09: /gorbeh/catnames.html 1184: 0.53%: 28/Feb/01 23:01: /entertain.html 1179: 0.25%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /jamal/ 1131: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /images/salam2.gif 1108: 0.20%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/images/covera.jpg 1104: 0.23%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/images/coverb.jpg 1091: 0.26%: 28/Feb/01 23:07: /toman/ 1076: 0.19%: 28/Feb/01 23:41: /farsi/alefba/images/coverc.jpg 1052: 0.29%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: /iranbibl/ 1034: 0.23%: 28/Feb/01 22:57: /hottea/ 1033: 0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /shoharkhaleh/ 1022: 0.14%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jamal/images/comedian_m.jpg 1019: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /images/zanamuf.jpg 1006: 0.05%: 28/Feb/01 22:41: /jafang/images/jafang_m.jpg 1005: 0.21%: 28/Feb/01 23:59: /farsi/alefba/page1.html 1000: 0.47%: 28/Feb/01 23:39: /religion.html 996: 0.23%: 28/Feb/01 23:55: /farsieats/recipes/ 989: 0.04%: 28/Feb/01 22:31: /gorbeh/images/black_persian.jpg 978: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:06: /images/cateyea.gif 942: 0.01%: 28/Feb/01 21:39: /images/m.jpg 928: 0.03%: 28/Feb/01 23:09: /java/WaveText.class 914: 0.40%: 28/Feb/01 23:54: 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