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Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory

Farsi Christian Poetry on birth of Christ by Bozorg-Mehr vaziri from Houston texas, Christ Is Born Tonight Persian Poetry, Jesus is Born Farsi Poetry
Masih Emshab Tavallod Yaft - Christ Is Born Tonight
Persian Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri

Persian Poetry/Literature by Dr. Vaziri: [ سایه و بلور | بیائید او را پرستش کنیم | نگه کن به مرغان پروازگر | میاندوز گنجی که دزدان برند | پناه و توانائی ما خداست - مزمور ۴۶ | مسیحیت در ایران باستان: بخش یکم, بخش دوم | کتاب مقدّس و مثل های پارسی | نوروز را باید . . . |
Godly Love | Hafiz & Masih | I AM The Vine | Jesus on Cross | Christ Is Born! | NoRuz | The Word | Vatan | More Persian Poetry | شعر فارسی از دكتر بزرگمهر وزيری

Masih Emshab Tavallod Yaft Persian Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri, Christ is Born Tonight Farsi Christian Poetry by Vaziri at FarsiNet

"I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.","Luke 2:10

A shepherd band their flocks are keeping,
And gentle lambs are sweetly sleeping;
When suddenly they all behold
An angel in bright robes, with harp of gold.

Glad tidings of great joy he bringeth,
The azure vault with anthems ringeth;
Immanuel awakes the song,
And countless hosts the glorious theme prolong.

“To you, this day, is born a Savior,
Your Prophet, Priest and King forever;
All glory be to God,” they cry;
“All glory be to God,” let earth reply.

“On earth be peace with mercy blending,
Goodwill to men, and love unending”;
Thus sweetly sing the angel throng,
And all the heav’nly host rehearse the song.

Through field and wood the song resoundeth,
O’er hill and vale the chorus boundeth;
Exultingly the echoes roll,
And hymns of triumph spread from pole to pole.

The shepherds view the host returning,
Their hearts with holy ardor burning;
To Bethlehem they wend their way,
Repeating with glad tongues th’angelic lay.

In haste they seek the heav’nly Stranger;
They find the Babe laid in a manger;
With wonder and with awe they fall,
And joyfully adore Him, Lord of all.

Now every voice with rapture swelleth,
For Christ the Lord with mortals dwelleth;
Let men and angels Him adore,
And shout their loud hosannas evermore.

Angel of God Appear to Shepherds in the Field to Tell them Christ Is Born

On Judah’s plains as shepherds sat,
Watching their flocks by night,
The angel of the Lord appeared,
Clad in celestial light.

Awe struck the vision they regard,
Appalled with trembling fear;
When thus a cherub voice divine
Breathed sweetly on their ear.

“Shepherds of Judah! cease your fears,
And calm your troubled mind;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind.

“This day almighty Love fulfills
Its great eternal Word;
This day is born in Bethlehem
A Savior, Christ the Lord.

“There shall you find the heavenly Babe
In humblest weeds arrayed;
All meanly wrapped in swaddling clothes
And in a manger laid.”

He ceased, and sudden all around
Appeared a radiant throng
Of angels, praising God, and thus
Warbling their choral song.

“Glory to God, from Whom on high
All gracious mercies flow!
Who sends His Heav’n descended Peace
To dwell with man below.”

Oh Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining, it is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error shining, 'til he appeared and the soul felt his birth.
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.....
FALL ON YOUR KNEES... oh hear the angels calling..
OH NIGHT!!! OH NIGHT!!!! SO DEVINE....Oh Night so Devine...

Persian Poetry/Literature by Dr. Vaziri: [ سایه و بلور | بیائید او را پرستش کنیم | نگه کن به مرغان پروازگر | میاندوز گنجی که دزدان برند | پناه و توانائی ما خداست - مزمور ۴۶ | مسیحیت در ایران باستان: بخش یکم, بخش دوم | کتاب مقدّس و مثل های پارسی | نوروز را باید . . . |
Godly Love | Hafiz & Masih | I AM The Vine | Jesus on Cross | Christ Is Born! | NoRuz | The Word | Vatan | More Persian Poetry | شعر فارسی از دكتر بزرگمهر وزيری

Persian Christian Poetry ... | Christ - Liberating Love | Farsi Hymns | Holy Spirit | Mesiah Has Come | Miracle of Cross | The Word | Love | A Christian Wedding | Isa King & Saviour | Freedom!! ... آزادی

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Happy Easter, Jesus Is Risen, Eid Gheyam Mobarak to All Iranian Christians, happy Easter to all Iranians
Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory
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