Iranian Christians 28th Regional Conference in Dallas Texas USA October 27 - October 30, 2016 - All Iranian Christians and Farsi Speaking People Seeking Truth and A personal relationship with God and Following Jesus are Welcome, Theme of conference: Being a disciple of Jesus Christ - What does it mean?
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Christ - The Messiah - The Saviour Has Come

Persian Poetry by Gherajeh Da'aghi describing the coming of Messiah (Jesus Christ)

O People, Take a notice, The Messiah Has Come! The Saviour of the World Has Come!
All the creation testify to His coming, Open your hearts and see your Redeemer!
Don't wait another day, open your eyes and see, Prince of Peace, The Messiah has come.

Watch This Poem's Recital Video

O People of Earth, Jesus Has Come Persian Poetry The Entire World Speaks of The Mesiah who has come for Iranians in a Farsi Poetry

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Jesus Christ The Good Counselor, Farsi Essay on Jesus Counseling Life's probem and Challenges - A Persian Christian Book by Pastor Tat Stewart of Talim Ministries
Shahnameh, Epic of the Persian Kings by Ferdowsi the Grreat Persian (Iranian) Poet of 9th Centuary from Toos Khorasan near present Mashhad in Northeast Iran
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